What is the best decision you ever made and why?

the reason i say the best decision i made was joining the service, is in hind site, the marines gave me the core principles to live by, they took a wayward youth and squared him away.
as for the worst decision its in hind site too.
i came back home for a old girl friend, and at this, time pot wasn't important to me, i didn't even use it at the time, i started after i retired at age 50. but.....in those years of being home, i made roots, family you know. and now i have to be a criminal to grow a weed for personal use. i should have headed to the piney north west. anyways you thinking how that chick work out for you....well, we made 2 kids together have 2 grand boys and still married.
inland empire riverside and san bernardino counties
Because I lived my entire 30 years in California less than 5 miles from the beach.

I attended the last (full track) race at Riverside raceway.

My Mom dragged us kids to the Firecracker 200 at Ontario Motor Speedway when I was a kid.

I got stuck in Victorville one time on my way back from Las Vegas.

I think that is about it..... I went out with a girl from Cucamonga once does that count???
the reason i say the best decision i made was joining the service, is in hind site, the marines gave me the core principles to live by, they took a wayward youth and squared him away.
as for the worst decision its in hind site too.
i came back home for a old girl friend, and at this, time pot wasn't important to me, i didn't even use it at the time, i started after i retired at age 50. but.....in those years of being home, i made roots, family you know. and now i have to be a criminal to grow a weed for personal use. i should have headed to the piney north west. anyways you thinking how that chick work out for you....well, we made 2 kids together have 2 grand boys and still married.

By that do you mean that you learned to:

Locate and destroy the enemy with fire and maneuver, and to repel the enemies assault with fire and close combat??
Because I lived my entire 30 years in California less than 5 miles from the beach.

I attended the last (full track) race at Riverside raceway.

My Mom dragged us kids to the Firecracker 200 at Ontario Motor Speedway when I was a kid.

I got stuck in Victorville one time on my way back from Las Vegas.

I think that is about it..... I went out with a girl from Cucamonga once does that count???
i lived by victimville