Zacatecas purple x oaxacan

Ain't nothin' it can't fix.
The Rainy Daze - "That Acapulco Gold" - YouTube

As I've stated, " I talk too people."

Most people are completely lost on how truly beneficial this tree is for the wrong info has been delightfully given a long time and many accepted with no true education or resistance.

Many not only suffer physical ailments, but also mental or both.

When you cut early in its pathetic THC green banana phase and grow under junk sodium bulbs, you not only half arse cure your physical ailments, if they cure at all, but can make mental disorders worse as many have stated and why many stop using it and figure its not all its cracked up too be.

Early cut cannabasum curses you for your impatience period.

In many, it actually causes " paranoia, introversion, schizophrenia, depression, immoral sexual desires and a frequency that jinn love us too be in." Yes I said it, those whom have ears!

This is not good and especially for our kids folks!

THC is the acid produced by this cursed fruit tree in its first of three main stages of ripening and the last 20 years has been promoted. Its bull, period.

It is giving the tree a bad name and until everyone " gets it " it will not be truly set free.

Your all going to get it soon enough and nothing will stop it as your teachers no longer fear, redicule, jail, mental institutions, false propaganda or death for sure.

Sounds like the stubborn and prideful are out of luck this time as we will not be abused physically this time for our delivery so get over it.

Every bad report concerning this tree is the fault of the grower.

God made the tree perfect for what it does and when properly ripened, will cure diseases quick and leave you in mental bliss and balance.

I don't care if you live next door too shanti, if he disagrees, simply do as I've suggested and hand him a joint, he or nobody will disagree again. Promise

This is the year. It will be understood among many other things and then my brothers and sisters can make that big freewill decision we all get to make.

We will not be free, until we realize and accept so many hidden truths and this is just one small part of it so if this gets your feathers ruffled brothers, " you've heard nothing yet."

Love is the way and the only way.
Those whom can't show love, will soon not be here, but not in any way that we were taught.

They will vanish like vapor, gone to never return and then its just us and nothing but truth.

As it is written:" in those days, no man will run too another seeking truth, for all men will know it."

Good, then we will for sure all be equal then won't we.

As Bruce said;" slap!! Don't stare at the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

We have stared at the finger way too long!IMG_20151103_164425971.jpg

Blessings rev.thenatural
As I've stated, " I talk too people."

Most people are completely lost on how truly beneficial this tree is for the wrong info has been delightfully given a long time and many accepted with no true education or resistance.

Many not only suffer physical ailments, but also mental or both.

When you cut early in its pathetic THC green banana phase and grow under junk sodium bulbs, you not only half arse cure your physical ailments, if they cure at all, but can make mental disorders worse as many have stated and why many stop using it and figure its not all its cracked up too be.

Early cut cannabasum curses you for your impatience period.

In many, it actually causes " paranoia, introversion, schizophrenia, depression, immoral sexual desires and a frequency that jinn love us too be in." Yes I said it, those whom have ears!

This is not good and especially for our kids folks!

THC is the acid produced by this cursed fruit tree in its first of three main stages of ripening and the last 20 years has been promoted. Its bull, period.

It is giving the tree a bad name and until everyone " gets it " it will not be truly set free.

Your all going to get it soon enough and nothing will stop it as your teachers no longer fear, redicule, jail, mental institutions, false propaganda or death for sure.

Sounds like the stubborn and prideful are out of luck this time as we will not be abused physically this time for our delivery so get over it.

Every bad report concerning this tree is the fault of the grower.

God made the tree perfect for what it does and when properly ripened, will cure diseases quick and leave you in mental bliss and balance.

I don't care if you live next door too shanti, if he disagrees, simply do as I've suggested and hand him a joint, he or nobody will disagree again. Promise

This is the year. It will be understood among many other things and then my brothers and sisters can make that big freewill decision we all get to make.

We will not be free, until we realize and accept so many hidden truths and this is just one small part of it so if this gets your feathers ruffled brothers, " you've heard nothing yet."

Love is the way and the only way.
Those whom can't show love, will soon not be here, but not in any way that we were taught.

They will vanish like vapor, gone to never return and then its just us and nothing but truth.

As it is written:" in those days, no man will run too another seeking truth, for all men will know it."

Good, then we will for sure all be equal then won't we.

As Bruce said;" slap!! Don't stare at the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

We have stared at the finger way too long!View attachment 3596339

Blessings rev.thenatural

This is talking about during the 1,000 year reign (after christ returns to jerusalem to fight off the armies who have come to try to defeat him) when the people who studied wholeheartedly every day here become kings and priests - reborn into their spiritual bodies no longer having to face death. However, during the 1,000 year reign there will be a chance for all people who never had a chance to accept christ while they are in a material body again, being taught by the newly resurrected (1st resurrection saints) the way of god.

