What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him


So, when your country comes under a more serious attack by terrorists, which it already has been attacked by, and it's inevitable... I bet you and all your fellow countrymen will be proud to stand up to the enemy with... BATS!


While us Americans join together and create a fighting force, with real weapons, larger than that of China.

Keep your idiotic UK laws, I rest well knowing I've got my superbly crafted Croatian XD-45 Tactical by my bedside, with hollowpoints that will most certainly tear up even the TOUGHEST of human entrails, organs, bone, mmmmm...

I love the smell of cordite in the morning!

umm, as mentioned before, yet again proof of your total lack of ability ro read and digest, we have armed terror police, we have an army, an airforce, special forces that would kick yours to the ground, we can manage just fine. would you have prefered it that in the london bombings a couple of heroes had pulled out guns and jsut started having a ball on the undergrou/nd all in the name of stopping mr bomber.

we'll ust let all the fatalities speak for themselves. :) here's hoping for yet ANOTHER school or mall shooting :)

you sleep happily knowing you've got a big gun, and i'll sleep happily knowing i have absolutely no reason to need one or have any worry about eneding one :)

i think there's a difference going to sleep knowing you can defend yourself and going to sleep knowing you simply won't need to :) i'll let someone with some brains do the math on that one.
For a full month durin the war in Iraq the americans killed more British troops than Taliban ones.

Apparently a guy I went to school with is in military jail coz he mowed down a load of iraqis that they didn't even know if they we Taliban and wernt armed that's a little wrong.

But hey we should of just nukes them years ago and got it over with lol.
i fully agree with american right to bear arms, without question......just keep on shooting each other u dumb fuckin under educated spastics. fuckin morons. u clowns bleat on about ur the leaders of the free world and how the rule of law and democracy is everyones right and then u set up guantanimo bay...what rules are you pricks following there? u cry your eyes out about 9/11 while ur fuckin irish new yorkers and bostonians, many of whom are in the fire and police serivce happily gave money to the ira to wage a cowardly war of terrorism on the uk, it wasnt fightin soldiers or politicians they were attacking when they set of bombs in manchester shopping centre or blew up an army brass band. fuckin mother and child killer. go fuck ur self usa and stay the fuck away from the rest of the world. ur democracy is a fuckin sham , uv gotta be a multi millionar to be elected, where the democracy in that. gtf ya fuckin spastic cunts. u people need to realise that yeah as an empire we made mistakes that were wrong but u clowns are under the illusion that the whole world wants u to come and help them, it doesnt, now fuck off.
haha, now that's what i'm talking about, reminds me of the joke, "how would you cure stupidity in america? just take all the warning stickers off and let nature take it's course"
Ugh. I couldn't really read the last 2 pages or so :s I come from an (American) military family and have great respect for our troops and some things our country have accomplished. it's not fair to judge everyone based on the actions of some, which is an obvious truth so many seem to be avoiding here. However, that video as an example and some of the ridiculous fail in humanity I've seen in this thread is what makes me sick to be American...
haha, now that's what i'm talking about, reminds me of the joke, "how would you cure stupidity in america? just take all the warning stickers off and let nature take it's course"

pmsl, love it mate. btw sorry katt, i am wrong in blaming all yanks, there are some good and decent ones, the usa has produced some incredible things in science, literature and technology but jesus christ there are sum real fuckin retards over there.
because the americans are sensible and allow MMJ but send you to jail for a "water pipe" :lol: that is one thing that really does make me giggle. if my governemnt, being the opressive people enslaving me, turned around and said we're gonna arrest you and charge you because we've found proof you've smoked in the past, they'd be laughed straight off the cliffs of dover :lol: as is now happening with the methedrone thing, everytone is resigning because of how stupid the govt is being and as a result they are now powerless to ban it :lol:
because the americans are sensible and allow MMJ but send you to jail for a "water pipe" :lol: that is one thing that really does make me giggle. if my governemnt, being the opressive people enslaving me, turned around and said we're gonna arrest you and charge you because we've found proof you've smoked in the past, they'd be laughed straight off the cliffs of dover :lol: as is now happening with the methedrone thing, everytone is resigning because of how stupid the govt is being and as a result they are now powerless to ban it :lol:
Nah, that doesn't happen, they just take it away (in most cases)

So, when your country comes under a more serious attack by terrorists, which it already has been attacked by, and it's inevitable... I bet you and all your fellow countrymen will be proud to stand up to the enemy with... BATS!


