What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

I am a firm believer of the philosophy "To make peace, you must prepare for war" but feel that the events surrounding 9/11 were total bullshit after seeing many news reports and documentaries on the subject. Now that we've fucked their shit up we are obliged to clean up the mess. I agree that its becoming more and more apparent that the American government is making the American people look like a pack of murdering assholes on the world stage. Support the troops, fuck the government.

The troops would kill you if they were oredered to, they are trained to follow their last order. Don't support no troops that follow orders from the man.
The Govenbent tried to stop the release of this video, for those who think depopulation is a conspiracy, this is proof. This is why 1,000,000 Iraqi civillians have died. UK AND US ARE THE TERRORISTS

Just because the Taliban doesnt have video footage of their roadside bombings or suicide bombings does not make their warfare on the public/governemnt/police/military any less horrifying. Too bad wikileaks wouldnt show the video of Taliban leaders sending suicide bombers on their missions and the high definition follow through as the bomb goes off in a crowd of women/childern and police.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, deal with it.
The Govenbent tried to stop the release of this video, for those who think depopulation is a conspiracy, this is proof. This is why 1,000,000 Iraqi civillians have died. UK AND US ARE THE TERRORISTS

Yeah you're totally right, we are the terrorists bombing innocent civilians by the THOUSANDS with IED's, roadside bombs, terrorist attacks of suicide bombers and plane hijackings.

You're a dolt. Take your hippy ass back to sleep where you can pretend to live in your retarded utopia.
How many Brits living in the USA? I saw an unconfirmed source peg it at 3% of the Brit population. That would bring it in at around 2 million Brits living in the gun toting crazy arse uneducated nation that is known to you as the USA. :lol:

Now how many Americans live in Britain? I'll answer for you since I have looked into your country as a possible place to retire to....about 250,000 or 1/4 million ppl.

So 3% of your population somehow wakes up and makes it through the crime ridden gun toting streets of USA ... by choice.

But only 1/4 million of 350 million Americans choose to live in "gun free" Britain. So that means only 0.07% of our population is attracted to Britain enough to put down roots.

Of course it isn't entirely about guns...but if it was anywhere near as bad as sensational news media says it is.... you wouldn't have so many fellow Brits braving the lead flying.

I think it is fair to say that they come here so they DON'T have to live in a NANNY state, where all of your life decisions are 3 way conference calls with "others". They come for the freedom to make their own destiny, or to enjoy their lives fully. Seniors come here for the medical facilities (until now....they are all screwed there...sorry) and quality of care.

It's not as bad as it is portrayed on TV ..... just like we know deep down....that Brits do occasionally go to the dentist.

3% (Brit) vs .07% (USA)....
**10 individuals spotted...RPG! closest to the right,....Get ready....wait theres a camrea man, Dont engage...But sir they are pointing rpgs at us...Didnt you hear me, Theres a civilian that portrays these insirgents as heros we cant kill him too.....BOOM shot with RPG!.***

Cool fuckin video, And if im a stupid american for thinking that,so fuckin be it. It sure is a shame those kids were hurt but like the man in video said, They shouldnt of been brought into a battle.
I personally like living in a concealed carry state. I like knowing that if a criminal decides to use a weapon, there is a chance that I or someone is else in close proximity has a ccw permit and can neutralize the situation, possibly saving lifes.
Yeah you're totally right, we are the terrorists bombing innocent civilians by the THOUSANDS with IED's, roadside bombs, terrorist attacks of suicide bombers and plane hijackings.

You're a dolt. Take your hippy ass back to sleep where you can pretend to live in your retarded utopia.

Thousands is a small number compared to millions. Go and watch your news at 10. So many wouldn't die if they weren't there in the first place. You only invaded because Saddam was going to use the Euro. You used a fake terrorist attack on your own people as an excuse to create a 'war on terror'.

And if I'm a conspiracy theorist, where was all the luggage from the planes, why was there only a smoking hole, why didn't the hole in the pentagon have wing marks? Where was all the debris.

Think about these while you eat your fried chicken, with a slice of lemon pie.
I like living in a state that does not require a CCW Permit.
I just strap her on & head out.
Im pretty sure I seen you say your in Alaska before.It sounds like its great there.The mmj laws and just about everything,well except for the snow.
How many Brits living in the USA? I saw an unconfirmed source peg it at 3% of the Brit population. That would bring it in at around 2 million Brits living in the gun toting crazy arse uneducated nation that is known to you as the USA. :lol:

Now how many Americans live in Britain? I'll answer for you since I have looked into your country as a possible place to retire to....about 250,000 or 1/4 million ppl.

So 3% of your population somehow wakes up and makes it through the crime ridden gun toting streets of USA ... by choice.

But only 1/4 million of 350 million Americans choose to live in "gun free" Britain. So that means only 0.07% of our population is attracted to Britain enough to put down roots.

Of course it isn't entirely about guns...but if it was anywhere near as bad as sensational news media says it is.... you wouldn't have so many fellow Brits braving the lead flying.

I think it is fair to say that they come here so they DON'T have to live in a NANNY state, where all of your life decisions are 3 way conference calls with "others". They come for the freedom to make their own destiny, or to enjoy their lives fully. Seniors come here for the medical facilities (until now....they are all screwed there...sorry) and quality of care.

It's not as bad as it is portrayed on TV ..... just like we know deep down....that Brits do occasionally go to the dentist.

3% (Brit) vs .07% (USA)....

Don't come here to retire, it's a shit hole with a bit of countryside, go somewhere where you have the human right to smoke weed :)
check this bad boy out, this my next gun

got laser sights in the grips:bigjoint:



oh yea, i have been eyeing that kimber compact .45 with laser grips for a while now :) I put the crimson trace laser grips on my XD 40, wouldn't trust anything else to do the job.
So it's deteriorated to USA v. Britain...


To my fellow Americans in this thread, you guys are showing mind blowing ignorance, it's comments like "That video is tight.....Killem all and let god sort them out" and "But hey we should of just nukes them years ago and got it over with lol" and "While us Americans join together and create a fighting force, with real weapons, larger than that of China." that illustrate our extreme lack of proper education here in the states to the rest of the world.

The last one being ripe with retardation, as there are more English speaking Chinese than there are American... :facepalm:

The problem is none of these "real Americans" are willing to admit there could ever possibly be the slightest thing wrong with our country, because the established system that's been in place for decades has reinforced the idea that America is the greatest, and nobody is greater. It dents their ego, people like Cracker and BigP, when a foreigner brings up a valid criticism of America or the way we do things, even worse when someone like me, another fellow American does it, we turn into the "liberals" or the "socialists" or the "communists"... We're not "real Americans", "real Americans" don't question American policy, they don't question our military's actions... They take it and smile and worse yet, DEFEND it, actions like those portrayed in the video in the OP, war crimes. It seems their "patriotism" has blinded them from reality.

We call a man who kills innocent people to gain political or religious support a terrorist, but when that same mans citizenship is American, and he hides behind the guise of "just doing his job", and when it's our job to "support the troops", he's not?