Why is Trump still allowed to Tweet?

Nancy has been in politics this whole time & I don’t remember her calling out Monsanto , what’s Bernie done to fight Monsanto, exactly, it’s sad they still remain open, who is gonna out their foot down & put them out of business ???
So monsanto bad trump good, What has Trump done again to rein in the corporate menace? Crickets.
Nancy has been in politics this whole time & I don’t remember her calling out Monsanto , what’s Bernie done to fight Monsanto, exactly, it’s sad they still remain open, who is gonna out their foot down & put them out of business ???
We are open to suggestions, any ideas about what we should do? Take the country back and castrate all the MAGA idiots to improve the gene pool and make em docile, nut em?
clinton gave us 20 million jobs and a budget surplus

obama gave us record setting job growth and healthcare insurance reform

trump gave us 40 million unemployed, 100 thousand dead and a $6 trillion dollar deficit

do you see the difference or are you drooling under your helmet

& how much bailout obey went right into the pockets of CEOs

Why would you penalize people for not having health insurance by taking money from their income tax because not all Americans can afford insurance.

There were no weapons of mass destruction found when we took the word of Jewish intelligence to give us an excuse to hunt down Sadaam , how many soldiers died & how much did they spend in the Gulf War ?
We are open to suggestions, any ideas about what we should do? Take the country back and castrate all the MAGA idiots to improve the gene pool and make em docile, nut em?

Say we are religious & this is s holy war it worked when the Catholics pulled a Hitler & killed anyone who didn’t believe in their god
Say we are religious & this is s holy war it worked when the Catholics pulled a Hitler & killed anyone who didn’t believe in their god
If it's a plan it sounds vague, spit out your idea, you imply you are organised, there is a civil war going on but the Trumpers are poorly equipped to fight it and are losing badly, worse in a bit.
& how much bailout obey went right into the pockets of CEOs

Why would you penalize people for not having health insurance by taking money from their income tax because not all Americans can afford insurance.

There were no weapons of mass destruction found when we took the word of Jewish intelligence to give us an excuse to hunt down Sadaam , how many soldiers died & how much did they spend in the Gulf War ?
oh you're a retard. a retard who hates jews
Say we are religious & this is s holy war it worked when the Catholics pulled a Hitler & killed anyone who didn’t believe in their god
You don't seem to care about HR-1, don't appear to care about the republicans role in all this either. Shit you don't even seem to care that 100,000 Americans died and the Clorox King killed them.
Monsanto poisoning our food supply for decades & not one single politician has done anything about it , why not , answer me that , both Democrats & Republicans !!!

Ok then name all the change that came w/ 8 years of Clinton & 8 years of Obama what change did he bring ?
Really you only need to look at the first two in both Clinton and Obama since the Republicans were able to shut down any progress when the Democrats no longer held the Presidency, Senate, and House.

But Clinton, Federal Family Medical Leave act was a important change to allow families to have up to 3 months of benefits due to medical emergencies. And while you might not like it due to Dear Leader's trolling of it, NAFTA did open up the trade between us and Canada and Mexico and helped all of our economies. He also signed the Brady bill to get background checks for handguns.

Obama was pretty busy fixing the Republican led economic collapse. So not only did he have the economic relief program that stopped the melting of our economy, he repealed the HIV travel ban, enacted the Volker Rule to put back in place the leverage requirements for banks, the ACA got us to 92% of the American citizens having healthcare the highest point in history, Dodd-Frank reforms, Veteran education reforms making it cheaper and easier for returning vetrans to gain their education. I really think the equal access act he did was smart, giving people with visual or audio disabilities new technological innovations the funding needed to be generated.

And that was just in the first couple years of their presidencies.

