What has Trump done to this country?

I don't think there is gonna be a debate, if there is, Donald will run from the stage with blood running out of his asshole after Joe rips him an oversized one. Next day he will say Joe was all hyped up on drugs like a crazy person, while he tells us not to believe what we saw, but a new reality.

I've seen Joe in action in the past, he's still got it in him, the stutter disappears when he gets pissed, Joe can rip a strip off someone like no one else can, he has a tongue like a razor if moved to use it. Most people become articulate when pissed, all the shyness disappears as they lay it on the line, Joe like most Americans has much to be pissed about. I figure Joe should piss Donald off so much he snowflakes out and storms off the stage in a rage. I also figure calling him a moron and saying he has a professionally assessed IQ 78 that he demonstrates daily, would be highly effective, if you want to piss off a pretentious moron, call him a moron. The fact he is a liar is well known and won't have much impact, but calling him a dummy and a loser will get the desired effect.

Once Joe drives Donald from the stage and humiliates him on the way out the door, he owns the venue and should immediately forget Donald and focus on the plan for recovery and the future. Donald is very reactive and if you know his triggers you can play him like a fish, he needs to get his ego through the moment and will do anything to do it, overwhelm him, shock and awe, make panic and retreat his mode of survival. Speak the outrage of the American people, be their voice of justice and accountability until he's gone from the venue, only Trump's hardcore base could be offended. Joe wouldn't lose an honest vote by speaking the simple truth to Donald's face and calling him what he is and what his own cabinet has called him, a moron, then proceed to prove it.

You are correct , trump would be more reactive to direct confrontation, siding with insults than substance. He currently has no platform still , no forward vision .... more empty promises , more schtick. Sadly , he really doesn’t have any real accomplishments - Did mexico finally pay ?

America is leading in what again ?! Asking for a friend. Misery and death is his calling card. The systematic raping of coffers and “ deals “. He is struggling to hold on to his “ get out of jail “ card .
His base is nothing more than war mongering idiots that couldn’t even grasp how much deceit and lying is happening right under their noses. They are indeed a waste of oxygen. Republican run government has always seem to flow with drama.

Just line up the inmate buses on Nov. 3rd , tell the fat orange retard there’s diet coke and “ cheeseberders “ in the back. Grab those horse toothed kids of his and shackle them up too. Pelosi once mentioned “ we may have to fumigate the white house “ after he leaves. She was spot on.
What a great vid .... all of you naysayers about creepy joe can eat a dick. Biden is cut from the cloth of decency, his caring nature for people is indisputable, would trump ever console anyone ither than someone he wants to stick his dick into ?

Fuck trump and his legacy ... bad father bad human.
GO JOE bongsmilie

Trump Niece Explains How RNC Is Designed To Mask Donald Trump's Character Flaws | MSNBC

Mary Trump, niece of Donald Trump, discusses the shortcomings in Donald Trump's character, like a lack of empathy for other humans, that the speeches at the Republican National Convention are designed to disguise.
If the fat tub of goo spent that much effort in covid as his Fireworks du Soleil Vegas / 4th of July / New Years ball drop we might be in a better spot. Opera singers and fluff . Bewildered looks as God bless America is sung . And assorted hits from an Old KTeL record if American hymns ....

“ Come one everybody ... let’s go “ to silent non singing crowds ... *crickets
( haha )

What will the GOP be without Trump?

The Republican National Convention was almost entirely built around President Donald Trump. Videos praised his accomplishments, speakers fawned over his leadership, and in unusual move, he planned to appear every night of the convention. This left many wondering --- what will happen to the party when Trump eventually leaves? In this latest YouTube video, Chris Cillizza breaks down the perilous position the GOP finds itself in, and where it’s headed next.
What will the GOP be without Trump?

The Republican National Convention was almost entirely built around President Donald Trump. Videos praised his accomplishments, speakers fawned over his leadership, and in unusual move, he planned to appear every night of the convention. This left many wondering --- what will happen to the party when Trump eventually leaves? In this latest YouTube video, Chris Cillizza breaks down the perilous position the GOP finds itself in, and where it’s headed next.

nothing..he doesn't plan on leaving and he's going to take us with him when he does..in his fury? scorched earth.

if he can't have it- no one will (he will make us suffer in some way).