Welll DUH!
UK Population: 61,399,118 - 2008
US Population: 307,006,550 - Jul 2009
BIG difference, and remember your country is not the melting pot that the US is, I'd bet that we have many more violent gangs than the UK...
hence my use iof the word PROPORTIONATELY. and you can't defend your use if guns by saying it's because oif a melting poit country. your "liberty" and gun toting has cause it to become a melting pot
So you see, in our case (The US), if someone was to break into your home, they most likely ARE carrying a weapon.
exactly my point, why is it americans are so stupoid as to not get jsut WHY all criminals are gun toting. BECAUSE YOU WANT THEM TO! you refuse to live without your guns so you willingly accept that criminals must also have guns in order to be a sucsesfukl/alive criminal. them having guns is your decision not jsut how it happened to be
And don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna straight out shoot them, I have handcuffs (For kinky purposes) and they're not fake... I'll kindly ask them to get on their knees (At gunpoint, with my flashlight attachment blinding them with 90+ lumens) and arrest them just as the police would.
and i'd hit them with a stick, and handscuff them, jsut as the police would. same result, no gun needed. spooooooky
However if they run, I will gladly shoot them in the thigh, leg, foot, arm, shoulder... because no way in hell is he getting away, and I'm not the fastest runner.
AND, should they be SO SO SO stupid as to attempt to grab for anything on their person (which I will tell them beforehand NOT to do) I will end them right there, being that they would have been told the consequences of grabbing for anything, I would not have any qualms about doing so.
so he disobeys you so you take that as your moral obligation to shoot him. pathetic.
But you, mighty bat wielder... will (this is all hypothetical) watch your wife being raped, while you are held and tied at gunpoint... so tell me again, would you rather have a firearm... or a bat?
my wife is not being raped while i'm held at gunpoint. that doesn't really happen in the UK...... because we dobn't have that many guns! and i'm not some kind of dumbass. do you know how retarded i would need to be to be in a situation where there was an armed man stood in my hosue raping my wife... i would honestly have to be mentally retarded!
If you really need to think about the question, you're an idiot.
if you really have to take that question seriously, your life is a joke