What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

So it's deteriorated to USA v. Britain...


To my fellow Americans in this thread, you guys are showing mind blowing ignorance, it's comments like "That video is tight.....Killem all and let god sort them out" and "But hey we should of just nukes them years ago and got it over with lol" and "While us Americans join together and create a fighting force, with real weapons, larger than that of China." that illustrate our extreme lack of proper education here in the states to the rest of the world.

The last one being ripe with retardation, as there are more English speaking Chinese than there are American... :facepalm:

The problem is none of these "real Americans" are willing to admit there could ever possibly be the slightest thing wrong with our country, because the established system that's been in place for decades has reinforced the idea that America is the greatest, and nobody is greater. It dents their ego, people like Cracker and BigP, when a foreigner brings up a valid criticism of America or the way we do things, even worse when someone like me, another fellow American does it, we turn into the "liberals" or the "socialists" or the "communists"... We're not "real Americans", "real Americans" don't question American policy, they don't question our military's actions... They take it and smile and worse yet, DEFEND it, actions like those portrayed in the video in the OP, war crimes. It seems their "patriotism" has blinded them from reality.

We call a man who kills innocent people to gain political or religious support a terrorist, but when that same mans citizenship is American, and he hides behind the guise of "just doing his job", and when it's our job to "support the troops", he's not?

if you dreamers out there are looking for fairness in the world dont bother

cuz you aint gonna find it.

"shoot first ask questions last"

people will learn not to tread on you

consider everyone warned officially now:bigjoint:


hows that old saying go, dont start nothing and there wont be nothin, words to the wise:blsmoke:
That's how you end up with a ridiculously unnecessary kill count, ie. Iraq.

Progress will be made by the people who realize it's a mistake the soonest.
Those soldiers enjoy every bit of it. That's the scary part. They weren't even trying to save lives...

How anyone can defend those acts is beyond me.
Because they let their prejudice be the source of personal logic.

Unable to recognize who an enemy is.... "progrssives" make easy pickings to folks like terrorists, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Chavez, etc, etc.... easy pickings.
Because they let their prejudice be the source of personal logic.

Unable to recognize who an enemy is.... "progrssives" make easy pickings to folks like terrorists, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Chavez, etc, etc.... easy pickings.

If we never went to iraq... what would be going on right now? would the US be destroyed?

Let me take a guess... "Saddam would be killing innocent iraqis"
The irony ;)
I'm sure there is a lot of action behind the scene of that vid - many more people involved than we even know.
IMHO one of the more disturbing aspects of it are the remarks over the comm channel, so let me see if I can help add a bit of perspective.
Those troops are not reviling in the death, rather they are taking some satisfaction in it. If you (like many of them) have been suddenly thrust into a kill or be killed situation, and a daily/weekly event is to "sanitize" and box up your buddies personal effects because he just got blown to bits by an IED you tend to take things pretty personal.
Let me further elaborate on the "Sanitization", it is necessary so you prevent further pain to the troopers family as they go through his/her things - no Porn, no Dear Johns, etc... If you think you know someone, try doing that with out personalizing it yourself. You Can't.
One becomes hardened to it, . . Death becomes your reality and it honestly is not as far a stretch as you might think to take that satisfaction in the elimination of your enemy. Many of you are also capable of the very actions you are calling despicable.
Walk a mile in a mans shoes before you judge him.
Folks the rerason why the USA has a big footprint is partly because the EU is anemic and unable to do much about anything.

It was the constant appeasement ( U.N.) of Saddam which led to his invasion of Kuwait, which led to our invasion to kick him out. Just like the constant appeasement with Iran will end up with them having nuclear weapons.

Both of those issues are in the back yard of Europe. Believe me.... we would LOVE to be able to not have to defend Kuwait....or watch Iran build missiles....but we are alone for all practical purposes. The coalition forces aren't dominated almost entirely by the USA because we demand it. It's because the commitment levels are so low from other nations.

So if you are from the EU .... quit whining about the USA military.

