Well-Known Member
Well, my friend, you got me looking for Islam Reformation, the day before the President of Egypt, called for Reformation of Islam. He said it backwards, so what?*jingles in*… Did someone call?![]()

Well, my friend, you got me looking for Islam Reformation, the day before the President of Egypt, called for Reformation of Islam. He said it backwards, so what?*jingles in*… Did someone call?![]()
Do you know there has been 5 distinct party systems in America, since the beginning. We people make them up, and the govt can't say shit about it. Free Association.We have 99% of the population. They can't buck those odds for long and they know it; hence the strategy to divide us into Republicrats and Demoblicans... and conquer.
Stop playing THEIR game and very quickly the pieces become meaningless.
It is all in the Consitution and SCOTUS will hear your pleas.This is a very cute civics lesson- that has been completely subverted. Therefore it's at best quaint- as in out of date- and at worst a delusion.
No one can convince me the one percenters aren't running our country... straight into the ground. There's too much evidence to ignore anymore.
Example; where in your civics lesson did you account for unlimited campaign donations? Franking privileges? Citizens United?
yeah but "they" already know this..doing that with a uhaul is as good as putting a sign "drugs inside".LOL everyone knows that if you are going to transport large amounts of drugs, you use a rental vehicle to do it with. You don't shit in your car ( sorry Bucky). Does the DEA really think the big time smugglers are that stupid?
Are U-Hauls themselves probable cause?yeah but "they" already know this..doing that with a uhaul is as good as putting a sign "drugs inside".
"free speech" is the legal justification held by the (conservative) majority opinion on the supreme court, the reality is Buckley, Bellotti, Citizens United & McCutcheon have led to levels of corporate campaign finance never seen before, that's led to unprecedented economic inequality and corruption in politicsWhen it boils right down to it, it's all about free speech.
On some roads in the Southwest just being there is probable cause. Homeland Security checkpoints and vehicle searches have killed small towns, that depend in part on some tourism attraction off the beaten path,Are U-Hauls themselves probable cause?
of course not..but they always have something that LEO can find to stop you..broken turn signal..brake light out.Are U-Hauls themselves probable cause?
"free speech" is the legal justification held by the (conservative) majority opinion on the supreme court, the reality is Buckley, Bellotti, Citizens United & McCutcheon have led to levels of corporate campaign finance never seen before, that's led to unprecedented economic inequality and corruption in politics
Campaign finance reform is one of the most important issues of the 2016 election according to opinion polls, in part because of Citizens United
pada!! you're back!!..i've missed you!!"free speech" is the legal justification held by the (conservative) majority opinion on the supreme court, the reality is Buckley, Bellotti, Citizens United & McCutcheon have led to levels of corporate campaign finance never seen before, that's led to unprecedented economic inequality and corruption in politics
Campaign finance reform is one of the most important issues of the 2016 election according to opinion polls, in part because of Citizens United
Holy shit I bet that's true, it makes perfect sense. If the GOP could possibly put up a more dis-likable person than Romney it would be trotting out another Bush. Jeb would have most likely been better than W but too late now.pada!! you're back!!..i've missed you!!
you are spot on! and to expand..i'm gonna say the mittser was given his marching orders the other day by rove and the kochs..he needed their support to move on as "establishment" candidate..that's a no-go..they're putting money on jeb.
they (establishment money) don't care if it's heinrich himmler long as he will win.Holy shit I bet that's true, it makes perfect sense. If the GOP could possibly put up a more dis-likable person than Romney it would be trotting out another Bush. Jeb would have most likely been better than W but too late now.
The GOP needs new blood to be relevant in the POTUS race and the Dems are risking the same fate if they trot out Clinton or Biden. If the GOP goes Bush/Romney (what a scary ticket), it doesn't matter who the dems run, that's who the next pres is.
yeah, just like that "free speech" group you joined was all about free speech, and not white supremacy.When it boils right down to it, it's all about free speech.
the marxist press and the communist teacher's unions?Do you know there has been 5 distinct party systems in America, since the beginning. We people make them up, and the govt can't say shit about it. Free Association.
You think it is broken and worse you want to toss it out for your ideas of Tyranny.
WE the People form into parties. That is the basic RIGHT. We as States constituted the Fed.
You ideas only work if the Fed made the States. The States run this show. They have Club Fed. Don't get mixed up by the Marxist Press.
You are just plain wrong. There are NO space aliens, tri-lateral commission, Illuminati, no THEY just US, People of United States.
And who has dumbed us down on purpose? Not the govt. The Royalist elements in the govt, WE elected, damn us.
The ultra commie, Teacher's Union for one, and their Lobby. And all Union are interested in Blue Collar workers not rocket scientist. And the Feel Gooders, don't want kids to compete for grades. Dumb dumb. Dumber.
Those are the ones that we the peeps have to fight within the system, since they too are Americans, damn them. The Liberals and the Do Gooder agenda, we have to save ourselves from. But, they fooled you.
What you don't know won't hurt you.. AH HA!! Don't teach reality. Problem solved and instead of power, you get helplessness. Party division is PEOPLE POWER.
It is you all that have fallen into the Liberal Mind trap that I crawled out of 30 years ago. There is hope. It is not fucked at all. Go a week with no News and forgetaboutit.
I've done that out sailing, 2 full weeks, is best. Wonderful for the heart.
just give up, rend pawl will not get the nod.Holy shit I bet that's true, it makes perfect sense. If the GOP could possibly put up a more dis-likable person than Romney it would be trotting out another Bush. Jeb would have most likely been better than W but too late now.
The GOP needs new blood to be relevant in the POTUS race and the Dems are risking the same fate if they trot out Clinton or Biden. If the GOP goes Bush/Romney (what a scary ticket), it doesn't matter who the dems run, that's who the next pres is.
I read what I wrote again trying to figure out how you read it that way and I guess I wasn't specific enough. If the GOP runs established Bush/Romney it won't matter who runs as a Dem, the DEM will win. If they run new blood, the dems will be in trouble with either Clinton or Biden.they (establishment money) don't care if it's heinrich himmler long as he will win.
EDIT: how could you possibly think a bush/romney ticket is electable?![]()
get this through your head: rend pawl is a loser, and your spam will not change this fact.If they run new blood, the dems will be in trouble
Oh come on! Between the 'Patriot' Act and RICO, the Supreme Court has rendered our constitutional protections worthless- don't trot out the civics lesson tropes if the fascist state is playing by different rules!It is all in the Consitution and SCOTUS will hear your pleas.
No where else, in this world, can a citizen take his beef to an independent High Court and get a ruling.
Think it through.
The ones that run the country are the ones we elect. And the ones that get hired have to be so well educated it is a life's work. Gosh it is just so simple.
But, you buy the Press lies. You have other source of info. It doesn't mean you have to believe it all.
Now, now, don't mix racism up with fascism- you know the repubs just love to slap labels they don't understand on policies they don't like.the marxist press and the communist teacher's unions?
when did you decide that white supremacy was for you, doer?
they toss those terms around over on stormfront and AmRen like they were going out of style. they're just dead giveaways is all.Now, now, don't mix racism up with fascism- you know the repubs just love to slap labels they don't understand on policies they don't like.