What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
I don't completely disagree with that. But, where I'm coming from, where J. Campbell was coming from, was the effect of religion upon social dynamics.


Well-Known Member
all things have an affect on social dynamics, that's the kicker. religion is like a hobby, you can do it alone, or go to meetings and talk to other people about it. it's just like a book club. xD


Well-Known Member
I think that the communication issue we're having is that I think that I'm talking about not just a larger context, but about religion as it formed, not as it is now. I'm talking about what got us (collectively) here, where we are now, as H. sapiens.

Really, look into the Campbell discussion on it, I found it very interesting and it's helped shape my own views on religion (I'm also not talking Abrahamic/monotheistic religions, or the popular religions, either, I do my best to be "all inclusive").

Shit, I have to go get dressed and I'll be gone most of the day. I enjoy discussing this sort of stuff, especially when someone brings in the philosophers. Well.. I'll be thinkin' on all this stuff, Fluffy! :D


Well-Known Member
nice dude, any talk is always welcomed, I make my living talking, so I guess I have to enjoy it. :)

but yeah, campbell's work is nice, but sagan (in my eyes, a philosopher), Luther, Morton, Wells, they all have expansive works, and I believe I am well enough armed to do without campbell today. (but I will certainly read it sometime tonight)


Well-Known Member
we are all students of life, there is no guru, no ascension, no elightenment, it is all just a collective of intelligence among ourselves


Well-Known Member
I actually give alot of credit to the collective brain thing, I have read some stuff was sent to me on it and it really made sense.

I have read bits and pieces of his work, (Campell) but nothing in its entirity. If you find some, Seamaiden, I would love to read some if you could pm me or something.

This is awesome, ya'll.


Well-Known Member
Duh its the government who decides all that...when to b happy, eat, sleep, work pay taxes, get paid, when to pay debts and actually they define what is and isnt...wow guys I figured it out Government is GOD.
Its an unseeable intangable entity thats omnipotent, omnipresent, able to do whatever it chooses and,... then it makes decisions... then later itll take them back and change their mind...go figure.

The GOVT is our new version of GOD is a woman.


New Member
Lord, if it thy will that I be the last man on earth populated with only women......please take away my hearing. Amen. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
WOW...what a beautiful & extremely diverse thread this turned out to be. I commend all those who added their insight. I believe we are energy. I could really explain my whole theory, but it would take some time. I believe that several aspects of my theory have already been covered. Let me know if you would like to hear more puff.