What has Trump done to this country?

Those who believed the absurdities of Trump committed atrocities against their country and their fellow citizens. How else could you describe what happened to toddlers and other children maliciously torn from parents and caged alone on the southern border, deliberately separated and lost from their families, than as an atrocity? Shall we call it a crime against humanity? Trump supports don't care about that or treason or mass murder, many even die of covid with Trump's lies on there last breath. Their own hate and fear killed their hearts before covid killed them, the same hate and fear that cause them to fuck themselves by voting against their own and family's interest.

Yeah they were radicalized, but that was built on a solid foundation that was well established. Are death camps and crematoriums that far out of reach, they are doing all this shit so they can torment an opposed minority who did them no real wrong, for mere shits and giggles, that's what's really going on in America. If these brown people are a "problem" and the cause of all America's issues, then the solution will eventually be a final one. MAGA really means Make America White Again, it never was, black people were part of America since before its founding and fought in the war of independence as free men.

If someone can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities.
Gawd is punishing Crischens for supporting the anti-cryst, Drumpf. This is a sign.

Hopefully not that the bell in that church that has been rung at every inauguration in American history.
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NEW YORK (AP) — A historic church in lower Manhattan that houses New York’s Liberty Bell and whose congregation dates to the city’s earliest days was gutted by a massive fire early Saturday that sent flames shooting through the roof.

The Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village burned before dawn after a fire spread from a five-story vacant building adjacent to the church around 5 a.m. Flames shot from the roof and the church’s stately front window glowed from the conflagration inside.

“We are devastated. We are gutted like our building is gutted; our hearts are crushed like our doors are crushed,” said the Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis. “But we know how to be the church, and we know that God is God, yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

The fire department said in an Instagram post that there were four minor injuries to firefighters and that marshals were investigating the blaze.

Built in 1892, the church is home to the oldest congregation of the Collegiate Churches of New York, which date to the Dutch settlement of the island in the 1620s, according to the church’s website.

The Middle Collegiate Church had been in two other locations in Manhattan since 1729.

The bell tower houses New York’s Liberty Bell, which pealed to mark the birth of the nation in 1776 and has since been rung for the inaugurations and deaths of American presidents and events such as remembrance of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the church.

Lewis believed the bell survived the fire but was not certain. Church minister Amanda Ashcraft told WABC that the Tiffany stained glass windows were gone.

Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the fire was “heartbreaking” and pledged: “We’ll do whatever we can to help Middle Collegiate rebuild.”

The fate of the church building is unclear, Lewis said, but the ministry will continue.

“Our church has been worshipping digitally since March 15,” Lewis said. “And that’s what we’ll be doing tomorrow.”
Hopefully not that the bell in that church that has been rung at every inauguration in American history.
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NEW YORK (AP) — A historic church in lower Manhattan that houses New York’s Liberty Bell and whose congregation dates to the city’s earliest days was gutted by a massive fire early Saturday that sent flames shooting through the roof.

The Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village burned before dawn after a fire spread from a five-story vacant building adjacent to the church around 5 a.m. Flames shot from the roof and the church’s stately front window glowed from the conflagration inside.

“We are devastated. We are gutted like our building is gutted; our hearts are crushed like our doors are crushed,” said the Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis. “But we know how to be the church, and we know that God is God, yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

The fire department said in an Instagram post that there were four minor injuries to firefighters and that marshals were investigating the blaze.

Built in 1892, the church is home to the oldest congregation of the Collegiate Churches of New York, which date to the Dutch settlement of the island in the 1620s, according to the church’s website.

The Middle Collegiate Church had been in two other locations in Manhattan since 1729.

The bell tower houses New York’s Liberty Bell, which pealed to mark the birth of the nation in 1776 and has since been rung for the inaugurations and deaths of American presidents and events such as remembrance of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the church.

Lewis believed the bell survived the fire but was not certain. Church minister Amanda Ashcraft told WABC that the Tiffany stained glass windows were gone.

Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the fire was “heartbreaking” and pledged: “We’ll do whatever we can to help Middle Collegiate rebuild.”

The fate of the church building is unclear, Lewis said, but the ministry will continue.

“Our church has been worshipping digitally since March 15,” Lewis said. “And that’s what we’ll be doing tomorrow.”
Damn you Antifa.
His crazies actually think he is honest.
They must be taught the errors of their ways or be just rolled over by by the tide of history and change.

Maybe Jeff Bezos should just buy rural America and move these folks to cities, he should be rich enough to start scooping up farms and rural properties. Change the demographics of a few states by making economic conditions so bad for the residents they will be forced to move out of the state. Just buy their local republican politicians to sell them out and move branches of your business to the states along with your own big city employees. After a few years of sustained assaults on their economies enough of the yokels will be forced out to control a half dozen sparsely populated states. If someone like Bezos decided to do this they could pull it off, that's the point, not if one of these greed driven assholes would, they could, if they wished.
Guess Rudy the Gollum won’t be visiting too many courts , briefings and hotel rooms from now on ....
Crazy bitch carone and pseudo lawyer ellis jumped on Rona exposure train too.

Rudy’s Corona kiss list probably runs long with those that have orbited his lunatic ass.

Merry fucking Christmas !

My daughter used to work in hospice. Now they have a covid ward. Northern ky. She's had it. Rn's are quitting left and right.
Everybody has a limit and many have reached and even exceeded it, going above and beyond the call of duty. Treat your troops like shit and they won't enlist or fight for you. It is hard for many who are driven by compassion to walk away from those you care for. These cocksuckers depend on people with good hearts and abuse them mercilessly, nurses cannot strike and leave wards of people to die, it's not in the cards, unless the situation is dire indeed, most just quit in exhaustion and most live with guilt because of it. The cocksuckers who did this to them and their patients don't care and won't, they will throw them under the bus with glee when this shit is over. The will rewrite history and say it never even happened and there were no villains and no heroes either, it was fake news and a hoax.
Goodbye desk .....
Goodbye beautiful phone ....

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Maybe he'll burn the White House to the ground on New Years eve, Mitch won't say a word until after Jan 5th, republican senators will walk away from camera's saying the never read about it and can't comment. Don't prosecute him for it though, the base will be upset and might cause trouble, so just forget it, it would just divide the country... You can build another white house and can live without all the historic artifacts and art treasures accumulated through out American history. Compared to the glory of Trump they are nothing, even the stuff he stole from the place he can keep, he was and will always be above the law. When you've got 75 million suckers and losers at your back you can do anything you want and get away with it, you are not just God like, you are the "chosen one". Besides it would be so "unfair" to hold him to account, he is responsible for nothing after all, find some sucker to blame, you don't need the trouble.

Just forget about it and move on, get over it.
I honestly don't know how hes managed to stay in office all this time.
Republicans support and protect him, his usefulness is almost over, after Jan5th they will turn on him, but not too loudly, until then, he can do anything he wants, including burning the WH to the ground and leaving a pile of ashes, he is the president and is above the law. According to republicans he can even self pardon himself, if he could, he should have shot Joe and Kamala and wrote himself a license to kill, not even Donald believes he can pardon himself, if he did, he would have personally murdered anybody who pissed him off and it would be a long list.

Soon he will be gone and soon after that indicted as individual #1, it's signed sealed and waiting in the DA's safe in the SDNY. As soon as he appears in front of a judge for a plea, he will be slapped with a gag order, a week later he will be jailed for violating it, he won't want the trial delayed too much, the SCOTUS could take months to hear his self pardon case and Donald will be waiting in a NY city jail, no bail for violating the conditions of bail that the gag order was part of. It will be so "unfair", the trial is a slam dunk documents based case and won't take long at all, he can appeal from the inside like everybody else. There will be more charges pending, many more, but this will jail him and tie him down while those things are arranged.
Some how he will get away with it. Don't ask me how but this is America you can make just about anything happen with enough cash.