Yes in some jurisdictions it has been adopted.
And I checked the "Oxford" dictionary and there was no mention of man and man or woman and woman. The word "marriage" comes from the old french word "Marier," or the latin word "Maritus" which again means husband or wife. Lady and man. It's just a word and for the millionth fucking time!, they have all the same rights as every one else! They are not restricted from doing anything or going anywhere they want. The only people that are a threat to them are the ones who feel that a gay persons lifestyle will some how effect their life. A gay couple can get united under the eyes of the law. It's just not called a marriage. It's called being united. Then there life partner can get on their benefits from work, they can be claimed on the others taxes blah blah blah...
I have never had a gay person tell they feel oppressed or left out. I live in the S.F. bay area, the birth place of free gay love. I have even been to a few gay pride parades. They're fun, if you don't mind being hit on by a bunch of mo's, and I go to show my support of there lifestyle. It's fine with me what they do and how they live there lives. What's not fine with me is how so many self righteous peolpe feel they have to protest every day because of the self made dilussion that they have no rights. And that goes for EVERYONE.
To further prove my point I think we should start a petition. The word "American" should not only include those born i the u.s. but those who share the same ideals as the u.s. Let's change the definition so we can include everyone. I don't want any one to get their feelings hurt because we said they can't be "American." But what if some one really really wanted to be an American? There are steps to becoming American now. You either are born here or you wait for your green card. This definition was pulled straight from "American,"
noun 4.a citizen of the United States of America.5.a native or inhabitant of the Western Indian of North or South America.7.
American English. a steam locomotive having a four-wheeled front truck, four driving wheels, and no rear truck
Hell, we can
change that. Who cares about what the actual definition is. All we need, is to be labled the same. That's all that matters right? (FYO: this last paragraph was all sarcasm.)
Now if we were all able to get "married" then what else would the gay and lesbian communities have to protest about? Oh I'm sure they'll find something later on. And if they don't then someone else will. It's a vicious cycle that wont end until EVERYONE is happy. You can't please evryone all the time and the sooner everyone realizes that then the better off we'll be. People are natually displeased by whatever they see. Then they talk to someone else who feels the same way and next thing you know the snowball effect begins, and then you get a buch of people talking about the meaning of a word on a pot forum.
The last thing that I'm gonna say is if anyone ever tries to tell me that gays don't have the same rights as straights I'm gonna flip my lid. My aunt, who I had mentioned in my last post, is the exact opposite of what you would call, "Powerless." Have any of you heard of a little company called Oracle? Well she happens to be the C.F.O. In this "Straight Male dominated," society

she's found a way around it. There are always ways to get around the system. You just have to be smart and willing to put in the effort. And letting a little word like, "Marriage" ruin your day, just because the defintion doesn't include you, sounds like you have your own personal issues.