What has Trump done to this country?

Some how he will get away with it. Don't ask me how but this is America you can make just about anything happen with enough cash.
He has no cash and he has no friends, he does have lot's of enemies though and even more victims. There is a first time for everything and Donald broke a lot of new ground in government, he was unprecedented and will be when he hits the jailhouse. He will try to break new ground there too, but concrete is hard and they know how to deal with assholes like him, they do it everyday of the week. Donald will be in his true home, the big house, he should have been there a lifetime ago for a lifetime sentence, but money, lawyers, a full time cleanup crew and dumb luck saved his ass. His luck is about to run out and he knows it, only Jesus, or a king for a day Pence pardon can save him. It's not in the cards, if it were, he wouldn't self pardon, or be so desperate and freaking out. Sure he's running a final con on the base with election bullshit, he can't help but fleece the 75 million suckers and losers who voted for him, over $200 million so far.

If Pence was gonna pardon him, he'd tell him to be a good boy, STFU and not fuck the country, cause him trouble and make it harder to pardon him. Having Donald on the loose is the last thing the republicans want, Pence and them want their freedom from the slavery and ownership of a mad man. If Trump is not in prison and muzzled, nobody will ride his wild elephant and he will completely destroy the republican party and them too. Donald fucks anything he has control over, he only had partial control over America and it ended up like his businesses. He didn't even want to win the presidency, it was suppose to be a marketing scam with a close loss, he fucked up there too and he will end up destroying himself and his family over it.
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Guess Rudy the Gollum won’t be visiting too many courts , briefings and hotel rooms from now on ....
Crazy bitch carone and pseudo lawyer ellis jumped on Rona exposure train too.

Rudy’s Corona kiss list probably runs long with those that have orbited his lunatic ass.

Merry fucking Christmas !

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His only claim to fame was being NYC's Mayor on 9/11 & marrying his cousin (fucking fact)
But now he will go down in history as a farting/hair dye driping Madman.
Good job Rudy, you worthless POS :)
This should be his new anthem :)

In another 40 days or so the comedy part of this national tragicomedy will begin, after Joe is sworn in. We should have a pool to see how many days it takes the SDNY to indict him. Another one for how long he lasts before going to jail for breaking his pretrial gag order as a condition of bail and still another for his sentencing as individual #1.

Looks like NYC will clean up after itself, on this one James, Rikers island is still open, so Donald should be back home waiting in jail for the SCOTUS to rule on his pardon. Donald will plea, then break his bail condition by running off at the mouth when the media shits on him. He will want a speedy trial and might even wave his Pardon after a couple weeks in Riker's. They should put a big WELCOME HOME DONALD banner over the door and even put up those gold letters they ripped off his buildings on the side of the place. :lol:

Yep, Donald was the worm in the big apple.
This should be his new anthem :)

See my new Trump's pardons thread, yer lawyer is posting videos on pardons and will cover the subject in depth. Glenn is a retired federal prosecutor and makes the case, I consider him to be an expert in such matters. He also has a lot of movers and shakers in the legal community who watch his videos as kinda nerd entertainment. Pardons are gonna be tested in the new year, nobody had to before, they will now, all aspects of it will be settled.
His only claim to fame was being NYC's Mayor on 9/11 & marrying his cousin (fucking fact)
But now he will go down in history as a farting/hair dye driping Madman.
Good job Rudy, you worthless POS :)
Donald's problem is they don't give a fuck about what his base thinks in NYC, they can't even parade around the front of the courthouse armed to the teeth, the police would shoot anybody down walking the streets with an AR-15. Fuck, the cops will put 50 rounds into you for reaching for your wallet, so they better leave the guns at home cause there is no open carry in NYC.

For the stormy crimes Donald would normally go to a club fed minimum security prison like Cohen. However, the judge and jury will receive hundreds of terrorist death threats and Donald has a large following of heavily armed fanatical terrorist supporters. So I'm afraid it will be a maximum security facility, unless they want the minimum security prison to be assaulted by a heavily armed terrorist "militia" trying to bust Donald out. These people are not the brightest stars in the sky and have had their chains jerked so hard they've completely lost their heads.
The guy says the aliens signed a contract. Aliens.......................................signing a contract :razz::eyesmoke:

I love the show Ancient Aliens and have a very open mind, but I'm cracking up thinking about aliens signing contracts with humans. If I were the alien leader I'd be like......................"bitch, we don't sign contracts. We flew 800 trillion miles to get here and study your monkey asses. So put the paper and pen away before you get bitch slapped." :blsmoke:
The guy says the aliens signed a contract. Aliens.......................................signing a contract :razz::eyesmoke:

I love the show Ancient Aliens and have a very open mind, but I'm cracking up thinking about aliens signing contracts with humans. If I were the alien leader I'd be like......................"bitch, we don't sign contracts. We flew 800 trillion miles to get here and study your monkey asses. So put the paper and pen away before you get bitch slapped." :blsmoke:
If Donald knew anything at all about it he would be blathering to the media about it and giving tours of flying saucers at area 51. Even aliens know Donald won't honor a contract and wouldn't be stupid enough to make an agreement with him, it takes humans to be that fucking stupid.
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& Mitch McConnell, the de facto head of the GOP is holding up funding?
And that prick was just re-elected?
What the fuck?
This country faces an IMMINENT economic collapse, like in less than a month when Federal subsidies to unemployment run out & the CARE Act expires.
Jesus fucking Christ.
What have we done to ourselves?
75 million moral failures fucked you, themselves and the country, Trump was the ugly face, McConnell the black hearted bastard at the center of it. He learned that he could not only fuck them, because they were too stupid, ignorant and bigoted to care, he could starve and murder them too and the dumb cunts still voted for the republicans! Mitch made a major discovery, this last election was a real eye opener for them too, not even they thought the stupid sonsofbitches were that dumb, it must have been a pleasant surprise in deed. How many of those millions who are starving and about to be evicted from their homes voted for Trump and the republicans, half of them?

James I've been sitting more, a lot more and tonight watching the American news I realized how deeply pissed off it made me, I could see the outrage distorting my mind and I was having evil thoughts. Most of the time here I'm joking and trying to lift the spirits of American patriots like yourself, but I can feel your despair deeply, I sometimes experience it too, like tonight. I stay with the moment, though this feeling lingered longer than it should have, that's ok, because it deserves it's place, I'll move on, I always do. The tragedy and stupidity is staggering, I might have to back off American news for a spell, since as a Canadian I have that luxury, I can take and get a break from the insanity that splashes across the TV screen daily. I don't often look away from this kind of shit, needless trauma sure, but not the big picture of suffering and the evil stupidity that fosters it.

I'd go flying tomorrow and loose my self in the concentration required, but it's gonna rain/snow, so perhaps something else constructive. They say you should never watch the news before meditating and I know why! It's a fascinating drama though, even if it's a tragedy, its causes and solutions are important, not just for America, but for the world moving forward. Keep the faith.
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How fitting. Right next to Lincoln. The man who almost did as much as trump for African Americans.
I'm trying to cut back a bit on American news, looked at the TV for a minute or two and saw miles long bread lines in the richest country in the world and tens of millions about to be kicked out into the streets for Christmas. On the crawler across the screen, I saw that Trump fucked up on the Pfizer vaccine and refused additional does in August and now is attempting to seize vaccine made in Europe (dunno how) by executive order, America first, he should have done that in August. It's meaningless he's gone in 43 days and it won't be long before he is indicted and jailed. He better be indicted federally as individual #1 or people will want to know why he is above the law, for even a single day, after is is removed from office. Someone is gonna want a second by second account of any delay.