What has Trump done to this country?

Only good.
170,000 dead Americans say otherwise, as will tens of millions of living voters, Trump is fucked and apparently so are you, when it comes to being a decent human being. To not know right from wrong or not to care, is a burden to bear much like intellectual retardation, it blinds you to the larger reality. To support a moron with a repeatedly demonstrated IQ of 78 for POTUS means you gotta be even dumber than Donald.
Eric is an imbecile like his dad, if he ends up on the stand they are all fucked! He would be defenseless in the face of a competent prosecutor, easy meat who could bring them all down. Forrest Gump was a "jenius" when compared to Eric, Eric is so slack jawed he nearly drools and is evidence that Donald should have been castrated many years ago as purely a practical matter.

No wonder the base identifies with these stupid cocksuckers, they are alike in many ways, none of them good.
Eric Trump Takes 5th In New York Probe Into Trump Org. Finances | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Eric Trump is now “refusing to appear” for an interview as part of a New York investigation of President Trump and the Trump Organization’s finances. The New York AG now asking a judge to order the Trump Organization VP to provide testimony under oath. MSNBC Analyst Neal Katyal joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to break down what this means for the Trump family. Katyal arguing, “it’s a pattern with these Trumps. They’re always afraid to face the music.”
Surprising that SWAT not setting up a barrett M95 on some roof and cherry picking those MAGA maniacs . I would.

Just sayin.