What's your job title and pay?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Well ive taken woodshop since 7th grade,ive built many thing recently in past years I learned a how to make a green house with my grandpa few years back,redid flooring and supports on.other grandpas house,roofed a garage,installed sprinklers,Ive had to stand 20 feet high up on a ladder to paint the crown of a house doesnt bother me. Also helped build the deck in that pic. I just got started this last summer doin mortar/stone work. Learned to lay concrete last summer also...I like taking pics lol

good enough, construction sucks in the winter.


New Member
^^^^^^^nice Danno.Document every job like that if you can.It backs you up when you try to talk to employers


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I like taking pics just take em.of everything I do lol. Ya I a quick learning very hard worker now if I could just find a job that will start me out at like 12$ an hour id quit my job. But at the same time fucking piss tests. So with construction n shit do u only get tested if u fuck something up. Because I dont want to stop smoking unless I have to



New Member
new hires get it.CDL drivers get randoms.Accidents/fuck ups get it.Once in awhile you find places(1 outta 20) that don't test or are cool about it


Staff member
with my home business imake quite a bit of profit.
batch of baking costs maybe 3$ to make and i sell it between 10-15$

my regular job pays 10.25$ an hour plus weekley kitchen pay out which is like 50$

whatever im young


Well-Known Member
Before i retired i was the senior jobsite superintendant for a large union construction company , my pay rate was $42.00 an hour on the check plus an additional $11.92 an hour vacation pay which the union paid once yearly on july 1st , with labor bonuses & xmas bonus it paid from $120K to $190K on my best year but most years around $140K , before i became a super i was a CCO certified crane operator for the same company where i operated cranes & skytracks & my pay was $ 31.00 an hour ,
Before that i was a commercial roofing foreman which i still hold a journeymans card in & the pay was $23.00 an hour plus $7.00 an hour vacation pay which the union paid every 6 months .

My wife is a retired school teacher & with both our pensions we bring in about $8K a month , in 3 more yrs i'll recieve social security which will add another $2,400 a month if all the bums dont drain the program dry 1st .

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
yeah,double pay and work days are twice as easy.....Luckily I'm in w/ a guy who does prevwage w/ no drug tests.We built 4 schools this summer
Yeah, we were all underpaid so more like quadruple pay for us. Twice as easy on work is bout right tho ;) I loved those school jobs. Damn, I need to come work with you bro. :) Go from making 5-600/wk to around 2k/wk......wooohooo, party on joe this weekend ;) I think the most I topped out @ was around $48/hr

ahhh, the good ol daze, company truck, gas card. Just get the job done and go home. Being self employed now the jobs never done. There is no clocking out.....course there is no clocking in either tho ;)


Well-Known Member
My standard pay was around $1100-1200 a week after tax
at the end ! I started at that same place when i was 17 years old , as a 1st year apprentice i was on $4.65 p/hr
Then slowly went up every year through my apprenticeship , By the time i finished a 4 year apprenticeship i was on $14 p/hr i think
I became forman a few years later and got to $19 p/hr


Well-Known Member
2011-06-30 15.10.54.jpg2011-06-30 15.11.11.jpg2011-06-30 15.11.20.jpgone of the many custom tradesman trailers i have built Tha paint work was matched to his brand new ute , along with the rims 19" sams as ute !
that is a $12k trailer , it has duel electric brakes , central locking on all doors linked to his remote for his car locks , back draw that opens out to around 6ft ,
led tail lights , full wire mesh inside to hang shit up on and to protect aluminium sheet panel exterior .. it was a full
25mmx25mm rhs frame with 2mm ally panels !!
Chassis was made from !
Draw bar was 100 x 50 rhs with 5mm wall thickness .
rest of chassis was 75x50 rhs with 3mm wall .
Tuff trailer that one !!!
2011-06-30 15.14.54.jpg


Well-Known Member
retired/disabled/dad/cook/maid/stepdad/granddad/husband/owner of 3 puppies/mod on RIU

only one that pays well is the mod job.. and this week we get paid in glass bongs..


Well-Known Member
best i ever did was art director. thankless job. lotta false deadlines. great co workers. the best drugs and i took long vacas in summer when clients are typically away. our agency was in a high rise across from a hotel. every year during the army navy game weekend we would all gather in the presidents office and watch the cadets carry on across the street in their rooms because they never closed the blinds. that was fun. the job was never about the money. none of my jobs ever were. i only ever did exactly what i wanted.


Well-Known Member
After working for the man for half my life I started my own business in pressure washing and wood restoration, mostly houses and decks. start my third year this spring and have 16k booked. the work lasts about 8 months out of the year so I grow and plow in the winter. I try to book all my work at $125.00 an hour but last year i averaged $100.00