What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

we should just level all of are enemies in the middle east.Then just start over and build walmarts,.99 cent stores and public housing all over,then just send all of are poor to live there.
Or not lol
All you did was see the kind of shit your grandpa never talked about. War sucks cause bad shit happens. Move on.
You guys ever see the documentary... 'Little Dieter Needs To Fly" ?

Amazing guy....amazing background....amazing attitude. It flows through the movie like a river. One of the better films I've seen in awhile.
you know folks this is bull shit. we all know that people die in war right or wrong thats just how it is. every country when at war and in control of that territory sets the rules. break the rules you die. and what rule did they break well thats the easiest one to anwser because we have all been taught it by our moms,dads,uncles,ect... dont play with him/her because he/she is going to get you in trouble..... NOW for those of you that hate MY SOLDIERS for doing there job FUCKKK YOU!!!!!
umm, jsut for your info, there is a stuopidly low amount of for real criminals toting and using guns in proportion to the US

Welll DUH!

UK Population: 61,399,118 - 2008

US Population:
307,006,550 - Jul 2009

BIG difference, and remember your country is not the melting pot that the US is, I'd bet that we have many more violent gangs than the UK...

So you see, in our case (The US), if someone was to break into your home, they most likely ARE carrying a weapon.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna straight out shoot them, I have handcuffs (For kinky purposes) and they're not fake... I'll kindly ask them to get on their knees (At gunpoint, with my flashlight attachment blinding them with 90+ lumens) and arrest them just as the police would.

However if they run, I will gladly shoot them in the thigh, leg, foot, arm, shoulder... because no way in hell is he getting away, and I'm not the fastest runner.

AND, should they be SO SO SO stupid as to attempt to grab for anything on their person (which I will tell them beforehand NOT to do) I will end them right there, being that they would have been told the consequences of grabbing for anything, I would not have any qualms about doing so.

But you, mighty bat wielder... will (this is all hypothetical) watch your wife being raped, while you are held and tied at gunpoint... so tell me again, would you rather have a firearm... or a bat?

If you really need to think about the question, you're an idiot.
It's a completely natural attitude for a Brit to have however. One must understand that they are not ALLOWED to own guns.

Misery loves company, and it's easier to say we are the problem than look in the mirror and realize that the British citizen isn't in charge of his/her own life.

You've become in the end.... the sum total of the paperwork held on you by your own government.

So go ahead and lash out .... I understand.
Welll DUH!

UK Population: 61,399,118 - 2008

US Population:
307,006,550 - Jul 2009

BIG difference, and remember your country is not the melting pot that the US is, I'd bet that we have many more violent gangs than the UK...

hence my use iof the word PROPORTIONATELY. and you can't defend your use if guns by saying it's because oif a melting poit country. your "liberty" and gun toting has cause it to become a melting pot

So you see, in our case (The US), if someone was to break into your home, they most likely ARE carrying a weapon.

exactly my point, why is it americans are so stupoid as to not get jsut WHY all criminals are gun toting. BECAUSE YOU WANT THEM TO! you refuse to live without your guns so you willingly accept that criminals must also have guns in order to be a sucsesfukl/alive criminal. them having guns is your decision not jsut how it happened to be

And don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna straight out shoot them, I have handcuffs (For kinky purposes) and they're not fake... I'll kindly ask them to get on their knees (At gunpoint, with my flashlight attachment blinding them with 90+ lumens) and arrest them just as the police would.

and i'd hit them with a stick, and handscuff them, jsut as the police would. same result, no gun needed. spooooooky

However if they run, I will gladly shoot them in the thigh, leg, foot, arm, shoulder... because no way in hell is he getting away, and I'm not the fastest runner.

AND, should they be SO SO SO stupid as to attempt to grab for anything on their person (which I will tell them beforehand NOT to do) I will end them right there, being that they would have been told the consequences of grabbing for anything, I would not have any qualms about doing so.

so he disobeys you so you take that as your moral obligation to shoot him. pathetic.

