Why don't gays/lesbians deserve to have the right to be married?

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Well-Known Member
modeling our selfs after the animal kingdom, yes thats fucking retarded and thats my point exactly. purps used it as a point to refrence to our own societys lack of exceptence.
Your point was to negate the original point that homosexuality exists in millions of species across the planet. You did so with a comment that you can't backup.
What's "fucking retarded", again? :lol:


Active Member
i hope that video was flagged as inappropriate for children. i don't need no damn sissy dolphins teaching my son to like dick.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
wow u guys had a fit about the gay dolphins. the point is who cares what animals do, were people not dolphins, penguins or monkeys dam it.


Active Member
wow u guys had a fit about the gay dolphins. the point is who cares what animals do, were people not dolphins, penguins or monkeys dam it.
well then why didnt you just retort with that instead of trying to tell us that gay penguins are ridiculed. (god i cant even type that without chuckling).
not to mention that you completely made it up, blowing your credibility. in fact i'm just responding to you for pure amusement and morbid curiosity at this point.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
u arrogant dicks should now mother nature is not any nicer than human society at times its far more brutal. an to think abnormaltys with in a species is not taunted beat or ridiculed just means your dumber than u guys think i am.


Well-Known Member
I was not even aware animals were capable of taunting or ridiculing. They call them fags, or what... how does that work?


Well-Known Member
u arrogant dicks should now mother nature is not any nicer than human society at times its far more brutal. an to think abnormaltys with in a species is not taunted beat or ridiculed just means your dumber than u guys think i am.
Nah ...I think we have the right idea. :lol:
Keep digging, smarty-pants ...eventually you'll run into some gay Chinese people. :mrgreen:

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
ive watched shows about monkeys and gorillas theres always and outcast that for some reason the dominant one will bully and ridicule others for there difference. this shit is fact google it your dam self. ok penguins not for sure but other species will push away others that dont fit the behavior of the pack or what ever.
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