What has Trump done to this country?

It sure looks like Ivanka lied under oath among other crimes. I don't think federal pardons of Trump's criminal associates will hold up in court when challenged, we'll see. Donald is gonna cause the SCOTUS to settle all the outstanding issues around pardons. Trump can't self pardon for a very practical reason, if say the conservative majority on the SCOTUS said he could self pardon, then that would be a license to commit murder. Joe could call in those conservative justices pull out a gun and shoot off the right ear of each one of them on national TV, then sign himself a pardon. He could then proceed to call them morons and tell them the next time they visit he will shoot them between the eyes. Next, Joe picks up the phone and makes Mitch an offer he can't refuse.

Aside from the language of the constitution that says a president may GRANT a pardon, you grant to someone else, there are practical matters. If Donald really thought he could pardon himself, he would have murdered plenty of people by now and would actually shoot justices who ruled against him, only it would be between the eyes. Joe would have been murdered long ago, along with any other threat or challenge to Donald.
D.C. Prosecutor Contradicts Ivanka On Inaugural Committee Overpayment To Trump Hotel | Rachel Maddow

Washington, D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine explains that contrary to the claims of Ivanka Trump, evidence in his lawsuit shows that Donald Trump's Presidential Inaugural Committee knowingly overpaid to use the Trump Hotel.
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Self-aggrandizement (money included) and self preservation are the two things that drive Donald. Self preservation has now dominated his mind and he will become more frantic and desperate as the clock winds down. When Donald is in self preservation mode, he will strike out at his tormentors, poison the well, smoke and mirrors, illegal orders, even nukes and war if he can. He would kill a hundred thousand troops as easily as he killed 300,000 American citizens and feel about as much regret, none at all. There is only one way out for Donald and that is a Pence blanket pardon covering the past 30 years (federal income tax crimes), but I think that is off the table. If Pence won't pardon him, I expect he will attack Pence before it is over and turn his base of fanatics on him. If he didn't talk to Pence about cutting a "deal" yet, he will.
Trump’s ‘Mind Is On Fire With The Reality’ That He Will No Longer Have The Presidential Safety-Net

Senior columnist at Bloomberg Opinion Tim O’Brien analyzes how the president continues to react to his election loss and his deep fears about his legal jeopardy once he leaves office.
Keep bitch slapping them with reality, if nothing else, make it enjoyable, no need to be frustrated with idiots. None can defend Trump, they can only bullshit themselves and others, most are all blinded to the true nature of reality, their perceptions filtered by their cognitively unchecked biases. Look how much of the picture they are missing and it's been placed squarely in front of their eyes. They actively avoid the truth and the sources of it, claiming biases where none exist, Trump's treatment was dependent on his words and deeds. His words were malicious and false and his actions were stupid and evil, normal people react negatively to antisocial personalities and for good reason.

Donald has been professionally assessed by many experts and judged a sociopath, to ordinary educated people who are objective, it is blatantly obvious he is unfit to lead a pack of dogs, much less be part of any social group composed of normal people. It is also blatantly obvious he knows nothing and has difficulty processing information, he is also obviously a moron and that is based on his decisions and the process he uses to arrive at them. He depends on his gut because his brain does not work, he is incapable of planning or sticking to a plan that someone gave him.
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The Trump monster is going to get them! Donald's enemies list is growing rapidly, Trump and sedition or the constitution and country, the choice is simple and stark, it's too late for them, they must die. They just need a few hundred death threats while other republicans attack them to bring them around. What if all of them told him to go fuck himself as a block and called on others to support them, go after them with hammer and tongs, cross the floor and sit with the democrats until they repudiate Trump and work against them in Georgia, don't just make a stand, go nuts on them, Mitch included, be very unreasonable about it too. Organize and unite, hang together or hang separately, courage is not a half measure, you gotta put it all on the line with Donald and yeah, they gotta say, fuck the base, at least to themselves. Somewhere along the line someone will stand up and it will all come crashing down.