But you, mighty bat wielder... will (this is all hypothetical) watch your wife being raped, while you are held and tied at gunpoint... so tell me again, would you rather have a firearm... or a bat?

my wife is not being raped while i'm held at gunpoint. that doesn't really happen in the UK...... because we dobn't have that many guns! and i'm not some kind of dumbass. do you know how retarded i would need to be to be in a situation where there was an armed man stood in my hosue raping my wife... i would honestly have to be mentally retarded!

If you really need to think about the question, you're an idiot.

if you really have to take that question seriously, your life is a joke

and crakcer, i don't need a gun to be in control of my life.... counter to popular belief. if i were to pick up a gun now, how would it change me in ANY way. i have no use for it, it would go straight in a gun safe for probably a very long time.

and there is no clear video of mr man aiming an RPG. not sure if anyone else noticed but that happens to be the same alley as the CAMERAMAN EQUIPED WITH SHOULDER CAMERA (which was identified as a gun, walked over to before they said they'd lost him and started circling around..

i couldn't give two damns about what war it is, it's basic morality, and i don't care if they hide behind civillians, does that mean you get to say to hell with moral values also, very mature approach.

at the end of the day though, this means that you all seem to think it would be PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE for an iraqi to fly to america, pick up an assault rifle off the lback amrket and kill every gun carrying person he sees. cus hell, if you're at war and the enemy ahs a gun, you gotta shoot first, that's the only way it works! if anything that happens over there, happened on your land, oh god i'd laugh as you guys tried to mount an attack large enough to match your anger :lol:

lso yeah, for all you that think it's rather ausing to watch this happen, i found the virginia tech and columbine masacres absolutely fucking hilareous. totally deserved. so was 9/11, cus why not, fucking americans deserve everything they get coming to them. the world certainly view you as a country in the same way you view iraq, muslims etc.
lso yeah, for all you that think it's rather ausing to watch this happen, i found the virginia tech and columbine masacres absolutely fucking hilareous. totally deserved. so was 9/11, cus why not, fucking americans deserve everything they get coming to them. the world certainly view you as a country in the same way you view iraq, muslims etc.

Yep yep... keep talking, your words make no sense now, especially that purple crap ya tried responding with on my post.

You're still bringing baseball bats to a world full of guns, get with the times ya moaf... guns are never going away, and as such... better to have'em them not.

Enjoy your EU!
jeesus fucking christ. does stupididty know no bounds?

it's not a world full of guns you plonnker. your world may be full of guns. but you know what, i've never encountered or seen or heard a real pistol in my LIFE! and the onyl times i've EVERY seen or heard a gun in the wild was either out on shooting hunts, training, or in the hands of terror police. we plain do not have a gun society. but i guess you'd rather we did.

haha, no sense. you're a tool
jeesus fucking christ. does stupididty know no bounds?

it's not a world full of guns you plonnker. your world may be full of guns. but you know what, i've never encountered or seen or heard a real pistol in my LIFE! and the onyl times i've EVERY seen or heard a gun in the wild was either out on shooting hunts, training, or in the hands of terror police. we plain do not have a gun society. but i guess you'd rather we did.

haha, no sense. you're a tool

No, I think with those words you've just proved yourself the complete idiot, quoted so you don't edit.

Specifically the "its not a world full of guns"... part.

Last I checked, I think there are more guns than people on this planet.
lol, and just how the fuck do you work that one out eh?

i'm an idiot because i live in a world of guns, that just don't exist. whoaaaaa cowboy
and crakcer, i don't need a gun to be in control of my life.... counter to popular belief. if i were to pick up a gun now, how would it change me in ANY way. i have no use for it, it would go straight in a gun safe for probably a very long time.


Since you aren't ALLOWED to have one.... this is a common reaction, so you can still go to bed at night and define urself as a man.

