Who supports Trump here

Stretch those hamstrings. (if lower back)

Nice and easy one is to stand up, put a heel on a chair and kind of sit back (bending other knee while keeping your propped up leg straight) until you feel a really good stretch, and hold it for at least a minute. Switch and repeat a couple times throughout the day.

Anytime I feel my back going out, I know I have been not stretching and have to force myself back into that routine.

That looks like a great move bro, thanks!
Right now its the sciatica. Holy fuck it sucks. Got this spondylosis bullshit in my lower back but right now its this sciatica. Fucked up.
That looks like a great move bro, thanks!
Right now its the sciatica. Holy fuck it sucks. Got this spondylosis bullshit in my lower back but right now its this sciatica. Fucked up.
Every so often I get a kind of clunk-clunk feel in my lower back and I am out for a few days, I can feel it building up and know if I don't get to stretching I am screwed. Everyone I talk to about lower back pain I have do that right away, and they feel it working right away. In fact, I will be back, going to go stretch it out for a bit.
Nope. I and many people would love to hear why trump supporters will vote for him again, or keep supporting him.
They are racist and or bigots, it's the only reason someone would support him, most folks aren't that stupid on their own, they need help. If they can't see the difference between Trump and Biden it's because they are immoral or amoral and lack the common sense to merely survive. Most lie to themselves, so don't expect any deep insights, all they have left is the ,"no difference between them" line, it's all they've got. They always transport themselves in time to the 90's when there was no difference between the parties, they all embraced racists and bigots to a degree then.

The parties and public are polarized for a reason, the republicans are anti American and embrace treason and the democrats are patriots. The democrats are in alinement with the founding liberal principles of the country, the republicans are race driven fascist who want to end American democracy. It's really rather simple and only the simple minded don't get it.
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Every so often I get a kind of clunk-clunk feel in my lower back and I am out for a few days, I can feel it building up and know if I don't get to stretching I am screwed. Everyone I talk to about lower back pain I have do that right away, and they feel it working right away. In fact, I will be back, going to go stretch it out for a bit.
Try Voltarin ointment, also try CBD, works wonders for a neighbors back pain, you can use it topically too as an ointment, but eating seems to work best.
The main problem is they emptied out the fucking nuthouses (state hospitals) decades ago when antipsychotic medications became available. They let the nuts out, franchised them and they never took the meds and thus became the homeless and the Trumpers.

yes, america is circa 1890 right about now homeless and crazy on the side of the road..then you have the Karen/Darren's who live somewhere.

i find watching karens interesting because no bad how my life is, i'm not them..those bitches are scary.
I never knew a racist that had the capability to recognize it.......I have a shitload of them in my family.

their double think is crazy but you can spin anything- remind them when they feel good about trump* only paying $750, that he is in debt and made no money off the Obama years like those in your family did- not smart.
It's all about the conditioning we receive over the course of our lives, our expectations of how the world, "should" be. If you are "normal", you were raised with morals and ethics, though you might also have been raised to believe white people are somehow superior to others. You might believe either consciously or unconsciously that America is "a white nation", because that is how you perceived the world, influenced by the time you grew up in, or the geographic location (deep south).

It is not so much a question of basic intelligence for most current Trump supporters as one of personal integrity. Self consistency is the hallmark of integrity, some Trump supporters would trust him with their life savings (the stupid) most would not. Most Trump supporters would punch someone in the face who acted like Trump in their personal life and bum rush them out the door. They are dishonest with themselves and others, they are fools, but they are also family and friends, I don't demand perfection in others, and neither do most people.

As for what motivates Trump supporters, Dylan Roof said it best, "They are taking over", as justification for mass murder in a black church.
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Here is the main issue and problem confronting Americans: Do you support Trump or the US constitution and the rule of law? Trump is no longer running against Biden, he is running against the US constitution and democratic rule, he said it outright, several times. He is seeking to recruit radical right wing militias and other racist organizations to act as his brown shirts.

It's a choice now between Trump as King, or the constitution, the rule of law and democracy. Trump is seeking to delegitimize the voting process and disenfranchise tens of millions of voters. He is encouraging violence and intimidation at the polls and tried to interfere with the mail in vote at all levels and drive people into dangerous polling stations with long lines, while intimating local officials.

Also, Trump is responsible for over 110,000 American deaths and that takes things to a whole new level of civic responsibility, Trump and his supporters are failing in this basic duty on all levels. WEAR A FUCKING MASK! It's gotten that fucking stupid.
Please don't say the "R" word, it's offensive to most people. It's also 2020.
It's OK to call someone, retarded or a tard, if they are acting in an antisocial manner, not as a slur against their intelligence, but their character. It's a bit more complicated than that, Trump is a moron with an IQ of 78 and while I don't normally denigrate someone's intelligence, I strangely feel no remorse. Many who follow Trump are either actually morons or have made themselves idiots by being completely controlled by their conditioning and shunning reality (fake news).