What has Trump done to this country?

Forensic psychiatrist Bandy Lee, author of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, writes, “We are facing a democide of genocidal proportions, because we have handed power to someone who is anti-human in psychology. When criminality combines with mental pathology, this kind of large-scale violence becomes possible. This bottomless need to place his own psychic survival above any protection of the public should rather be a warning. This means he would be equally inclined to destroy the nation or the world—which he has the power to do—if he were to feel humiliated from the loss of an election, for example.”

he already told his base at recent rally that if he doesn't get re-elected 'we'll never hear from him again..'when someone like Donald Trump tells you something like that?, listen..i've been warning about using us as a shield against the the fallout..he has nothing to lose- if he can't have it no one will!

someone needs to act before it's too late.

Trump's ex-Russia adviser: US increasingly seen as 'object of pity'
But he's gonna git the brown folks and trigger the libs! Make America white again and make the brown folks "go away", the usual things that fuel fascism. Many Americans are under the impression they are dealing with misguided citizens and this is true to an extent, but they are also dealing with fanatical racist traitors and fascists, neither treason or fascism are American values and conflict with the ethos of the nation. They are citizens of a liberal democracy, but want a fascist dictatorship so the "white tribe" can cling to power, they gave up on democracy when the brown folks got some. They not only refuse to form a community with others, they actively seek to destroy the nation, they support Trump in his efforts to do just this. Rather than share the house, they want to burn it to the ground.

Glad I'm a Canadian Canuck, being an American now would take years off most people's lives', those who give a fuck for others and their country that is. 40% are ok with him calling military suckers and losers, the commander and chief, the guy who hasn't said a peep about bounties on their heads. They are ok with 200,000 dead too BTW, Donald can do no wrong, shoot someone on 5th avenue, shit he just murdered over a 100,000 Americans and is heading for a half a fucking million, they are ok with that too.

If I sound disgusted it's because I am.
tRUmp pushed hard for schools to open so his virus could do it's work. Grade school and college students are spreading it far and wide to fuel a huge wave of the virus that will just so happen to coincide with the election, and don't forget about his mask free rallies helping to spread it to.
tRUmp pushed hard for schools to open so his virus could do it's work. Grade school and college students are spreading it far and wide to fuel a huge wave of the virus that will just so happen to coincide with the election, and don't forget about his mask free rallies helping to spread it to.
And all the poor folks that are forced to clean up after their super spreading events.
tRUmp pushed hard for schools to open so his virus could do it's work. Grade school and college students are spreading it far and wide to fuel a huge wave of the virus that will just so happen to coincide with the election, and don't forget about his mask free rallies helping to spread it to.
Yep, he is trying to murder his way to power, I think it is gonna backfire on him and the republicans, remember yer dealing with a psychopathic moron, not Machiavelli. He is advised by clever assholes, but has not been following their advice since he is pigheaded as well as stupid. He and those around him like Barr are desperate men, it's life in prison for them and life or death for you.

A lot of people in government and in states are looking hard and weighing carefully, if Joe wins there will be consequences for government employees acting on Trump's illegal orders. This is also a federal election and election cheating or suppression will be federal crimes, that will make some election officials think twice. As for state houses over riding the vote for electors, many of the republicans in those state elections might be lame ducks themselves, this news will not help them at all. Trump and covid are gonna decimate the GOP on the state level too, many of them also committed mass murder on their citizens or supported it, that has got to have consequences.
tRUmp pushed hard for schools to open so his virus could do it's work. Grade school and college students are spreading it far and wide to fuel a huge wave of the virus that will just so happen to coincide with the election, and don't forget about his mask free rallies helping to spread it to.

with the knowledge that this is deadly.