Who supports Trump here

They won’t.
They can’t.
My father voted for him and he’s not a nutbag. He’s honestly a good man. Not racist. Not money grubbing.
Before he voted for dump there was some discussion. Everyone else in the family hates dump.
He thought since he was such a great, snicker, businessman, give him a shot.
Now, no way we even discuss it. And of course we’d never give him a hard time.
If you can’t say “I was wrong” I’m thinking you shouldn’t say “I’m right” either.
Hope your back is better.
If you want to attempt to discuss it with them, I know where there are some serious kool-aid drinkers online in another pot forum. Rhymes with fuckers paradise.
They come here and put their noses against the window, dying to have the prize yet they have no balls to discuss.
Hi guys. lol they take screenshots of my statements and try to use them against me. lol too remedial for me.
Hope your back is better.
Got the inversion table but have only hung a total of like 1min. I’m standing out in between growrooms snapping shitloads of cuts dying, but i’m like I don’t have time for that thing right now. It’s just about light enough out right now to go work on the house :-(
My Dad is a reborn/born again what ever you call them. I have a shitload of family down south that are all jesus freaks. Last time I was down there, before the last election, they were all going to vote for Trump and thought I was the crazy one going to vote for Hillary. Lmao! I have a feeling they’ll vote for Trump again. Makes no sense.

You've heard about antifa super soldiers but I bet you haven't heard about tRUmps secret fascist super soldiers. When you get someone with a BMI and a IQ within 10 points, you create one of tRUmps secret weapons. These super duper soldiers are somehow created within the group known as the proud boys, don't ask me how, it must be some dark magic since proud boys are incels and cucks.
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You've heard about antifa super soldiers but I bet you haven't heard about tRUmps secret fascist super soldiers. When you get someone with a BMI and a IQ within 10 points, you create one of tRUmps secret weapons. These super duper soldiers are somehow created within the group known as the proud boys, don't ask me how, it must be some dark magics since proud boys are incels and cucks.
I believe it.

@Aeroknow :hug:
Got the inversion table but have only hung a total of like 1min. I’m standing out in between growrooms snapping shitloads of cuts dying, but i’m like I don’t have time for that thing right now. It’s just about light enough out right now to go work on the house :-(
View attachment 4700684
My Dad is a reborn/born again what ever you call them. I have a shitload of family down south that are all jesus freaks. Last time I was down there, before the last election, they were all going to vote for Trump and thought I was the crazy one going to vote for Hillary. Lmao! I have a feeling they’ll vote for Trump again. Makes no sense.
Stretch those hamstrings. (if lower back)

Nice and easy one is to stand up, put a heel on a chair and kind of sit back (bending other knee while keeping your propped up leg straight) until you feel a really good stretch, and hold it for at least a minute. Switch and repeat a couple times throughout the day.

Anytime I feel my back going out, I know I have been not stretching and have to force myself back into that routine.
