What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's how it was with me. My parents used to try and force me to eat it and finally they just gave up. Stopped eating it completely when I was five and haven't eaten it since. It's crazy how much shit I get from people for being a vegetarian. It's not like I question someone's choice to eat meat, but I can't tell you how many times someone has done that to me for NOT eating meat. haha. Nice to hear there's some fellow vegetarians in the worlddddddddd.
Now, I heard that wid my bad ear! I get alot of shit about not eating meat, hubby picks a little (says that 'vegetarian' is native american for 'bad hunter' kind of thing) and I pick on him ('would you like your dead corpse fried or roasted?') but some people get really outta joint when I talk about being vegan. But, what can you do? I even got accused on a political thread of being a lesbian cuz I didn't eat meat. Dumbasses.


Well-Known Member
Now, I heard that wid my bad ear! I get alot of shit about not eating meat, hubby picks a little (says that 'vegetarian' is native american for 'bad hunter' kind of thing) and I pick on him ('would you like your dead corpse fried or roasted?') but some people get really outta joint when I talk about being vegan. But, what can you do? I even got accused on a political thread of being a lesbian cuz I didn't eat meat. Dumbasses.

What the hell? That's redankulous. haha


Well-Known Member
Now, I heard that wid my bad ear! I get alot of shit about not eating meat, hubby picks a little (says that 'vegetarian' is native american for 'bad hunter' kind of thing) and I pick on him ('would you like your dead corpse fried or roasted?') but some people get really outta joint when I talk about being vegan. But, what can you do? I even got accused on a political thread of being a lesbian cuz I didn't eat meat. Dumbasses.
What's even funnier and sadder at the same time was when I was living in SoCal and a Buddhist monastery was built within a half mile of our home. Now, this is in the hills of Hacienda Heights, where there are wild animals (always have been wild animals in them thar hills). People's dogs and cats have always gone missing, they're often tasty coyote food. But! When the monastery went up people started accusing the Buddhist monks of stealing and eating their dogs and cats.
I said, "I think they're strict vegetarians you guys. Couldn't it have been a coyote or hawk or owl or some such??"
They said, "No! Haven't you seen them shaving their heads and walking around in their saffron robes?"
"Yeah. So? What the hell does that have to do with you not watching your pets closely enough? What was happening to the small pets before they showed up, anyway?"
Yep, I do know of him.

He was very influential in relieving the church of it's tyranny over the common man.

But, as a gnostic, to me personally he still got the message wrong.
He prolly wuddn't care much for my interpretation either. Heretic used to be a label that got you roasted, and your family, and your land, property and all your 'stuff' confiscated to the church. But heresy was such a loose term, tho it originated with the eridacation of my kind, starting with the Cathars.

Sorry, tend to ramble on about this shit..........
How so?

His main message was that all religions have common themes, and one main common theme, that being how to live "well", how to get along with others, have love and caring in your life and return it not just to those in your family but those around you. Through all his writings I've found that he endeavors to find the common thread among us all, and I think he did a fantastic job of it. He also spoke quite eloquently on the utility of religion in human society, something most people refuse to even consider, all the while complaining about how "our society" has gone down the tubes.

He was a devout Catholic, and while at first that was difficult for me to understand, I finally wrapped my head around the idea of it. The common theme thing, though, is easily grasped if you're familiar with Jung and the concept of the collective unconscious.


Well-Known Member
I'm not atheist, nor am I agnostic, call it a rationalist belief that things do happen for a reason. :D


Well-Known Member
Ah, but you can't seduce donkeys that way..... (Shrek reference.)

Yeah, ya gotta pick the knights out every once in awhile. Helmets in the molars are such a drag.....
:shock: That just made me remember a dream I had early this morning that I lost a crown and there was a hole in my jaw.



Well-Known Member
Please don't take this in a wrong way, Seamaiden, but gnostics are really opposed to the idea that God is the Jewish creator god of the old testament. We refer to that being (which in other cultures is still a creator-of-the-material-world-god) as the demiurge, and is the s. a. tan that Christ spoke of. This being is not in charge of the world, rite now, the God of the Forces, Sabboath, is, the demiurge was cast into chains.
Our 'God' is the Father Christ spoke of (note the difference Christ made in speaking of YWHW or Jehovah, and then he refered to 'My Father' it was because (to us, now) it is two different beings. This is because certain, (but important to understanding of the whole) books were left outta the original scriptures.
Our 'God' has no names, but Neo-Valentians refer to the 'Father.' But this is incorrect to think of as some divine man with the flowing beard and the throne and cloud thing, that is Sabboath, except in the creation story of Genesis and it is called Yaltaboath, or the demiurge. Our 'Father' is moer like a Light, and it is all giving. Sabboath balances the Forces, but the Light only gives light. This is the Father Christ spoke of, and in the Gospel of Phillip there is a passage (my most favorite of all the words of Christ)
The kingdom of the Father is inside you, and all around you. That means we carry a spark of the Light, the 'Father of the All' within every living thing (to us a mainstream religious term the 'Holy Spirit' but we (gnostics) refer to as the Epinoia. The aim is to become one with the True God, and to absorb and be aborbed back into the True God, the Light, when someone gains gnosis, which while directly translated from Greek means 'knowledge', to be more specific when we speak of it, it is 'knowledge of God.' To KNOW God, to touch it, to experience the reality of the Light, not just read about in books by people long passed, and pray to things we have doubts of the very existance of. Kinda like a tree. You KNOW it exists, you have experienced the reality of it. Imagine knowing God like that, to expereince it on such a level that leaves no doubt, or to use a Kabbalistic concept (gnosticism ancient roots are in Kabbalah) to 'have the veils lifted.'

