Who knows of 2012,

OP> A.T. Mann's 'The Divine Life' is very informative. This coming from a modern day Houdini. It's very speculative, lists references, covers many different culures, but clearly draws the line between speculation, fact and history. It might not allay your paranoia but if you watched Zeitgeist (Literally translated: Time Ghost) you might actually be inspired. It doesn't mean too much though because we go through this cycle often. What I'd really like to see is the enlightenment of the human conciousness to what the fuck is going on around them. Zeitgeist is right about a few things but kinda like Lavey....a little too heavy on the atheist slant. I've got my own ideas about what God is, and I think I could piss of Lavey and the Pope with it. I'm just more than a little sick of this new-age-hippie-witch bullshit. The way to defeat religious ignorance isn't to propagate more of it.

Don't forget Cydonia Mars.


Isn't 2012 the end of the mayan calendar and the beginning of a new one?.. Just like BC and AD?
Spot on yo, couldn't have put it better myself.

haha imagine getting serious serious couchlock when something like that is happening, that would be funny!!
And if you think it means something, it does.
remember year 2000. ya 2012 is another Y2K. the world isnt going to end for quite some time. if you want to lower green house gases then grow pot. always be opened minded. ask questions. higher consciousness. meditation is key. you would be surprised how powerful you are. try to clear all of your thoughts for a few seconds. can you do it. how about a few minutes. practice.

christianity. when you talk to 'god' does he talk back. christians they tell you not to ask questions. they use fear (hell) to get you believe the lie. be smart ask questions and go to Exposing Christianity to find out what christianity has been doing over the past 2000 years. burning anyone who does not follow christ is horrible. what if the christian 'god' was reversed with his enemy. believe what ever you want to believe but remember you have the right to ANY religion in the US.
NO ITS NOT!!! Naa im jp, thats what it says in my german english dictionary, I was just trying to be smart ass
Here is a link to a movie called What the bleep do we know?

It is a scratch on the surface of what you are pondering.

It is a full length movie.

What the Bleep part 1
no offence
that entire movie is false specualtion
it has nothing to do with quantum physics which is what it claims to be about and further more wsas produced by a nut who did it for money and runs a bunch of shady organizations
please before you respond trying to defend the movie research it, if you were
i used to love that movie
and then i looked into and saw that it was a bunch of philosophical speculation with no scientific or even logical basis
research the lady who made it and look up the definition of quantum physics
I never said the earth isn't slowly getting warmer; but as someone else has pointed out our happy little Earth has gone through periods of global warming and cooling since the day she was born - and we didn't exist in this world until very, VERY recently so I don't think it has much to do with us. Human beings are NOT the cause of this phenomenon, but we do more than our part. I'm all for the preservation of the environment, but I'm more concerned with sullying of the ground than the molecular battle going on miles above me.

Global warming isn't a myth, but the story the movement is telling most certainly is.
i have to respectfullly disagree global warming is a huge problem
watch An Inconvenient Truth and then come talk to me..
humans have thrown our normal cycle WAYYYY out of whack, just smoke ajoint and kick back and watch that movie you'll see
we ARE the problem
earth was not made to support pollution and technology on the scale it is
the actual date is 2012, December 21 and supposidly a while back in mayan records the animals turned on humans and some people predict that electrcity will turn on us that day
i have to respectfullly disagree global warming is a huge problem
watch An Inconvenient Truth and then come talk to me..
humans have thrown our normal cycle WAYYYY out of whack, just smoke ajoint and kick back and watch that movie you'll see
we ARE the problem
earth was not made to support pollution and technology on the scale it is

i am not disagreeing with you or making any judgement for or against global-climate change theories... but i will say you shouldn't get your science from films. There is a lot of faulty science in that movie that shouldn't be accepted at face value. Even proponents of human-caused climate change distance themselves from some of the things stated.
i will believe you when any of you come with any kind of evidence other thsan hearsay i have seen the documentation online about his stuff and a lot of the stuff in the film is supported by common sense and documentation, and he won A SHIT ton of his words from the scientific and film community i don't think they would give out awards for faulty information especially the scientific community who's entire credibility depends on evidence and scientific procedure
i will believe you when any of you come with any kind of evidence other thsan hearsay i have seen the documentation online about his stuff and a lot of the stuff in the film is supported by common sense and documentation, and he won A SHIT ton of his words from the scientific and film community i don't think they would give out awards for faulty information especially the scientific community who's entire credibility depends on evidence and scientific procedure

Like I said, I am not interested in arguing global weather patterns.

But you are sadly mistaken if you think the entertainment industry gives a hoot about good science. And as for the Nobel Peace Prize, I believe Princess Di won one also, or at least the land mine organization she fronted did. I mention that to dissuade you of the notion that the Nobel means good science. Besides, the film didn't win in a "science" category.

Having said all that - of course we need to protect our environment including our thin and fragile atmosphere. We do want to make sure we take the proper action as an improper action could make matters much, much worse.
Like I said, I am not interested in arguing global weather patterns.

But you are sadly mistaken if you think the entertainment industry gives a hoot about good science. And as for the Nobel Peace Prize, I believe Princess Di won one also, or at least the land mine organization she fronted did. I mention that to dissuade you of the notion that the Nobel means good science. Besides, the film didn't win in a "science" category.

Having said all that - of course we need to protect our environment including our thin and fragile atmosphere. We do want to make sure we take the proper action as an improper action could make matters much, much worse.
well i'll respectfully agree to disagree
you've got a bit of a point there though
Was anyone else forced to watch that Crystal skull bullshit on the SciFi channel last night? Lol, "when i hold the skull it gets warmer" Don't worry crystal skulls from aiens will save us all when 2012 comes.
i cant wait till the day im free from the government and their leash over the people. who knows what they have covered up, lied about, made up or even scamed to get the people or the "masses" to do what ever they want.....did you ever think that they have been slowly trying to start another "great depression" on purpose, after they have gotten all the money they produced back from the people (raising prices or everything not just gas). The government is a lie and was based on lies. i consider myself open minded if not i would see 2012 as a poor situation or maybe just maybe even a scare tactic like 2000. but no i believe the mayans were so in touch with themselves and nature that they KNOW what they were doing...i dont question the mayan prophecy at all, i actually look forward to the day that we dont have to look up to technology or the government to fend for us just so they can use us. fuck them they will be the first to perish without their people giving them money or ways to survive( taxes and such).
i hope this makes sense in some way and it doesnt sound like im babbleing out of my ass.

more people need to open their eyes and see what the government is trying to do