What's your job title and pay?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
douche bags around here were doing this, and a few of the home's water was still turned on, so not only were they pipeless, but also flooded.. :(

see, that's fucked up. I just posted this in jibber

  • so my buddys' house got burglarized sometime in the last week. They stole a bunch of tools and construction materials and also some random farm hardware.

    Disgusting fucks took a shit on his lvg. room floor.

    I told him to put a bunch of boards with nails through them under the windows and such.​



bud bootlegger
see, that's fucked up. I just posted this in jibber

  • so my buddys' house got burglarized sometime in the last week. They stole a bunch of tools and construction materials and also some random farm hardware.

    Disgusting fucks took a shit on his lvg. room floor.

    I told him to put a bunch of boards with nails through them under the windows and such.​

anyone else ever torn about liking a post with crappy, pun intended, news in them?? it's not like i like what happened, just wanted to say i feel for you i guess.. :(


Well-Known Member
disgusting, my housemates bag with his wallet mobile phone and house keys just got stolen, so I am not working because of protruded discs in my back playing up luckily im here I guess we will have to change the locks


Well-Known Member
disgusting, my housemates friends bag with his wallet mobile phone and house keys just got stolen, so I am not working because of protruded discs in my back playing up luckily im here I guess we will have to change the locks
dont need him coming back for it now do ya ;)


Well-Known Member
I remember the good old days in the midwest when these tweakbags just tried to steal annhydrous from the farms and ran off screaming with their hands cryo snapped off. sigh...


Well-Known Member
I was working at a car yard and when we arrived in the morning the place was trashed and there was a guy drunk on the floor. I didn't actually touch him but a couple of the other guys gave him a hiding

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
anyone else ever torn about liking a post with crappy, pun intended, news in them?? it's not like i like what happened, just wanted to say i feel for you i guess.. :(

yes, frequently.

ol, boy staked his place out the other night. He caught some guy driving suspiciously in the middle of the night near his place. There are only like two houses on this country road so no good reason for strange traffic.Especially when it's -10F out. He chased the guy down after watching him pull into several other driveways. He got make/model and license plate, as well as a good general description. He turned it all into the sheriff. Hopefully they do something about it.

B&E's have been a plague on our area for several years now. Thinkin bout getting another dog. Even tho this spoiled fucker sleeps in the garage by the woodburner half the time :?

I think the poor bastard can sleep in his doghouse tonight.


Well-Known Member
see, that's fucked up. I just posted this in jibber

  • so my buddys' house got burglarized sometime in the last week. They stole a bunch of tools and construction materials and also some random farm hardware.

    Disgusting fucks took a shit on his lvg. room floor.

    I told him to put a bunch of boards with nails through them under the windows and such.​

Aren't booby traps frowned upon by leo?
You've heard the stories... guy robs a house slips on some dog shit, breaks a nail, then sues the home owner for millions and wins... :shock: :roll:
Damn... I know what I'm doing tonight... cleaning up dog shit 8)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Aren't booby traps frowned upon by leo?
You've heard the stories... guy robs a house slips on some dog shit, breaks a nail, then sues the home owner for millions and wins... :shock: :roll:
Damn... I know what I'm doing tonight... cleaning up dog shit 8)

house is under construction, there's bound to be boards with nails laying around. he has all his assets in a llc so his liability is limited.


Well-Known Member
Aren't booby traps frowned upon by leo?
You've heard the stories... guy robs a house slips on some dog shit, breaks a nail, then sues the home owner for millions and wins... :shock: :roll:
Damn... I know what I'm doing tonight... cleaning up dog shit 8)
Depends on the state, Texas you just shoot him after the trap