After that, the white throne judgement where all are judged and checked in the book of life to see if they are going to be in eternity with god and his family or separated from god forever with satan and his family. After this point, god's family will have all memory of them wiped from their memory (otherwise how could there be no pain or suffering when the kingdom of god is here on earth?), however, those without their white robes will live in eternity separated from god.

Good information on the pot, though!!
The Christians will call their very messiah the Antichrist soon.

I will not open a religions debate, however they are all wrong and Christians you will see soon, will as always be the most easily dooped.

The one eyed dajaal that's the Zionist owned TV and all the falsely taught christian preachers and Jewish rabbis and Muslim sheiks will soon have their day of humility.

The Christians will be the 12th imams worse enemies at first as they love the dajaal the most.

God will see their hearts changed when through their own freewill and common sense, not force, will see that all religions are awaiting the same person.

It is the same man every time and those really real real secret societies do not keep truth secret by sharing with your educators.

Yes, that means your all falsely educated and why so many hate the truth as it comes from nobody's, that god decided because of their humility to share with them for the price of a humble bowed head and snot and tears.

Hazrat mahdi, yehshua, Elijah, Moses, David, Jacob, all the same man.

Why? A reason hidden from you as knowing that answer, gives the truth.

You cannot be controlled and be given truth and you are controlled weather anybody likes that statement or not.

I promise, that statement alone can send many almost into a violent rage. However their christian or Jew or Muslim and shouldn't.

Mahdi will tell Christians one thing only concerning their complete misconceptions on faith and Jesus being god or gods only son nonsense.

He will simply say;" believe as you will, just do as it claims he done and your in real good shape with Allah!"

If they do as he done, they are just fine.

He will also tell the real Jews to follow the principles of Torah only and the Muslims to stop following false hadith's and follow Quran.

He will shed no blood and peace will come, however not for a while as all religions want to hold tightly to their false teachings of god, Allah, jah, yah, father.

Let's not open this for further discussion. If your christian, do as he did and you'll be just fine until the truth is out and clear once and for all.

However, there will never be a truth of god becoming man and dying to save us from our pathetic sins.

Its a very sick doctrine like so many and forgiveness comes from true repentance and service to others.

Yehushua, was a great service to others and that's what needs to be embraced about the man's life and he was just a worm like the rest.

Mahdi will get rage from Christians at first, however they will see in time that Abraham was Muslim, before there ever was a Quran or hadith's and what it really means to be Muslim and most important the whole truth of what has really happened here the last 11000 years.

Blessings, rev.thenatural
The Christians will call their very messiah the Antichrist soon.

I will not open a religions debate, however they are all wrong and Christians you will see soon, will as always be the most easily dooped.

The one eyed dajaal that's the Zionist owned TV and all the falsely taught christian preachers and Jewish rabbis and Muslim sheiks will soon have their day of humility.

The Christians will be the 12th imams worse enemies at first as they love the dajaal the most.

God will see their hearts changed when through their own freewill and common sense, not force, will see that all religions are awaiting the same person.

It is the same man every time and those really real real secret societies do not keep truth secret by sharing with your educators.

Yes, that means your all falsely educated and why so many hate the truth as it comes from nobody's, that god decided because of their humility to share with them for the price of a humble bowed head and snot and tears.

Hazrat mahdi, yehshua, Elijah, Moses, David, Jacob, all the same man.

Why? A reason hidden from you as knowing that answer, gives the truth.

You cannot be controlled and be given truth and you are controlled weather anybody likes that statement or not.

I promise, that statement alone can send many almost into a violent rage. However their christian or Jew or Muslim and shouldn't.

Mahdi will tell Christians one thing only concerning their complete misconceptions on faith and Jesus being god or gods only son nonsense.

He will simply say;" believe as you will, just do as it claims he done and your in real good shape with Allah!"

If they do as he done, they are just fine.

He will also tell the real Jews to follow the principles of Torah only and the Muslims to stop following false hadith's and follow Quran.

He will shed no blood and peace will come, however not for a while as all religions want to hold tightly to their false teachings of god, Allah, jah, yah, father.

Let's not open this for further discussion. If your christian, do as he did and you'll be just fine until the truth is out and clear once and for all.

However, there will never be a truth of god becoming man and dying to save us from our pathetic sins.

Its a very sick doctrine like so many and forgiveness comes from true repentance and service to others.

Yehushua, was a great service to others and that's what needs to be embraced about the man's life and he was just a worm like the rest.