Go in front of the camera look Donald in the eye and say, "we'll be here after February Donald (call him that too, no Mr. President), but you will be in jail awaiting your trial as individual #1 and once your gone the only way out for you will be in a body bag. We'll be here to help send you to prison and make sure you stay in a cage. Next news conference tomorrow where we demand Trump be charged with sedition once he's stain is removed from this nation". No half measures with Donald, you gotta be all in and go all out, deal with the fall out in 2 years, after Donald has had a dozen convictions and is on trial for still more crimes. I doubt they have it in them though, they are republicans and by definition have no character to speak of, when you don't stand for anything, then anything can knock you down, even an idiot like Trump.
Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner | TheHill

Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner

Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner
BY JORDAN WILLIAMS - 12/05/20 02:02 PM EST 3,655

President Trump on Saturday demanded to know who the congressional Republicans were who acknowledged President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election.

The president was referring to a survey from The Washington Post that found that only 25 Congressional Republicans acknowledged Biden’s victory.

"25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!" Trump tweeted on Saturday, referring to "Republicans in name only."

The Post has since updated the number to indicate that 26 Republicans acknowledge Biden as the winner. Of those lawmakers, 12 of the 52 GOP senators acknowledged Biden’s win, and 14 House Republicans said the same.

Biden was projected to win the presidential contest nearly one month ago, but Trump has refused to concede the election. Thus far, he has given no indication that he will concede.

The president continues to promote claims, without evidence, that the election was rife with voter fraud. However, Trump is growing isolated in his claims, and he has targeted Republicans who break from him.

For example, he lashed out at Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) after he certified the state’s election results. And Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) was among the first Republicans to call Biden “president-elect,” prompting Trump to urge a primary challenge to the governor in 2022.

The Post asked all 249 GOP members of Congress three questions: Who won the election, do you support President Trump’s efforts to claim victory and will you accept Biden as the “legitimately elected president” if he wins a majority in the Electoral College?

Thirty-one Republicans said that they would accept him as the “legitimate winner,” one more than the 30 previously reported. Nine of the lawmakers said they opposed Trump’s continuing efforts to claim victory, while eight supported those efforts.

More than 70 percent of the lawmakers did not answer the Post’s questions.

The newspaper said it will update its survey as lawmakers clarify their positions or make additional comments.
Keep bitch slapping them with reality, if nothing else, make it enjoyable, no need to be frustrated with idiots.
Nah, for decades now it seems I've been bitch slapping/thumping/screaming at the ceilings #pleasehelpmelord to no avail.
I'm finished shouting at the Moon.
This country is a fucked up mess, due to it's own inane stupidity.
We have /never had equality or a true moral compass.
This Nation was founded on Greed & Avaricious, nothing more & nothing less.
Humanity never, ever, entered the picture.
There maybe was a tiny noble thought in the beginning, like that line of pure shite that all men are created equal, by some imaginary God. but that was a lie then in 1776 & still is a lie today.
I'm not in a good fucking mood right now, as some can ascertain, because I'm trying to arrange what could be conceivably the last family Christmas with my wife's 94 year old mother who lives in a Red zone, as we do also.
Fuck it.
Yea, I'll wear a mask while I cook, but this Christmas dinner is going to be the best one that that witch of a mother-in-law ever had :)
That I will accomplish :)
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Nah, for decades now it seems I've been bitch slapping/thumping/screaming at the ceilings #pleasehelpmelord to no avail.
I'm finished shouting at the Moon.
This country is a fucked up mess, due to it's own inane stupidity.
We have /never had equality or a true moral compass.
This Nation was founded on Greed & Avaricious, nothing more & nothing less.
Humanity never, ever, entered the picture.
There maybe was a tiny noble thought in the beginning, like that line of pure shite that all men are created equal, by some imaginary God. but that was a lie then in 1776 & still is a lie today.
I'm not in a good fucking mood right now, as some can ascertain, because I'm trying arrange what could be conceivably the last family Christmas with my wife's 94 year old mother who lives in a Red zone, as we do also.
Fuck it.
Yea, I'll wear a mask while I cook, but this Christmas dinner is going to be the best one that that witch of a mother-in-law ever had :)
That I will accomplish :)
Yep. Take a moment and watch this.

May yet be hope. JK.

Helping you make it to xmas.

Peace always.

