Zacatecas purple x oaxacan

Dorothy pure Zacatecas in her youth. Rev.
hi rev

wow i was just given a very few BSHWmale/female seeds
didn't know if it would ever be found..and therysaid for the purple zac pheno

speaking of mexes i selfed a oaxacan clone i had so i could preserve it
thin leaves, willow tree shape,very very resinous, not overly potent but,, , catpiss tasty good but maybe a better breeder

i see you have a shot of my soon to be acapulco [joke] acquistion that will enrich my old life..

all ihave for my brain is "anons" vietblack which is doin me ok while my other seedlings from a decade or so are sprouting

its called grow them sativas before i get too old

You showed respect from day one wether you agreed or not and your probably from my parents generation and my friend hybrid Bob lol.

You guys for sure need to have a go with these.

When you do, you'll wonder why anybody would ever pollute one.

Like bamboo they are slow growing, but have the strongest and most elastic stems imagined and for a wiry tree, it has pretty big buds and are dense.

Real Acapulco's never had whispy bud.

Seeds are color of bamboo with ink black stripes.

Most southern Mexicans have more lightning bolt or blotched seeds with oaxacan usually being large and plain.

Whomever bred og kush originally, definitely used a real Acapulco back in the day.

Smells like og kush, however you'll quickly see it is not.

Hands down needs minimum of 22 weeks under halide and that's minimum old mother.

You cut one of these early and smoke it lol you will have fits of paranoia that will have you not feeling too well.

Give it time and you will see there's nothing as potent for the mind.

Your going too see dimensions around you if over ripened.

If a little under ripened but still enough, you'll have fits of laughter for hours and have motivation too spare and creativity goes through the roof.

No mold or mildew and laughs at bugs.

The Zacatecas is just beautiful too me also.
They don't rip your pineal open like ac gold and true tai, however you crush social anxieties with it.

All leaders of the world and truck drivers should be required too smoke zac purple lol.
what write up!
i would be happy to have fits of noidiness..well in private
i always did think og came from a select mex cross
SO glad people are straying in the sativa zone..
i have a dedicated area for long flower plants.."the spiritial zone"
the only time i ever had AG was in 1970 ..i could describe music in colours
my soul still dreams of herb like that

i accept the like bamboo statement and look forward to experiencing it..
because i have had one particular trainwreck[sativa] x ww cross that had 1" + stalks that bent like rubber
sativa ON!
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When I send you seeds. This is what you will be growing.

One is 3 weeks flowering and the other five weeks.

The 14000k is kicking their butts fast and already getting yellow leaves on the five week flowered one and that's what your wanting.

These are real old mother. Took 244 out of 326 seeds to get 14 and the seeds were over 45 years old.

Kept best male and two best females and hybrid Bob also has a pair I gave him for safe keeping.

You will see " lord willing " that indeed you will see music in color and then some brother.

I've lived in Colorado now 2 years old mom and I tell ya, I'm not being mean or critical, just honest and not one thing out here can even come remotely close and I've smoked and ate what everyone says is the best top 40 strains in the world.

Its the balance of chemicals old mother that can only be done by the great and merciful one.

I am a breeder and I have some strains right now that would blow the minds of anyone on this forum.

Our bigg blue Dogg, is chemdawg x Oaxaca x haze bros blue dream x oaxacan again.

Gets huge and pure funk and mental expression.

A few at a dispensary says it was the best high of their lives.

Point, nothing I breed will ever compare either to the pure ones when grown correctly and given well over 20 weeks at least.

Patience is a virtue and I'm still planning on mailing at least 12 joints to members when time comes and then they can come on here and let everyone know that I'm just here to help.

These ac golds would shut down the cannabis cup.

Judges couldn't handle it. Guaranteed.

You'll be getting seeds and a joint or two.

Why? Respect goes a long way doesn't it brother.

One love, rev.john johnsonIMG_20160124_063207123.jpg IMG_20160124_062951206_HDR.jpg IMG_20160124_063235172.jpg
Don't let your hearts skip a beat looking at the stem.

You brothers are seeing the really real deals from rev.

Allah did not send me here as a liar.

Thanks for the private messages from my brothers over seas.

We will set this tree and ourselves free once and for all, however not until a battle...that requires no blood!

One love, rev.thenatural
Pure Zacatecas Purple...grown by Homebrewer. Seeds sourced by me in Mexico.