Our God wasn't the one who sent the flood, or the angel of death on the Egyptians (Sabboath again) but the eternal, loving Light we all come from and will return to.

Funny you should mention Jung, he was one of the Gnostic founders of most of the Neo-gnostic movements, and a hero to us. Also, he was helpful with our cousins, the Theosophisis movement, him and Blavatsky.

Hay, whose snoring? :sleep: Wake 'em up over there!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Um... why would I take your giving me a look into your personal beliefs the wrong way? Was there something more meant by you sharing it? I'm sorry, I'm a little confused by that. Unless you're actually telling me I have my head up my ass, then that's not so confusing. :lol:

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
religiously, I believe in nothing

I don't eat beef either, because it's pretty nasty. Unless it's a bad-ass steak then I make an exception ;)

I respect people's views of vegetarianism and veganism but they are too unnatural for me


Well-Known Member
Not at all, Seamaiden. I am just so used to apologising for what I know ahead of time, I guess I fall into old patterns.

When you tell someone that what someone else mite think to be God is really MY idea of Satam, they get a little bent outta shape.

I am ashamed for thinking you would ever had a problem with it. And a dragon ashamed is a pitiful thing.:-P Please accept my apologies.

And now, for something completely different.

Bluntmasta - I totally understand. I used to be like that too. But I had an experience that changed me totally. Would you feel sick, or even disgusted at the thought of someone tryin to serve you a nice, grilled, and saute'd hunk of human? That is what all flesh is like to a vegan, we see the face still on it, the parents it had.

Carrots don't have faces, or parents. Poor carrots.


Well-Known Member
I actually allow Jehovah Witnesses in my home. They listen to me preach. So do local hippies and other people because of my beliefs. I believe in Jesus and God but feel a lot of the message is lost. It just causes arguments...

Nowhere in the bible does it say you must be sin free and perfect to get into heaven...
It says to follow the golden rule and treat others as you want to be treated and believe Jesus died to allow you entry...
It says to not judge others for MAN is not a judge of anyone else.
Jesus himself said more than once in the bible if you have faith in him the size of a mustard seed you can tell a Mountain to move from your path to another place and the mountain will move...this is telekinesis..No?
The 10 commandments are a path to try to make your life and walk in life more like Jesus' not a rule book.
In the bible it says when 2 people are gathered in Gods name and talking of him they are in "church"- so technically I have been preaching to all of you the whole time you been reading this and you have been in a church...
God knows and created you to be Imperfect, with flesh..
We want lust pleasure and sin, Man was made for it.
Thats why we needed Jesus the only perfect man to reopen the gates to allow us sinners in...thusly the definition of faith

These are many reasons why Jews, Christians, muslims and other sects of each argue so much...Judgement!
these are also reasons why I dont go to a brick and mortar church, they are full of fake people more concerned with judging local people and who drives what and who has the most money and they gather with no Spirituality or faith...fuck that.

I go to church several times a week when someone shows up to talk about the bible...it happens all the time and when im done ranting about what I think the point is I ask people "When was the last time you went to church and didnt fall asleep or get annoyed or judged" They say they cant remember. Then I ask if they realize it had been an hour or even 4 in long rants and the whole time God sees us as in a church...this fascinates most people with a new definiton of church...it only takes 2. no building required...

Most of the shit people preach is total BS and I think that is one of the main turn off in spirituality and faith in Jesus.
I do my best not to judge anyone but of course I catch myself slipping occasionally...
I witness my point of view without preaching or holy rolling...
I sin all the time...I lust, I lie, I do bad things occasionally, everyone does somehow,...ITS HUMAN and expected from your flesh...and I love my weed beer shrooms etc...but I always ask for forgivness for things I do...

Most people have been convinced otherwise that theyre going to HELL...nah not true...The Jehovahs came over to talk one saturday asked if I knew where Id go after I died I opened the door and showed them my last supper tapestry on the wall...
They came back for 17 saturdays, rarely missed one to listen to me. Then one day they quit. Never came back...Imagine that.

If anyone wants to learn on a subject about faith or religion or spirituality, do your own research. Dont rely on some pastor or preacher or church holy roller to teach you...youll get mixed info 10 times out of 10 from 10 different preachers...

how much faith can a man place in that?


Well-Known Member
In that last part, you nailed it, man. Don't let ANYONE tell you, take NO ONE'S word, you find the truth FOR YOURSELF.

Big fuckin amen.