You can't LIVE without it. Anytime you want to take over...just let us know. Uh huh... anemic.
The bottom line is that these guys are doing their jobs. It's funny how I see people defending police officers with this statement but not soldiers. When your in a war you have to be in the mentality that these people are your enemy and they are trained to be blood-thirsty. They have to find it fun and/or humerous that is how they cope with what they are doing. If you try to add faces and emotions to the enemy your not going to be able to pull the trigger when you need to, and if that's the case, Y are you there? There is no draft last time I checked. Our gun rights were givin to us to defend ourselves from our government if it ever tried to unfairly oppress us like the british government did, good luck with that.
The bottom line is that these guys are doing their jobs. It's funny how I see people defending police officers with this statement but not soldiers. When your in a war you have to be in the mentality that these people are your enemy and they are trained to be blood-thirsty. They have to find it fun and/or humerous that is how they cope with what they are doing. If you try to add faces and emotions to the enemy your not going to be able to pull the trigger when you need to, and if that's the case, Y are you there? There is no draft last time I checked. Our gun rights were givin to us to defend ourselves from our government if it ever tried to unfairly oppress us like the british government did, good luck with that.

I agree with you 100%.... when i watch the video, i can only help but think why you would want to be a wartime photographer.... I mean, i understand he was unarmed, but at the same time. he's walking around in a warzone with people that are armed and he's carrying a huge ass camera that could easily lead anyone to believe it is a weapon. If i hadn't watched the video with tags on the guys saying who they were, then i would have never known they were photographers either. The guy knew the risk of his job, according to this article from cnn, 139 journalist have died trying to cover this war in the last 7 years, 120 of whom were iraqi... needless to say, the guy knew the dangers.

Washington (CNN) -- One of two photojournalists killed in a 2007 attack by a U.S. helicopter gunship in Iraq was being rescued when the gunship's crew fired on the van to which he was being carried, according to footage posted online Monday.
Reuters photographer Saeed Cmagh survived an initial strafing by the Apache gunship's 30 mm machine gun, but he apparently died when the gunship opened fire on people attempting to get him off the sidewalk where he lay, according to the video. The aerial footage was posted by the Web site WikiLeaks, which said the video remains classified and "clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers."
WikiLeaks is a site that publishes anonymously submitted documents, video and other sensitive materials.
Pentagon documents on the investigation (pdf)
The gunship's crew requested and received permission to open fire on the van, which the crew believed was trying to evacuate wounded insurgents, the U.S. military later concluded.
Chmagh's Reuters colleague, Namir Noor-Eldeen, also died in the July 2007 air strike in the New Baghdad district of the Iraqi capital. Noor-Eldeen appears to have been killed in the first round of strafing from the gunship.
The U.S. investigation into the attack found that the helicopter gunship's crew mistook the journalists' cameras for weapons while seeking out insurgents who had been firing at American troops in the area. The fliers estimated they killed 12 to 15 Iraqis in the attack.
"This tragic incident was investigated at that time by the brigade involved and the investigation found that the forces involved were not aware of the presence of the two reporters, and that all evidence available supported the conclusion by those forces that they were engaging armed insurgents, and not civilians," Maj. Shawn Turner, a U.S. military spokesman, told CNN in a written statement Monday.
The Army's 2007 report on the incident found the crew had "neither reason nor probability to assume that neutral media personnel were embedded with enemy forces," according to a copy of the document released to CNN.
"We regret the loss of innocent life, but this incident was promptly investigated, and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspects of this engagement," Turner added.
A total of 139 journalists, nearly 120 of them Iraqis, have been killed during the 7-year-old war, according to the Committee To Protect Journalists. Reuters said the deaths of Chmagh and Noor-Eldeen "were tragic and emblematic of the extreme dangers that exist in covering war zones."
"This footage is deeply disturbing and reminds us of what journalists in war zones undergo to bring us the news," Joel Simon, the group's executive director, said in a written statement. "The video also confirms our long-held view that a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident is urgently needed."
And Reuters said the deaths of Chmagh and Noor-Eldeen "were tragic and emblematic of the extreme dangers that exist in covering war zones."
"We continue to work for journalist safety and call on all involved parties to recognise the important work that journalists do and the extreme danger that photographers and video journalists face in particular," David Schlesinger, the wire service's editor-in-chief, said in a statement released to CNN. "The video released today via WikiLeaks is graphic evidence of the dangers involved in war journalism and the tragedies that can result."
lets not pretend this is anything other than a war for profit, oil, strategic land, etc. every war, every time, every place , same reason. aint gonna change. 'war on terror' my hairy white arse, war for oil. for fuck sake. u can wrap it up in whatever rhetoric u choose every war has been fought for exactly the same reasons.