How about Trump? Besides giving his rich buddies the biggest tax cuts in history (and the rest of us very little decreases to tax increases), waste billions on rebuilding the walls that Obama and Bush built, and signing the bill that adjusted NAFTA slightly that Nancy got done for him. Besides a bunch of racist treatment of the poor people looking to come into the United States, and a couple shutdowns what else has he done. I guess he has abandoned all our allies and is getting a personal windfall from foreign dictators payoffs to him and his troll family, but I don't think that counts as a positive.

So in other words you have no excuse for every president since the 80s who’s allowed Monsanto to taint our food supply by the spread of GMO seeds. Reagan, Clinton , Bush, Obama , Trump & who ever comes next it doesn’t matter
GMO seeds are tainting our food supply? Yeah I don't buy it. I am all for natural and clean environmental practices, but GMO is actually helpful in this in a lot of ways. If you want to get upset about something, get upset about monoculture farming techniques that have stripped the very thin layer of soil our country has been built up on.
& how much bailout obey went right into the pockets of CEOs

Why would you penalize people for not having health insurance by taking money from their income tax because not all Americans can afford insurance.

There were no weapons of mass destruction found when we took the word of Jewish intelligence to give us an excuse to hunt down Sadaam , how many soldiers died & how much did they spend in the Gulf War ?
They don't take money from peoples pockets for not having insurance that they cn not afford, because there are programs to help those people pay lower prices for their insurance. The penalty is for the people who are able to afford it but decide that they want to gamble without it causing the American people pay for their very expensive emergency visits when they can't pay for them and have to go there because they wanted to be irresponsible.

And did you know that America made billions when the bailout money was a repaid too? Not only did Obama stop our countries economy from melting down (something Trump so far is unable to do while pretending there is nothing to worry about in the time of a pandemic risking our lives), but he actually made American public a profit while doing so.
They don't take money from peoples pockets for not having insurance that they cn not afford, because there are programs to help those people pay lower prices for their insurance. The penalty is for the people who are able to afford it but decide that they want to gamble without it causing the American people pay for their very expensive emergency visits when they can't pay for them and have to go there because they wanted to be irresponsible.

And did you know that America made billions when the bailout money was a repaid too? Not only did Obama stop our countries economy from melting down (something Trump so far is unable to do while pretending there is nothing to worry about in the time of a pandemic risking our lives), but he actually made American public a profit while doing so.
He's just a sock and of no account, another Trumper ashamed of himself. I just ask them if they Think Trump is an asshole pretty early on, they usually choke on the words. He's looking to split off the Bernie Bros, the 20% who are the low hanging fruit for Joe, if he picks Liz as his VP he might get a few of them. I suspect this guy is a neo nazi, he's just looking for wedge issues and not very skilled.
Mitch is getting hammered too, these guys know how to get to the base, who are emotion driven, forget facts with these guys. As a connoisseur of effective propaganda I figured you would appreciate this ad and the emotions it evokes to the simple theme of corruption. Amy McGrath is gonna wear Mitch's balls around her neck as jewelry in the new congress. :D

Facts and religion....
Facts and religion....
Funny thing is there is two ways for a christian to look at this, if by wearing a mask it protects others and putting those in your community first by not going to church, then those actual christians I have no problem with. It's the pseudo christians who bullshit themselves and others and who want to use the bible to explain nature and suppress science that I have an issue with.

The white Churches in the south who follow Cheeto Jesus and fill their pews will feel the Wrath of the Lord and he will smite many of the heathen! Cheeto Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats, as was prophesied, the orange worshipping sheep will be led to the churches, there, preparing to be sacrificed on the altar of Wall St. Donald said they are warriors and he is their general, in a battle of biological warfare where the poor bastards don't have a chance or a clue. Some would say Amen, you have reaped what you have sown.

i cannot comment on most of your other threads..

i have only been on RUI for pretty much a decade..but it seems i "do not have sufficient privileges to post on those threads "anymore

the problem?

i may have posted some things contrary to the general opinion here...ie."i don't hate Trump"

now that's fair huh?

this is the democracy of the" tolerant left"

