Who supports Trump here

Can you please name one person you would seriously consider voting for? Is there a perfect candidate for you? Same question for other guys liking your posts here in my thread.

I vote you run your life and I run mine. That's two people I'd vote for. You are the perfect candidate to run your own life.

There is no perfect candidate in an involuntary inclusion election. The involuntary inclusion part should make that self evident. Lysander Spooner expounded on that, but most people don't have the attention span to read any of his stuff. Sigh.

The last time I voted seriously was for Ron Paul in 2008. I liked the first thing he ever said to me, "I'm Ron Paul, I'm running for President and I don't want to run your life, I don't know how to run your life etc. " Since then I've kicked the voting habit unless it's to vote no on a local expenditure etc.
So no Trump supporters on here? Right on. Or they’re just cowards and can’t say so. Lmao at the little pussies.
This thread went about as good as I thought it'd go lol. They got no reasons why. Nothing based in fact. At this point its just a meme and these guys want to hang out with their 14 year old cool friends so they gotta play the part to get the dick.. ya know?
This thread went about as good as I thought it'd go lol. They got no reasons why. Nothing based in fact. At this point its just a meme and these guys want to hang out with their 14 year old cool friends so they gotta play the part to get the dick.. ya know?
Oh I know bro lol. Wasn’t expecting it to be some sort of epic thread. But their responses so far have been exactly what I expected. “Both parties suck” or “both candidates suck”
How you been man? Haven’t seen you on much lately, not that I’ve been on much either.
Oh I know bro lol. Wasn’t expecting it to be some sort of epic thread. But their responses so far have been exactly what I expected. “Both parties suck” or “both candidates suck”
How you been man? Haven’t seen you on much lately, not that I’ve been on much either.
I'm always lurking lol. Just beat up. Working at a different place til tomorrow then back to my job. Been off since March. But I've been alright. Just tons of work then when I'm not working I'm trying to modernize a 20 year old car lol. How you
I'm always lurking lol. Just beat up. Working at a different place til tomorrow then back to my job. Been off since March. But I've been alright. Just tons of work then when I'm not working I'm trying to modernize a 20 year old car lol. How you
Between gardening and trying to get my new house i’m building dried in i’m beat up too man. With all the delays i’ll be super lucky to get a roof on before it rains.