Your live in a cuckold society. The mind needs to make it all seem okay to be subservient down to the smallest detail to a powerful entity which lords over you daily.

Hence it infuriates you to see other societies living freely and making their own decisions on how best to defend themselves from violence....a human condition.

A gun would change you.... but not the way you think. It would be an indication that you can make decisions for yourself.

This is why soccer is so popular and Rugby. It's about all the EU has left....it's also why drinking is so prevalent amongst young males .... they inherently know and feel frustrated and hemmed in.

Hemmed in is the correct term.....put on ur party dress.

Ur also a society COMPLETELY under surveillance 24/7.
No, you're an idiot because your sheltered life has brought you up thinking there's no guns in the world, and that "they're just in my world..."

Idiot isn't a bad thing, I mean to be called one can be kind of misplacing but, just rest in knowing that while you and your misses sleep well at night, you still have your stick, baseball bat, extend-a-hand grabber for elderly folk, or the trustworthy dough roller to repel any attack upon your house or family!


Shit Cracker, his society is all about restricting free will, it's ridiculous how any Queen loving Limey could defend what his country is today, hell I think they even banned parents from watching their kids at playgrounds and instead, brought in "playground nannies"...

nice to see you have an ability to read and take in.

quote just one time where i state that there are not guns in the world. my life and world is the UK, i've lived here all my life, i've never encountered a gun issue, had a friend encounter one, a relative, or anyone i know of..

so explain how i'm an idiot and am being naive. please. or have myself, my friends and my family simply been an extraordinary one of a million groups that just never hap[pened to come across guns and gun crime.. lol

and here's the reason, again, and again, and again, for you to yet again, not accept.

if you carry a gun, then the criminal will try and carry a bigger gun for his protection while commiting crimes
if you know the criminal is going to try and tote a larger weapon than you, then survival instincts will say then i need a bigger or more weapons.
notice a cycle.

in the UK we don't carry guns, and as such the criminal does not enter a building under the assumption that they will encounter a gun. they walk in under the assumption that they might meet a kitchen knife. that is pretty much the end of the sotry in the UK. they don't need guns because we don't have them and we don't need them because they don't have them.

but of course, you're american, and as such can't accept this, because it would somehow maybe show that your constitutional rights are not quite as useful and fantastic as you believe.
nice to see you have an ability to read and take in.

quote just one time where i state that there are not guns in the world. my life and world is the UK, i've lived here all my life, i've never encountered a gun issue, had a friend encounter one, a relative, or anyone i know of..

so explain how i'm an idiot and am being naive. please. or have myself, my friends and my family simply been an extraordinary one of a million groups that just never hap[pened to come across guns and gun crime.. lol

and here's the reason, again, and again, and again, for you to yet again, not accept.

if you carry a gun, then the criminal will try and carry a bigger gun for his protection while commiting crimes
if you know the criminal is going to try and tote a larger weapon than you, then survival instincts will say then i need a bigger or more weapons.
notice a cycle.

in the UK we don't carry guns, and as such the criminal does not enter a building under the assumption that they will encounter a gun. they walk in under the assumption that they might meet a kitchen knife. that is pretty much the end of the sotry in the UK. they don't need guns because we don't have them and we don't need them because they don't have them.

but of course, you're american, and as such can't accept this, because it would somehow maybe show that your constitutional rights are not quite as useful and fantastic as you believe.


So, when your country comes under a more serious attack by terrorists, which it already has been attacked by, and it's inevitable... I bet you and all your fellow countrymen will be proud to stand up to the enemy with... BATS!


While us Americans join together and create a fighting force, with real weapons, larger than that of China.

Keep your idiotic UK laws, I rest well knowing I've got my superbly crafted Croatian XD-45 Tactical by my bedside, with hollowpoints that will most certainly tear up even the TOUGHEST of human entrails, organs, bone, mmmmm...

I love the smell of cordite in the morning!