BUTi know you guys are gonna be fighting for my "rights"..oops i mean privilege

i can see a whole thread started to protect me from censorship

i cannot comment on most of your other threads..

i have only been on RUI for pretty much a decade..but it seems i "do not have sufficient privileges to post on those threads "anymore

the problem?

i may have posted some things contrary to the general opinion here...ie."i don't hate Trump"

now that's fair huh?

this is the democracy of the" tolerant left"

BUTi know you guys are gonna be fighting for my "rights"..oops i mean privilege

i can see a whole thread started to protect me from censorship
I know what your opinion is everybody who cares does.

Honestly, why do you support Trump?

What is the pay off here for you? Trigger the libs no matter how many dead it costs?

If you try to say he's competent or fit people will call you a fool based on the evidence of their own eyes.

Everybody knows its about bigotry and race, putting their "personal" issues before the good of their country or even themselves. Trump has divided America down to drinking the Clorox under the kitchen sink and the cockroaches are fighting over it in the basement too.

i cannot comment on most of your other threads..

i have only been on RUI for pretty much a decade..but it seems i "do not have sufficient privileges to post on those threads "anymore

the problem?

i may have posted some things contrary to the general opinion here...ie."i don't hate Trump"

now that's fair huh?

this is the democracy of the" tolerant left"

BUTi know you guys are gonna be fighting for my "rights"..oops i mean privilege

i can see a whole thread started to protect me from censorship
I hope you’re not censored. I love reading your drivel.
Should be an interesting news day.

He will pardon the cops, before they even go to trial, already him and Barr are interfering for political purposes, there was a suddenly cancelled FBI press conference. Trump and Barr are going to see if they can exacerbate this and spread it around more, look for Trump to send the hardline message out to cops across America to promote it

Quite a contrast to those white MAGA morons with assault rifles screaming at cops after invading the legislature, and the tear gas we see now. White privilege in action.
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i cannot comment on most of your other threads..

i have only been on RUI for pretty much a decade..but it seems i "do not have sufficient privileges to post on those threads "anymore

the problem?

i may have posted some things contrary to the general opinion here...ie."i don't hate Trump"

now that's fair huh?

this is the democracy of the" tolerant left"

BUTi know you guys are gonna be fighting for my "rights"..oops i mean privilege

i can see a whole thread started to protect me from censorship

i cannot comment on most of your other threads..

i have only been on RUI for pretty much a decade..but it seems i "do not have sufficient privileges to post on those threads "anymore

the problem?

i may have posted some things contrary to the general opinion here...ie."i don't hate Trump"

now that's fair huh?

this is the democracy of the" tolerant left"

BUTi know you guys are gonna be fighting for my "rights"..oops i mean privilege

i can see a whole thread started to protect me from censorship
Yet another nothing post from you.

Feel free to vote whoever you want, but all you do is cheerlead Trump cult logic, and run away. It is lame. I wish people that actually wanted to talk about things, but until you get out of the bubble you put yourself in, you add nothing to any conversation. So it is hard to worry about what the reasoning is behind your getting moderated in here, if that is even true and you're not just bullshitting us. Trump trolls are endless, because they get paid to post their garbage, are one of the cult, or know they are full of shit and troll on because they are dicks.

So it is hard to tell which one is which and people who may actually want to figure out what is happening in the political world without having to deal with the lies and propaganda. People have a hard time de-programming from what they have been pumped full of on hate radio, Trump TV, and years of internet propaganda coupled with a very specific trolling on social media giving you tailor made false information. And essentially become (at the extreme end) indistinguishable from the militarized Trump trolls (foreign and domestic).

Hopefully you eventually except the reality that what you are saying is lies and have a honest discussion about the attack on our democracy that Trump is allowing to happen because it benefits him, and he really, really, really doesn't want to go to jail. Maybe you an actually have a human response and not something that is about as interesting as a bot.