Why does the Main Stream Media Black Out Ron Paul?


New Member
I think it should be clear enough by now that the main stream media intentionally ignores and smears Ron Paul. People had their doubts at first understandably, if your looking for something then thats what you'll see. Then they thought, maybe its just the media isn't interested in Ron Paul because he doesn't stand a chance. Then it really became glaringly obvious and finally after five years it was so obvious that our court jester John Stewart pointed it out in Dramatic fashion for us to laugh.


Now that its clear that the media blackout is real as evidenced by thousands of articles and videos. It is time to ask yourselves "why does the media blackout Ron Paul?"

And with that, I invite you to investigate the CFR and their influence over media and how that all ties into the Federal Reserve.



New Member

Democrat CFR Candidates:
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

Republican CFR Candidates:
Rick Perry
Herman Cain
Mitt Romney
Rudy Giuliani
Newt Gingrich


Well-Known Member
The mainstream sewage pipe does not mention Ron Paul because "They" do not want another Kennedy running the Presidency. Executive Order! Close down the Federal Reserve" (bang)


New Member
yeah, right.

every RP thread is a ron paul/globalists/fed is evil thread.

no it doesn't, find me one thread mentioning the CFR or Globalism Vs national sovereignty and their connection with the FED and the media..and how that all relates to Ron Paul..hell find me even one post.


New Member
The CFR was created by the same people who created the FED. All media moguls are members of the CFR. The media ignores Ron Paul because he wants to put an end to their crimes..Ron Paul exposed 16.1 Trillion Dollars missing from federal reserve coffers and has unanimous support for his audit the fed bill which scratched the surface of the corruption, the audit will not continue unless Ron Paul is elected president...The bankers scams will go on.



Active Member
If he gets elected he will be assasinated. That is why the media blocks him. They would rather avoid having to shoot another president.

I recommend you flee America if/when that happens. Actually, doing that now wouldnt be a bad idea. It would be proactive rather than reactive.


Well-Known Member
If he gets elected he will be assasinated. That is why the media blocks him. They would rather avoid having to shoot another president.

I recommend you flee America if/when that happens. Actually, doing that now wouldnt be a bad idea. It would be proactive rather than reactive.
it's all a conspiracy!


New Member
Created by JP Morgan, Rothschild, Rockefeller, and friends...The same good people that created the Federal reserve. Early on they bought out 15 of the countries most prominent newspapers. Today media Moguls Murdoch and Soros are all members, a long with obama and much of his cabinet members. The same holds true for most presidents.

This all leads into 'NWO' conspiracy theories- because this group pushes for global government and so secretive many conspiracy theories formulate around this, such as the conspiracy that they are into population control, they may very well be but it lacks evidence...as you move on to the Illuminati conspiracy theory which is one of the most extreme versions...

The facts, well the facts are the policys that they push such as NAFTA, CAFTA, GAT, and the Nasco super highway. The facts are that media moguls and many of our leaders have been part of the CFR which was formed by the same men. The same men that conspired to establish the federal reserve. Any more then that is a "conspiracy theory" or "coincidence".


"The Main purpose of the Council on Foreign Realtions is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government" -Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate General of the U.S. NAVY


Ron Paul would be an enemy of these people, the same people who own most of the media outlets, the same people that promote globalism vs national soveriegnty. Ron Paul voted down NAFTA, TAFTA, CAFTA, GAT. Ron Paul audited the fed and wants to end it. Ron Paul would be the first non-cfr president since Kennedy. Ron Paul is the 1%'s worst nightmare. That is why they ignore Ron Paul.


Active Member
it's all a conspiracy!
LAst person to try and axe the Federal Reserve was JFK with Executive 1110. He was shot for it, and 24 hours later LBJ scrapped EX 1110 and recalled all the "US Notes" that JFK had put into circulation. It is a conspiracy but that doesnt change the facts.

Heres a speech that contributed to JFKs removal. Listen carefull to the part that starts with "we are opposed by a ruthless, monolithic conspiracy....". oh also "and there is very grave danger that an anounced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand it's meaning...."

The speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZk8ronces&feature=fvsr

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the media doesnt show his success because hes a racist

the media doesnt want to tackle the real issue of racism here

. . . . . . ..j/k