Pure Zacatecas Purple...grown by Homebrewer. Seeds sourced by me in Mexico.

Ya baby! Dense buds and orange hairs.
The bud shot alone is enough if you know what to look for.

There will be some different varieties in Zacatecas as they are different opuntia that they pollinate with.

Most not all opuntia around the tropic of cancer is a bit smaller and hairy with purple flowers.

Most all Zacatecas I have hatched have had fuzzy stalks and stems and very long branched and go a beautiful light purple in the first stages of ripening.

Thanks for the picture and feel free to share more as I love too see brothers and sisters preserving the true wild gems.

Blessings and peace, rev.
Here's a chuahuan and we have a pair of these also.

Similar to the Zacatecas except its pollinating counterpart is the non fuzzy and larger green opuntia of the region.

The Zacatecas is very sociable and a more flower perfume funk.

Chuahuan are happy yet a bit meditative and pure funk.

Probably what helped create the original chemdawg as they are almost identical when grown side by side and smell exactly the same, except chuahuan gets even bigger and more happy and of course has no afghan in it.

Rev.IMG_20151121_182521093.jpg IMG_20160124_074015950.jpg
So rev, do you feel that letting most any strain flower longer will enhance the effect/potency, or is this specific to the Mexican strains you have?

Gotta say, even though this runs counter to conventional "wisdom", I'm thinking about trying this out on a plant or two...
So rev, do you feel that letting most any strain flower longer will enhance the effect/potency, or is this specific to the Mexican strains you have?

Gotta say, even though this runs counter to conventional "wisdom", I'm thinking about trying this out on a plant or two...
All of them need to go through the stages and will.

Its just the pure ones have a balance of chemicals that can't be duplicated.

However they all will heal and deliver if given enough time.

Sativa's will take longer and you will not regret it.

My partner just stopped by and we have a bigg blue Dogg under its own 1000 watt 7200k halide at 23 weeks and still feeding and building the healing cannabinoids.

He flipped out when he seen the grease on my buds at 3 weeks in.

Good ole molasses and sugar.

Blessings rev.thenatural
You have a way with words there Rev. I feel like I am missing out with my indicas and short flowering sativas. I grew up on Mexcan sativa but that was all commersh. Had a little Oaxacan though. Have always longed for the legendary Acapulco Gold. Guess it is really Guerrero Gold but whatever. The Zacatecas sounds great too.
You have a way with words there Rev. I feel like I am missing out with my indicas and short flowering sativas. I grew up on Mexcan sativa but that was all commersh. Had a little Oaxacan though. Have always longed for the legendary Acapulco Gold. Guess it is really Guerrero Gold but whatever. The Zacatecas sounds great too.
These will be the first seedings so it will be a while before any available.

This does take time as any breeder knows.

Allot of selection also.

Blessings, rev.
These are real old mother. Took 244 out of 326 seeds to get 14 and the seeds were over 45 years old.

>>Oh sweet Lord..speechless..

i have ALWAYS gone on

"if you care enough ..have good enough spiritual vibes towards what you do..that genetics you truly desire will find you."

These are real old mother. Took 244 out of 326 seeds to get 14 and the seeds were over 45 years old.

>>Oh sweet Lord..speechless..

i have ALWAYS gone on

"if you care enough ..have good enough spiritual vibes towards what you do..that genetics you truly desire will find you."

Every time you put out goodness in life, it is returned.
I just follow what god says and he says seeing music in color you will experience again.

I'll be honest as I can be, these 14000k are blowing my mind the last 8 days.

One Acapulco is seven weeks in and yellowing the main fan leaves already and buds are as dense as can be.

I've never had any sativa of any locality yellow this fast.

The high blue and purple driven in these Hamilton beaches kills them fast and I worried a bit on yield, however I can't believe how plump and dense.

Could be looking at second stage by 12 weeks and that's insane fast on a ac gold.

Indica's would be super fast.

No doubt as this information starts to become accepted and common knowledge, bulb companies will be out of luck if they do not compete with the spectrum of this bulb.

I've honestly used in a three year study old mom, about every sodium and halide bulb that have been hooped and hollered about for years.

Never seen anything like these Hamilton beach 14000k aquarium bulb.

I can honestly say anybody who tries them will not believe the quality of the buds and the trees thrive.

Found out also that they make em in a 1000 watt also.

