Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Maybe if you were part of the solution instead of the problem things would go easier for you. That includes supporting republican treason, racism, being anti vaccine and anti mask. Why is it so often a package deal? The sheep don't stray from the shepherd much do they. All the people feeding you the bullshit have been vaccinated, including Tucker and Sean, even old Rupert Murdoch went to the UK so he could get in line there early. These people aren't stupid, but their viewers and fans are.
Have you found where I have been all those things? I haven't. General assumptions, or in this case, straight up someone making up stories, are part of the problem. Many of us fall into that group...
Have you found where I have been all those things? I haven't. General assumptions, or in this case, straight up someone making up stories, are part of the problem. Many of us fall into that group...
Well now is your chance to set the record straight:
Vote for Trump?
For vaccines?
Wear a mask? and encourage others.
Think there should be major police reform and the elimination of qualified immunity?

Many say they are against racism and some are on a certain level, but their conditioning leaks through in their attitude and what they stand behind. Your country has problems, serious problems and there are sensible solutions to those problems and Biden is trying to implement them. There is no ambiguity on the question of politics, the republicans are traitors to the constitution and the founding ethos of America and are unfit to hold the office of dog catcher. It's not a right left thing, it's a patriot vs traitor thing. Keep this shit up and China is gonna eat your lunch in no time flat, they have no problem building infrastructure and doing a little strategic planning. America can no longer afford the "luxury" of racism and xenophobia, the 21st century world won't wait forever and soon America will look like the old soviet union, it was change or die for them.
  • Haha
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Well now is your chance to set the record straight:
Vote for Trump?
For vaccines?
Wear a mask? and encourage others.
Think there should be major police reform and the elimination of qualified immunity?
I am sure my previous posts show the correct answers to all those metrics of a person. (No,Yes,Yes,Yes). Many of the posts are commented on by yourself LOL

of course that doesn't mean it was Biden, Mandate it, Mandate it, or all cops are evil
I am sure my previous posts show the correct answers to all those metrics of a person. (No,Yes,Yes,Yes). Many of the posts are commented on by yourself LOL

of course that doesn't mean it was Biden, Mandate it, Mandate it, or all cops are evil
I don't demand people be perfect, just not, dangerous and can tolerate a wide variety of views. However there are certain critical issues I can't overlook, like Trump, racism and vaccines. Racism is like sin, many know better and try, but are conditioned by a lifetime of experience, it's one of those the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak things. We are not fixed things but processes that can grow and evolve, we do this trough introspection when we fuck up. A man who doesn't make mistakes learns nothing, Trump exemplifies this and thus cannot grow, change or evolve.

I only give a hard time to trolls with a political agenda and don't jump on social errors or political incorrectness caused by conditioning, when I figure folks are trying to be better. With the new situation concerning the new covid variants and their threat to young children who can't be vaccinated for many months I take a hard line with those spreading vaccine disinformation.

I'm glad you cleared things up, your business with Buck is your own, but he tends to be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to people and posts. I have no issues with you, but wanted to draw you out.
I don't demand people be perfect, just not, dangerous and can tolerate a wide variety of views. However there are certain critical issues I can't overlook, like Trump, racism and vaccines. Racism is like sin, many know better and try, but are conditioned by a lifetime of experience, it's one of those the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak things. We are not fixed things but processes that can grow and evolve, we do this trough introspection when we fuck up. A man who doesn't make mistakes learns nothing, Trump exemplifies this and thus cannot grow, change or evolve.

I only give a hard time to trolls with a political agenda and don't jump on social errors or political incorrectness caused by conditioning, when I figure folks are trying to be better. With the new situation concerning the new covid variants and their threat to young children who can't be vaccinated for many months I take a hard line with those spreading vaccine disinformation.

I'm glad you cleared things up, your business with Buck is your own, but he tends to be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to people and posts. I have no issues with you, but wanted to draw you out.
Buck is a fun kid. Trolling is a hobby we obviously share
Buck is a fun kid. Trolling is a hobby we obviously share
Oh I've been known to troll myself, but only with certain types, no heart, no harm is my motto. Everybody else gets a fair shake and I'm quite nice, unless I have a reason not to be and that reason isn't poor little me, but about larger social issues or cruelty to others.
There is no bottom with these fools.

There is no bottom with these fools.

Good, makes them easier to identify! The original purpose of being compelled wear the star of David by the Nazis. It must piss off the Jews though, as it cheapens their experience and genocide with false equivalence and considering many of these idiots are holocaust deniers, it's also ironic. Why not just keep it simple and wear the MAGA hat they already have?

A better idea might be for them to have the word MORON tattooed on their foreheads in 2" high red letters.
  • Haha
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So I drove all the way to the fairgrounds in Eugene and got in the line before I realized I'd left my vaccination card at home

they had me pull out of the line while they checked me out on the database, then I got my shot and another card- I asked the gal who gave me the shot if I couldn't just write in the info on my first card as there was no signature or anything, and she said yes I could do that
So I drove all the way to the fairgrounds in Eugene and got in the line before I realized I'd left my vaccination card at home

they had me pull out of the line while they checked me out on the database, then I got my shot and another card- I asked the gal who gave me the shot if I couldn't just write in the info on my first card as there was no signature or anything, and she said yes I could do that
I bet you always forget what you went to the store for the instant you walk through the door and wind up doing full blown grocery shopping in a vain attempt to remember, don't you?

Happens to the best of us.
I haven't had the flu in 7yrs, Thank you drug dealers.

i'll tell you back in 1975, i remember my grandmother getting the flu shot when it first came out and told me to not get because she's never been that sick and would've preferred to have the flu v. the shot.

ahhhhhhh the good old days and working the kinks out of biomedical<shrug>..i get the flu shot no problems.
So, sounds as though you were in the UK during the Mad Cow Outbreak.

it's back but they don't want to tell anyone..Canada or the UK..they're renaming it as something 'new' because Mad Cow scares people for some reason. @captainmorgan posted the article a few weeks ago.

i would hold off on the Canadian beef buying for now.

you know, giving up beef is the single most effective way of reducing your carbon footprint and can be measured..just one person..can you imagine if we all went to plant products for everything how clean our world would be?
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