Nah, for decades now it seems I've been bitch slapping/thumping/screaming at the ceilings #pleasehelpmelord to no avail.
I'm finished shouting at the Moon.
This country is a fucked up mess, due to it's own inane stupidity.
We have /never had equality or a true moral compass.
This Nation was founded on Greed & Avaricious, nothing more & nothing less.
Humanity never, ever, entered the picture.
There maybe was a tiny noble thought in the beginning, like that line of pure shite that all men are created equal, by some imaginary God. but that was a lie then in 1776 & still is a lie today.
I'm not in a good fucking mood right now, as some can ascertain, because I'm trying arrange what could be conceivably the last family Christmas with my wife's 94 year old mother who lives in a Red zone, as we do also.
Fuck it.
Yea, I'll wear a mask while I cook, but this Christmas dinner is going to be the best one that that witch of a mother-in-law ever had :)
That I will accomplish :)
Just stay safe, the worst is yet to come, that will be Donald's last Christmas present to America, mass death. He did such a wonderful job they are willing to make death threats and murder people so he can finish off America. The nice people folks are related to are supporting this bullshit and want more death incompetence, cruelty, treason and sedition. The poor little snowflakes won't accept reality, they are worse than Trump himself, at least he knows it's all bullshit. Seriously, how are any of the people who voted for Trump any better than he is, once ya get past the smile and have a real close look into them.

Some I'm sure will evolve, but they will have to crawl back to reality on their hands and knees through their own vomit before they can stand up and look a man like you in the eye with any honor at all. They are not your peers or the peer of any patriot, they are shit under your shoe and no different than Trump himself, birds of a feather stick together.
Nah, for decades now it seems I've been bitch slapping/thumping/screaming at the ceilings #pleasehelpmelord to no avail.
I'm finished shouting at the Moon.
This country is a fucked up mess, due to it's own inane stupidity.
We have /never had equality or a true moral compass.
This Nation was founded on Greed & Avaricious, nothing more & nothing less.
Humanity never, ever, entered the picture.
There maybe was a tiny noble thought in the beginning, like that line of pure shite that all men are created equal, by some imaginary God. but that was a lie then in 1776 & still is a lie today.
I'm not in a good fucking mood right now, as some can ascertain, because I'm trying to arrange what could be conceivably the last family Christmas with my wife's 94 year old mother who lives in a Red zone, as we do also.
Fuck it.
Yea, I'll wear a mask while I cook, but this Christmas dinner is going to be the best one that that witch of a mother-in-law ever had :)
That I will accomplish :)
It doesn't matter what they are, they will be what they are, shameful creatures, hypocrisy is the least of their sins. It's what you are that counts and you are a good man, though you're are disheartened, you know and everybody who knows you, knows that you are a good man with a good heart, a patriot, someone who cares for something more and larger than himself. You also know you are more than the mere sum of lust, greed, fear and hate. Compassion leads to wisdom, these people who support Trump are not wise, you are.

Plato said: The unexamined life is not worth living, you have examined yours, they have not even glanced at theirs.
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Judge Jeanine Calls Attorney General Bill Barr a Reptile ....

Hours after President Trump plugged Jeanine Pirro’s show at a campaign rally on Saturday night, the Fox News host unleashed a rage attack on Attorney General Bill Barr, who has sparked the ire of Trumpworld by coming out against Trump’s “rigged” election claims.

Opening her show by noting that Barr had announced this week that he had not seen any large-scale fraud that could have affected the outcome of the Nov. 3 election, Pirro appeared to hulk out while taking aim at the attorney general.

“Really? It’s curious Barr, the head of the DOJ, would affirmatively make a statement regarding a pending investigation. As a former prosecutor for over three decades, I and virtually everyone similarly situated, know that DOJ guidelines do not allow comment on investigations,” she said.

“We need answers. We need action. We need justice. And you Mr. Barr are so deep in the swamp, you can’t see beyond your fellow reptiles,” she seethed, after declaring that Barr had “proven himself to be anything other than extraordinary.”

While Pirro appeared to be largely echoing Trump’s own complaints against Barr, it wasn’t immediately clear if she perhaps thought her own “over three decades” as a prosecutor might compel Barr to change his tune on Trump’s election claims.

Wow ... How many god damn times I said there be reptilians.... ?? .... Dirty fucking lizard bastards !
* Rolls Angry Blunt :joint::mad:
