What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

Winston Churchill was dumbfounded to realize that with all of the dignity and sacrifice and hardship endured and displayed in fighting WW2 Britain immediately "gave up" and went on welfare, dooming themselves in the long run.

This is the result.

Winston was right....

By the way.... criminals aren't sports or fair minded ppl. So when 4 or 5 come in at one time.... you just yell at them real loud...maybe they won't kill you.

My Home is my Castle.... period. I don't have time to wait for the police to come and take my corpse away.

In the end.... my govt. trusts me. Urs does NOT.
Not smart on them is it, having around 12,000 gun deaths a year... clearly american's shouldn't be trusted with a box of crayons much less that sort of weaponry.
I feel we are all at an impasse, I will leave it to what I said earlier... when the shit hits the fan, as it does in every country, I am glad I have a firearm rather than a goddamn bat, seriously... that's fuckin' kid shit, and like others have told you, will only get you or someone else killed.

Maybe you guys should go back to the BC times, they didn't have firearms back then and would rather cut your entrails out with long swords, I'll bet after that swordsman is done with you... you will have WISHED he had a gun, been a lot quicker that's for sure.

And hey, you don't need us? Then start up a rally in your country saying in the next world war, we won't need the USA! You'll be eating your words faster than you can shit them when you have Russians or Taliban Alibaba's running through your streets with AK's while you throw celery or chopsticks at them.

LOL! You idiots that push this no gun bullshit make me cry with laughter.
I can kill, disable or break someone for life without a gun. That's me at 5'5" and like 105 lbs or so. That's REAL military training...
How many Brits living in the USA? I saw an unconfirmed source peg it at 3% of the Brit population. That would bring it in at around 2 million Brits living in the gun toting crazy arse uneducated nation that is known to you as the USA. :lol:

Now how many Americans live in Britain? I'll answer for you since I have looked into your country as a possible place to retire to....about 250,000 or 1/4 million ppl.

So 3% of your population somehow wakes up and makes it through the crime ridden gun toting streets of USA ... by choice.

But only 1/4 million of 350 million Americans choose to live in "gun free" Britain. So that means only 0.07% of our population is attracted to Britain enough to put down roots.

Of course it isn't entirely about guns...but if it was anywhere near as bad as sensational news media says it is.... you wouldn't have so many fellow Brits braving the lead flying.

I think it is fair to say that they come here so they DON'T have to live in a NANNY state, where all of your life decisions are 3 way conference calls with "others". They come for the freedom to make their own destiny, or to enjoy their lives fully. Seniors come here for the medical facilities (until now....they are all screwed there...sorry) and quality of care.

It's not as bad as it is portrayed on TV ..... just like we know deep down....that Brits do occasionally go to the dentist.

3% (Brit) vs .07% (USA)....
It's the fat brits.
The bottom line is that these guys are doing their jobs. It's funny how I see people defending police officers with this statement but not soldiers. When your in a war you have to be in the mentality that these people are your enemy and they are trained to be blood-thirsty. They have to find it fun and/or humerous that is how they cope with what they are doing. If you try to add faces and emotions to the enemy your not going to be able to pull the trigger when you need to, and if that's the case, Y are you there? There is no draft last time I checked. Our gun rights were givin to us to defend ourselves from our government if it ever tried to unfairly oppress us like the british government did, good luck with that.
Dude, it's not their job to kill innocent, unarmed civilians... If these were a bunch of terrorists casually walking around with grenade launchers than your post might make sense...
I actually heard a broadcast about this video, the context of the situation isn't explained and the sole purpose was proppaganda related and it was put out for a reason yet the soldiers were all cleared so there is obvious info that is being withheld from us...and since they were cleared there was probably known intel and those journalists were in the wrong place at the wrong time. One of em did have an AK, but what pissed me off is that they couldn't see what was being held by the cameraman and they assumed it was a bomb or weapon. I think ALL the info should be released to the people but just like everything the media has a one-sided slant to it....Like when they said the Guardians of the Free Republics was an anti-tax group, which is untrue, and they didn't tell all Govs to get out of office, they said take a vow to the people to uphold the Constitution or step down, but the media failed to mention that, I suspect there is more to this story too. The left likes portraying our troops as bloodthirsty murderers so they can justify standing up for terrorist rights over the Constitutional Rights of the people.
those "insurgents" put teenagers in sunday school clothes strapped with explosives and make them walk into military bases, corporate buildings, and public parks on suicide bombings, let alone the amount of their regular citizens who managed to get ahold of an ak or rpg. I don't agree with some of the things said------your being recorded and shouldn't say things like that lol, but i don't blame them for clearly cleaning house when the stragglers arrived, the guy picking them up could very well have an rpg too. And the fact that its discussed as a medic is ridiculous. You hang out with like minded people---im sure they do to, which means that if all your friends are carrying ak and rpg's you probably are to. Who the hell runs their van into a warzone anyway that fast anyway. Comments we're bad, but i support our troops.
Dude, it's not their job to kill innocent, unarmed civilians... If these were a bunch of terrorists casually walking around with grenade launchers than your post might make sense...

two people in the group of guys walking around were reporter/photographer. The rest of the men had ak47 and one of them had what looked like an rpg. If i was a reporter, i sure as hell would'nt be walking around with either side of two countries fighting in a war and pointing things at someone who i know is on the other side. You think they wouldn't kill an american reporter walking around with american troops? They would do it in a heartbeat, actually... they would capture him and then cut his head off on tv. It's war guys, they weren't on a sunday stroll in a park with iraqi officials or UN.
Now you know how Obama got elected...... far too many ppl in the USA are gullible....very.

If you think with your heart and not your head.... you're a person easily misled. (it rhymes so you can remember it)

This describes the entire "progressive" bowel movement.
two people in the group of guys walking around were reporter/photographer. The rest of the men had ak47 and one of them had what looked like an rpg. If i was a reporter, i sure as hell would'nt be walking around with either side of two countries fighting in a war and pointing things at someone who i know is on the other side. You think they wouldn't kill an american reporter walking around with american troops? They would do it in a heartbeat, actually... they would capture him and then cut his head off on tv. It's war guys, they weren't on a sunday stroll in a park with iraqi officials or UN.
I didn't see any of those, I saw them zero in on the photographers and say they had weapons (cameras) but I couldn't see any weapons on the walking people. As far as reporters, that's what they do, what they've always done... we've got our own that hang out with our troops and yeah, if they get injured or killed, that's their own deal. It's just that in this instance... we don't have American soldiers and I find it offensive to our military to call them that... they are just bored, stupid rednecks with guns. We'd all be better off if there was an intelligence requirement for military personnel other than front line fodder.
the US military concluded in it's initial inquest that they had misidentified the wepons. they also conlcuded that because proceedure and protocol had been followed everything was A Ok
They ARE doing there job. They needed to get approval before they could shoot. Maybe they get off on that stuff and they reaqlly wanted to shoot the people they are volunteering in a war afterall, but they had to get approval first. They were there to kill the individuals in question and the guy was alive and someone else is coming to try and take him away. They still haven't done their job, the guy needed to die. For the record, I don't agree with this war or any war for that matter but if your at war than you have to kill people and innocent people might die. A lot of innocent people died on 9/11 and supposedly these are the people responsable so they brought it on themselves according to our gov't. This wasn't even that bad IMHO. I've seen Americans get their throat slashed, I've seen innocent tourists and journalists being assassinated, I've seen people using women and children as a shield and I've seen terrorists with no disregard for human life attack churches and hospitals so nobody is innocent and you never know who the enemy is. You guys are comparing this to the holocaust or something there are videos out there that are much more disturbing than this I mean the colombine massacre was more deadly than this.
I didn't see any of those, I saw them zero in on the photographers and say they had weapons (cameras) but I couldn't see any weapons on the walking people. As far as reporters, that's what they do, what they've always done... we've got our own that hang out with our troops and yeah, if they get injured or killed, that's their own deal. It's just that in this instance... we don't have American soldiers and I find it offensive to our military to call them that... they are just bored, stupid rednecks with guns. We'd all be better off if there was an intelligence requirement for military personnel other than front line fodder.

Like I said.... easily misled. That rhymes too. If you think walking around with a camera in the middle of a war zone grants you some form of special protection .... it doesn't. I wouldn't lose a minute's sleep over fragging one. For all I know...that camera is filled with C4.

the US military concluded in it's initial inquest that they had misidentified the wepons. they also conlcuded that because proceedure and protocol had been followed everything was A Ok

because that "procedural methodology" saves the military their most precious resource..... our sons and daughters.

If the terrorists would put on uniforms and not hide amongst women and children, the military would change their "procedures". See how that works? Who is getting civilians killed? The terrorists are. It is their conscious desire to hide among civilians which puts them in danger. same thing in Palestine......

who gets them killed?

The terrorists do....because they fight like cowards and hide among skirts and bibs.
Like I said.... easily misled. That rhymes too. If you think walking around with a camera in the middle of a war zone grants you some form of special protection .... it doesn't. I wouldn't lose a minute's sleep over fragging one. For all I know...that camera is filled with C4.

because that "procedural methodology" saves the military their most precious resource..... our sons and daughters.

If the terrorists would put on uniforms and not hide amongst women and children, the military would change their "procedures". See how that works? Who is getting civilians killed? The terrorists are. It is their conscious desire to hide among civilians which puts them in danger. same thing in Palestine......

who gets them killed?

The terrorists do....because they fight like cowards and hide among skirts and bibs.
Read a little closer, man. I did not say having a camera allows you any immunity, in fact I said the opposite... 'As far as reporters, that's what they do, what they've always done... we've got our own that hang out with our troops and yeah, if they get injured or killed, that's their own deal.'
War is hell. I don't trust the government. The world is full of idiots, not just in America or the UK. Shut your mouth and open your mind. Then after you think about it a little while. Go buy a gun.

A lot of innocent people died on 9/11 and supposedly these are the people responsable so they brought it on themselves according to our gov't.
This wasn't even that bad IMHO. I've seen Americans get their throat slashed, I've seen innocent tourists and journalists being assassinated, I've seen people using women and children as a shield and I've seen terrorists with no disregard for human life attack churches and hospitals so nobody is innocent and you never know who the enemy is.
Arabs? Looks that way to me.
You guys are comparing this to the holocaust or something there are videos out there that are much more disturbing than this I mean the colombine massacre was more deadly than this.
What does colombine have to do with anything????

I'm going to ask this again....
What would have happened IF we never went to Iraq???
I do know my history but you obviously don't...

The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not bound by it. By 1949, the treaty was becoming viewed less as a reciprocal contract and more as an agreement on fundamental human rights. Ratifying the treaty binds the nation to uphold these rights regardless of the behavior of the opposing nation.[7]

heres the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conventions

I think you need to go back and brush up on yours though.
Regardless if Iraq never signed it or not, the USA did and is bound to follow it unless of course they arbitrarily enforce what they wish when they wish and if it only suits their agenda like now.

I bet the british felt the same exact way during the revolutionary war when the minutemen refused to enter the field of battle on the british terms and engaged in hit and run skirmishes.

Yea I mean really, Cracker jax - you're telling people to go brush up on their history?


PS.... know your history folks.... the Geneva Convention only applies to nations which SIGNED it. Iraq never did..

That's what the Nazis said - as a result, 3,3 million Russian POWs were murdered.


Let him who is without sin cast the first stone...
I give you, the former British empire... you guys loved murder, rape, pillaging... oh yeah, you guys loveddddd it!

Oh hey, check that out! You guys at one time murdered and pillaged Iraq.... hmmm...

The British Empire raped and pillaged Iraq? Fuck me - I'd like to meet your history teacher.

You'd do better looking at how many wars your own, USA el grande, has been enganged in during the last century. No nation on Earth beats that record.

The ppl in command of the military?.... ur joking.

The ppl just elected Obama.... so much for trusting their judgment.

Yes. Unless you've been living in the jungle all your life, let me remind you that the military is the executive, which comes under the rule of the legislative, which is made up of civilians, or "the people" as you call it.

If that was not the case, you would have a military junta.


See any resemblance, clever dick?

The United States' armed forces are on the whole a good fighting force, but when it comes to detail, you really see how much dumbfucks they let onto jets, tanks and gunships.

You think this video is shocking? Yea, they mistook the camera for an AK47 - staring down a lens from 30,000 ft, shit could happen.

However, that doesn't account for all the dozens of times Americans have fucked up so ridiculously. Shooting down British aircraft, bombing British convoys, etc.


Iraqi militans are now driving Scimitar tanks and flying Black Hawks? Oh fuck off.

in pakistan you cant walk down the street using a cell phone without armed body gaurds

The fuck you know about Pakistan? I've lived there - you don't know shit.

Besides surviving a bomb blast by Al Zawahiri, yes you can walk down the street with a cell phone WITHOUT body guards, you twat.

Of all the things you type that I can't make sense of... that right there has been the most sense I've been able to establish out of you.

Quoted for truth.

If you're in a ongoing war, GET OFF THE STREETS.

Well said!

They're journalists, not 5 year old kids. There was no fighting on the ground, so they thought it was safe to go outside.

What do you think, people stay cooped up inside their houses for 10 fucking years until Obama decides to pack up and leave? Grow up.

have you ever heard of WWII my friend?bongsmilie

instead of killing hitler and his slobs when we had the chance we waited and 100 million people ended up dieing in the end

100 million people died? In World War 2? Wow - Nice figures.

How am i wrong? Innocent people did not die on 9/11? Aren't we "fighting a war on terror"? Wasn't that the straw that broke the camel's back? Isn't that why we are at war with these people?

If we never went to Iraq it would probably boost their morale and increase terrorism.

"Towel heads" are "camel fuckers" who "live in caves" - they don't have the money or brains to organise something like 9/11.

Besides - what the fuck does 9/11 have to do with Iraq? 9/11 wasn't done by Iraqis, you ignorant fool. Not one single hijacker was an Iraqi (if you'd like to pretend those identities the US Government gave us are real).

Never going to Iraq would have boosted whose morale? Saddam Hussein was a lone wolf - a dictator. Not part of a world wide terrorist organisation.

If you're referring to "Al Qaidi", (which does not exist - you are confusing it with "Al Akhouan"; the brotherhood), then I'm sorry pal, I really don't see what the fuck Al Qaidi has got to do with Iraq.

If at all, it's funded by international bankers and people with political agenda to put forth, not hariy arabs who bust a sweat to make a living in Baghdad.

Really, I pity you nut suckers.
