tip top toker
Well-Known Member
So, when your country comes under a more serious attack by terrorists, which it already has been attacked by, and it's inevitable... I bet you and all your fellow countrymen will be proud to stand up to the enemy with... BATS!
While us Americans join together and create a fighting force, with real weapons, larger than that of China.
Keep your idiotic UK laws, I rest well knowing I've got my superbly crafted Croatian XD-45 Tactical by my bedside, with hollowpoints that will most certainly tear up even the TOUGHEST of human entrails, organs, bone, mmmmm...
I love the smell of cordite in the morning!
umm, as mentioned before, yet again proof of your total lack of ability ro read and digest, we have armed terror police, we have an army, an airforce, special forces that would kick yours to the ground, we can manage just fine. would you have prefered it that in the london bombings a couple of heroes had pulled out guns and jsut started having a ball on the undergrou/nd all in the name of stopping mr bomber.
we'll ust let all the fatalities speak for themselves.

you sleep happily knowing you've got a big gun, and i'll sleep happily knowing i have absolutely no reason to need one or have any worry about eneding one

i think there's a difference going to sleep knowing you can defend yourself and going to sleep knowing you simply won't need to