What has Trump done to this country?

Olbermann vs. Trump #33: Trump Lawyer Wants Chris Krebs Executed. The Death Threat As A Trump Tactic

First it was Steve Bannon, live on a feed insisting Dr. Anthony Fauci's head should be cut off and placed on a pike outside the White House for disagreeing with Trump. Now, it's Trump attorney (and veteran ambulance chaser and cable news gasbag) Joe diGenova, on NewsMax suggesting executing and drawing-and-quartering the former Homeland Security Voting chief Chris Krebs - for contradicting Trump.

The death threat usually isn't so foolishly on the record (Bannon and diGenova can both be charged with crimes) and it isn't exclusively a right wing tactic. But just as it was under George W. Bush, it is a prominent feature of the cult that the combination of a right-wing president and criticism of him can create.

I know. My life has now been threatened by admirers of the last two Republican presidents. I'll take you inside the reality of the death threat - the reality that Fauci and now Krebs and so many of us in the media face on an all-too-regular basis.
Barr’s DOJ filed a motion demanding an “immediate” dismissal of Flynn’s case based on Trump’s (likely corrupt) pardon. Chief Judge Howell promptly releases legal documents (OVER BARR’S OBJECTION) disclosing a long-term bribery-for-pardon investigation. Coincidence?
Some expert legal opinion
Trump Pardons Flynn, Barr Moves for Dismissal of Flynn's Case. Ball is Now in Judge Sullivan's Court

We are knee-deep in pardon news: Judge Beryl Howell unseals information about a bribery-for-presidential-pardons scheme; Sean Hannity counsels Trump to pardon himself and his family members; and Trump pardon's Mike Flynn. Now, Bill Barr's DOJ has filed a motion telling Judge Sullivan he must "immediately" dismiss Flynn's criminal case and demanding that Judge Sullivan hold no hearing. With the ball now in Judge Sullivan's court, here are some suggestions about what Judge Sullivan might do in the pursuit of justice. Because Justice Matters.
"Free Speech for People" Files Motion with Judge Sullivan to Challenge Pardon/Flynn Case Dismissal

The nonprofit, government accountability advocacy organization "Free Speech for People" has filed a motion with Judge Emmet Sullivan who is presiding over Mike Flynn's criminal case. After Trump pardoned Flynn, Attorney General Bill Barr's Department of Justice filed a motion telling Judge Sullivan that he must "immediately" dismiss Flynn's case and saying that he may not hold a hearing.

Free Speech for People seeks permission from Judge Sullivan to file an amicus (friend of the court) brief arguing that Trump's pardon of Flynn is unconstitutional, and arguing that the prosecutors will not argue that point because they are in league in defendant Flynn.

As a federal prosecutor in Washington D.C., I appeared before Judge Sullivan. He is a fiercely independent justice of unimpeachable honor and ethics, and has always been dedicated to the integrity of the criminals justice system and the federal judiciary. Here is what may happen next in the Flynn case.