Mahdi will get rage from Christians at first, however they will see in time that Abraham was Muslim, before there ever was a Quran or hadith's and what it really means to be Muslim and most important the whole truth of what has really happened here the last 11000 years.

Blessings, rev.thenatural

You better stick with the pot, dude.

You must not understand the bible or anything in it nor can you without a missing element from those other books, THE HOLY SPIRIT. How can god's will be done? Only by the power of the holy spirit.

You must believe man is able to do god's will by his own means? Without the holy spirit, you must.

Jesus was a part of god, much like the holy spirit. The only reason Jesus was able to do any of the miracles DONE THROUGH HIM was by the power of the holy spirit. Read it for yourself, he never took credit for the things god did through him. So how can anyone believe they are able to do god's will without the holy spirit possessing them to do so? The carnal mind is enmity towards god: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

So how can they be the same person or whatever.

You're right, you shouldn't start a religious debate.
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Rev. does the early picking thing apply to indicas too. I wait till they have a few amber and a bunch of milky trichs so I think they are good. I used to wait till they had half amber trichs but that made them 'foggy' and tiring.

I always wait for plenty of amber trichs on the sativas, though some strains do not really produce much amber no matter how long you wait. Have not grown enough pure sativas to say on them.
Rev. does the early picking thing apply to indicas too. I wait till they have a few amber and a bunch of milky trichs so I think they are good. I used to wait till they had half amber trichs but that made them 'foggy' and tiring.

I always wait for plenty of amber trichs on the sativas, though some strains do not really produce much amber no matter how long you wait. Have not grown enough pure sativas to say on them.
All the way on all of them. Most the time what growers are seeing is red trichromes on sucker leaves and that's fools gold. True amber is not being produced until the tree itself starts turning color and there are no fan leaves as they all have yellowed and fell off at that time. When the tree itself turns a golden red completely and no green too be found, is when the pineapple is done.

Sativa's not liking over ripening is a statement supported by many as they know no better and boy will their little tempers come out when you tell them lol!!

I'm taking with humor now and will continue to do so.

Let them die under a halide and you will also come back later and tell the angry crowd to get over themselves.

My Sativa's will tear you apart as they were designed by god in the wild and I actually took the time to understand how to grow them correctly.

As I've said so many times to those without ears right now.

Death, will inspire a man fast to educate out of the box.

God gave me life and wisdom to share for free and that's what bothers some the most.

Who's this guy? What's he know? Who does he think he is to go against the grain in such a way?

Somebody whom hears god every day say," make things right with the children soon or judgement will not be put off any longer."

Its not my problem if nobody else hears that or if they hear any of the message.

Only that its delivered.

No matter how rageful their little red faces get about what many don't want to hear as they are already so well educated.

Does not matter one bit weather a person likes you or not.

If he's giving you a message to help you, simply apply it.

You'll quickly see, weather them a liar or not.

All truths start slow as they always go against the accepted truths, wich are lies and half truths combined.

Then people get educated on their half truths and lies and then fight each other over differences and trying to compare their prideful brain pans.

Meanwhile, the rulers just laugh in their even worse pride at how easy billions are controlled and watch them kill each other over lies and then put everybody back to work until its time for more death and killing later.

This is just the light stuff.

Nothing new under the sun.

Blessings, rev.thenatural
Great genetics Rev.the Natural, I hope your preservation goes well. Also what specific traits are you looking for in the Zaceteca purple landrace and in the Acapulco Gold? Also, I would recommend looking into flavonoids and anthocyanins, for they are being studied for possible medical benefits. I say this because your landrace Zaceteca have purple traits that can be bred to be more exaggerated to increase color (anthocyanins) and to create a unique resin terpene/flavinoid profile. Similar to what Dj Short did with Blueberry Sativa and Rosebud Flo.
This is fucking awesome haha my parents both from a city in Jalisco ! Gonna get that Jalisco IBL need to try that! Gonna make a trip to mexico hopefully soon i need to ask now for beans :)!
All men of all religions are Ill educated. Rely too much on the messenger and not the books. Most books despite the religion have the same lessons.
As far as Sativa's go. A lot of light and utilize 11/13 not 12/12. Look up the natural daylight hours in the tropics. Peace
All men of all religions are Ill educated. Rely too much on the messenger and not the books. Most books despite the religion have the same lessons.
As far as Sativa's go. A lot of light and utilize 11/13 not 12/12. Look up the natural daylight hours in the tropics. Peace

i go 10 on 14 off..11 unfortunately did not work with the pr and vb

and sativa's need way less light imho..