Who is Fdd anyway?

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Well-Known Member
He was born on the 20th of April...he was born of a Virgin Female Cannabis Plant...He was her only seed.

His birth was announced by an HID light in the sky, and the alignment of the three trichromes. He was born in a greenhouse as there was no room in any of the indoor grow ops in town.

He was known as the way, and the light...when people took in his miracles, they were often moved to proclaim..."Jesus Christ!"

His miracle amazed the multitudes...turning a single seed in a 2 gallon pot, into a pound and a half of fine buds (the high priests of growing shouted ROOT BOUND!)....Trim and ice into hash...silica into artistic vessels for the relief of pain, depression, boredom.

He preached the truth to a growing group of devoted followers...some considered him a teacher. He was continually tempted with the deceptions of the vices of man...mainly woman[sic].

This sounds all too familiar... I wonder how it will all end...maybe we should....nah! keep it up!



I like to think of FDD like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hayduke.... You are the fucking man!

I heard fdd started as a mystery bagstrain that was then crossed to the infamous ATF then crossed and then backcrossed with the fairytale, G13 . Then from there, the story becomes muddled, hence the username faded


Well-Known Member
He was born on the 20th of April...he was born of a Virgin Female Cannabis Plant...He was her only seed.

His birth was announced by an HID light in the sky, and the alignment of the three trichromes. He was born in a greenhouse as there was no room in any of the indoor grow ops in town.

He was known as the way, and the light...when people took in his miracles, they were often moved to proclaim..."Jesus Christ!"

His miracle amazed the multitudes...turning a single seed in a 2 gallon pot, into a pound and a half of fine buds (the high priests of growing shouted ROOT BOUND!)....Trim and ice into hash...silica into artistic vessels for the relief of pain, depression, boredom.

He preached the truth to a growing group of devoted followers...some considered him a teacher. He was continually tempted with the deceptions of the vices of man...mainly woman[sic].

This sounds all too familiar... I wonder how it will all end...maybe we should....nah! keep it up!

Dude you should write books...Seriously that was cool.


Well-Known Member
on 88.4 - did the static ...... fade? Eeerriiieeee stuff! LOL! This thread is fabulous. the imagination and creativity of the responses is masterful. Walk On!~


Well-Known Member
I heard that fdd sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled growing ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, fdd roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month and sometimes the devil supplies the weed.


Well-Known Member
I heard that fdd sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled growing ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, fdd roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month and sometimes the devil supplies the weed.
The devil went down to georgia he was looking for a soul to steal......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
The devil sometimes logs in as fdd when faded is not home and steals his identity. That's why sometimes you get the good fdd, sometimes you get the evil fdd... it's not fdds fault
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