Two 400 is all I use on up too 8 trees and it does very well.

Hoping Hamilton may consider a 600.

Does same job for less.

You have a way with words there Rev. I feel like I am missing out with my indicas and short flowering sativas. I grew up on Mexcan sativa but that was all commersh. Had a little Oaxacan though. Have always longed for the legendary Acapulco Gold. Guess it is really Guerrero Gold but whatever. The Zacatecas sounds great too.

i had guerrero gold once 1975 [i think]...i actually under stood life/death cycle while on it..
i called it "acceptance of death mexican"..years later i read the same words in "high times"i thought i had made up
[from the weed experience]
i guess others had the same feeling from noids..only powerful uplifting non judgemental beauty and divine knowledge..sweet lord i felt blessed

rev i love this thread..may you be blessed enough to get to experience what you are growing
i had guerrero gold once 1975 [i think]...i actually under stood life/death cycle while on it..
i called it "acceptance of death mexican"..years later i read the same words in "high times"i thought i had made up
[from the weed experience]
i guess others had the same feeling from noids..only powerful uplifting non judgemental beauty and divine knowledge..sweet lord i felt blessed

rev i love this thread..may you be blessed enough to get to experience what you are growing
Don't know if I showed you this or not ole mom, however this guerro I grew about six years ago did same thing ole mom and you could watch stars dance and supernovas!

That's why nothing beats the southern Mexicans and then the real deal bamboo tai trees.

We need to work too get good old school genetics out.

People need too see they can cure and be happy and mind expanding at the same time.

Even allot of heads still live in a box, because they have never had these experiences.

Hopefully that will change soon as life can be a kick in the pants and there's nothing wrong with feeling good and becoming more creative and waking up too past lives.

They set you free! Lol

All this stuff out here is just early cut paranoid half ass healing half ass grown herb.

Rev don't be too critical.

I'm not, I'm just being honest with nothing to gain or loose.

What's going to be wonderful is when the true green thumbs like yourself realize " the boy ain't lying," he just stopped by to help his brothers release this tree that so many of us have tended in other lives we have lived and why we were drawn too it.

Not my fault many brothers still sleep, however the awakening already began for those listening.

Pain and death were my motivation.

No oils from THC amounted too squat much.

Oils from trees over ripened with cannabinoids, destroyed every disease and illness and pain I used it on.

Didn't need a lab too tell me the obvious about this ole devolved fruit tree.

THC is just a green banana and any bad effects are completely gone and replaced with healing and bliss, when they are ripened properly.

Blessings, rev.
thc is only an indication ..its the way they all go tgether with Jahs blessing that gives the divine healing bliss situation

i believe you..

i look forward to living the rest of my years up grading my life with what i knew was in mexico..and thought extinct

may your project be guided and if i may ever genetically help
Only Mexicans from the higher altitudes will have thin leaves.

Another misconception brought on by captive breeding.

Gave a neighbor years back some mexi beans and he swore at first they were crosses or even pure indica.

They were Jalisco and at 20 weeks he came back and oplogised lol, still not done.

Don't know whether it was one or a group that started these misconceptions back in the day, however they did not help.

Leaf charts I've seen that are supposed to describe certain Sativa's is laughable and I'm really not trying too be mean, just honest lol.

The more true landrace genetics that people see and grow, the faster they will see what they really do and weather botany likes it or not, they have some rewriting too do.

The wild ones can never be duplicated as it takes allot of time.

Each tree in each region and its pollinating counterparts gives all of them their uniqueness.

You cannot compete with god and nature.

The only ones who try to argue this are those that have never experienced a true sativa experience.

People that try and grow Mexicans and give them a bad name, sorry however they know not how too grow them.

If there was even one single strain out here that could come close, I would gladly grow them.

What I breed does not compare either.

Man becomes more and more rediculous with himself as he continues too think he can outshine the creator in what he and Gaia do.

Humility will come. These kids are counting on it my brother.

Many have asked me;" how come Cervantes or short or arjan or shanti or anybody else know this?"

I tell them;" I don't know, ask them and hope for a humble and honest answer."

There's nothing else I can say as they are my brothers also and I wish nobody harm.

However I guess the teacher was right when he said;" thanks for keeping you knowledge from the learned and giving it too the lowly and poor and spirit."

Indeed, my spirit was broken too pieces when he shared with me.