While us Americans join together and create a fighting force, with real weapons, larger than that of China.

Keep your idiotic UK laws, I rest well knowing I've got my superbly crafted Croatian XD-45 Tactical by my bedside, with hollowpoints that will most certainly tear up even the TOUGHEST of human entrails, organs, bone, mmmmm...

I love the smell of cordite in the morning!

hahaha. agreed. I like my xd 45, but i like my xdm .40 better!

Winston Churchill was dumbfounded to realize that with all of the dignity and sacrifice and hardship endured and displayed in fighting WW2 Britain immediately "gave up" and went on welfare, dooming themselves in the long run.

This is the result.

Winston was right....

By the way.... criminals aren't sports or fair minded ppl. So when 4 or 5 come in at one time.... you just yell at them real loud...maybe they won't kill you.

My Home is my Castle.... period. I don't have time to wait for the police to come and take my corpse away.

In the end.... my govt. trusts me. Urs does NOT.
I feel we are all at an impasse, I will leave it to what I said earlier... when the shit hits the fan, as it does in every country, I am glad I have a firearm rather than a goddamn bat, seriously... that's fuckin' kid shit, and like others have told you, will only get you or someone else killed.

Maybe you guys should go back to the BC times, they didn't have firearms back then and would rather cut your entrails out with long swords, I'll bet after that swordsman is done with you... you will have WISHED he had a gun, been a lot quicker that's for sure.

And hey, you don't need us? Then start up a rally in your country saying in the next world war, we won't need the USA! You'll be eating your words faster than you can shit them when you have Russians or Taliban Alibaba's running through your streets with AK's while you throw celery or chopsticks at them.

LOL! You idiots that push this no gun bullshit make me cry with laughter.
if if's and buts were candy and nuts then we'd all have a merry christmas :P

"when the shit hits the fan"

and there you have your issue. sure it'll hit the fan everywhere. but right now, in this day, and most likely for the next ten years, in teh UK, the shit won't and can't hit the fan, unless you're talking military invasion type "shit" in which case well i'll cross that bridge when it get's to me :P

in america of course the shit is gonna hit the fan and already does, just how man y guns have you got in circulation?????

you will need a gun in your lifetime, the difference is i more than likely wont, and a bat WILL suffice.

i bet the terrorists are thinking that the military powers in iraq are pretty fucking stupid walking around with little pea shooters when they've jsut planted a fucking bomb under your feet. who's unprepared and getting people killed now eh!
ok guys this is getting recockuless

there are retarded brits and retarded americans

and if i was doin a kick-doe into someones house and i thought they had a knife for defense would you think hey ill have a knife too or would you think hey i better bring a gun?

gun beats knife:hump:

this is my peace of mind:


no offense to britton but im afraid we are following in thier shitty governments footsteps
I'm an equal oppertunitys racist, I hate everyone. I agree that there are retards in every country, just so happens England and america happen to be the most popular lol. Why can't we all just get a bong, get along ... And hate the French?!?! Hahaha
I'd rather live in a gun country ... and depend on MYSELF, than live in a non gun country (except for the criminals), and depend on someone ELSE.

I cannot IMAGINE living in a country that doesn't ALLOW me to defend myself equally with the criminals.

Gun country is POLITE country. As far as I am concerned....everyone can carry outside their clothes....strapped and packed.....fine by me. Bring it on.
I am a firm believer of the philosophy "To make peace, you must prepare for war" but feel that the events surrounding 9/11 were total bullshit after seeing many news reports and documentaries on the subject. Now that we've fucked their shit up we are obliged to clean up the mess. I agree that its becoming more and more apparent that the American government is making the American people look like a pack of murdering assholes on the world stage. Support the troops, fuck the government.
WikiLeaks posts 'killing' video


this makes me utterly and totally sick. jsut wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf. who the hell do you people put behind the controls of those things!!!!

"they're getting the wounded, and maybe weapons, let me shoot let me shoot"

america, fuck yeah!

The Govenbent tried to stop the release of this video, for those who think depopulation is a conspiracy, this is proof. This is why 1,000,000 Iraqi civillians have died. UK AND US ARE THE TERRORISTS