Zacatecas purple x oaxacan

All men of all religions are Ill educated. Rely too much on the messenger and not the books. Most books despite the religion have the same lessons.
As far as Sativa's go. A lot of light and utilize 11/13 not 12/12. Look up the natural daylight hours in the tropics. Peace
Forgive me for the first statement, painting with broad strokes lol not all but I'd say quite a few. When I made the statement I had just had a debate with my boy while drinking about religion, hypocrisy, and shit. Close friends, alcohol, and discussing religion and of course politics doesn't always turn out for the better.
As far as the 11 on 13 off I heard that from Dj Short. He says that it brings out phenotypical expressions that you would otherwise not see. He also said that the yields increase slightly because plants put on fiber during the night. There are quite a few people that use this and it can have different results naturally. Of course you can do it with indica's also.
keep your posts in one thread.
so we can reference everything easy & the conversations can flow.

you're lighting up the board with wisdom.
these growers aint ready !

more an indica fan who grows sativa for the clients, im still hungry for "chunky cherry malawi".


rev... i need that :-)

A friend grew some out a few years back in the northeast, got the seeds from Hemp Depot. One finished in August, one in September and another one in October.

All smoked well, the October one had some purpling, possibly due to genetics, but cooler temps. could have been a factor.

It has a varied genetic background so expect a range of results.
Keep your mexicans..........Ive heard from some serious sativa farmers the decent varietals are southern areas, colombia,peru etc.......too many ruderalis,etc being introduced in mexico like its a birthday present!
Rev, I would first like to say excellent thread. I have a mix of Mexican and South American seed stock that here in the Southeast had been around my area since the 70s. I actually had isolated strains of unknown origin, all full sativa, and had them separated at one time. However, I had to leave a guerilla set with multiple strains to live on its own for a period of weeks, and a mass seeding and resulting unintentional crossing occurred. That was in 1996, the last time I had grown out any of those landraces until I recently started taking an interest in working with them again. I'm still getting virtually 100% germination from them after 21 years in a deep freezer. I would like to ask for your expertise on helping me identify a certain phenotype/strain that I had show itself from a small starting of 6 plants. This particular one may very likely be a cross of 2 different regions, but from a basic visual it looks like one of the earlier varieties I had isolated before. The internodes stay moderate, the stems go pure purple during flower and most often has a lighter green foliage, almost appearing nitrogen hungry. Ruby red grapefruit, lemon, mango, and juicy fruit are the most common phenotypes on the palette. This one is week 5-6 of flower on 12/12, just switched it from mh to hps and went to 11/130103182019.jpg
Mexico has plenty of deserts and cactus and their own indica's because of it.

Mexico's indica's are just as native too mexico as afghans and all of those in Asia.

Cactus makes indica.

Excuse me, please, but all of this sounds like "the noise n the fury" that wrotten (I think) Sheakespere...
There is not any Mexican Indica Landrace. Any cannabis grows in a natural way in the Mexican desert.
And México has cannabis landraces cos Spanish carried with them the seeds to Mexico, not becouse the cactus or the deserts, of course.
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So rare are these trees and these I have are the more potent Acapulco red.

Reds and golds are both pollinated with bamboo in the area.

The gold's were closer too the shore grown and the reds grown a little more inland in the wonderful red clay.

Red clay is our secret back home also for superb herb.

These Acapulco reds are the most powerful herb there is with only bamboo pollinated tai coming close.

Bamboo is a smaller species in Acapulco than the ones in Asia were tai originates.

That why cannabis Acapulco's are small and slow growing trees, however tear you up real good.

Really, you can tell more líes in only one post that a Seeds Bank in all it's catalogue...

Había que verte a ti suelto por los desiertos de México, "buscando landraces" entre los nopales... Menudo descojone que tiene que ser, je, je,je...
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The Christians will call their very messiah the Antichrist soon.

I will not open a religions debate, however they are all wrong and Christians you will see soon, will as always be the most easily dooped.

The one eyed dajaal that's the Zionist owned TV and all the falsely taught christian preachers and Jewish rabbis and Muslim sheiks will soon have their day of humility.

The Christians will be the 12th imams worse enemies at first as they love the dajaal the most.

God will see their hearts changed when through their own freewill and common sense, not force, will see that all religions are awaiting the same person.

It is the same man every time and those really real real secret societies do not keep truth secret by sharing with your educators.

Yes, that means your all falsely educated and why so many hate the truth as it comes from nobody's, that god decided because of their humility to share with them for the price of a humble bowed head and snot and tears.

Hazrat mahdi, yehshua, Elijah, Moses, David, Jacob, all the same man.

Why? A reason hidden from you as knowing that answer, gives the truth.

You cannot be controlled and be given truth and you are controlled weather anybody likes that statement or not.

I promise, that statement alone can send many almost into a violent rage. However their christian or Jew or Muslim and shouldn't.

Mahdi will tell Christians one thing only concerning their complete misconceptions on faith and Jesus being god or gods only son nonsense.

He will simply say;" believe as you will, just do as it claims he done and your in real good shape with Allah!"

If they do as he done, they are just fine.

He will also tell the real Jews to follow the principles of Torah only and the Muslims to stop following false hadith's and follow Quran.

He will shed no blood and peace will come, however not for a while as all religions want to hold tightly to their false teachings of god, Allah, jah, yah, father.

Let's not open this for further discussion. If your christian, do as he did and you'll be just fine until the truth is out and clear once and for all.

However, there will never be a truth of god becoming man and dying to save us from our pathetic sins.

Its a very sick doctrine like so many and forgiveness comes from true repentance and service to others.

Yehushua, was a great service to others and that's what needs to be embraced about the man's life and he was just a worm like the rest.

Mahdi will get rage from Christians at first, however they will see in time that Abraham was Muslim, before there ever was a Quran or hadith's and what it really means to be Muslim and most important the whole truth of what has really happened here the last 11000 years.

Blessings, rev.thenatural
So what is the Khazars role in the grand sceam of things?
10-4 guys lol. Those are nice trees and grown right, I'm sure make quality medicine, however those are not pure ox or Jalisco with those short flowering times and unless they bred an ox to a purple like we did, lowland ox isn't purple and highland rarely would do it and has buds different. I don't get in peeing contests and will not be drug into one, but I got my taste for seedbanks and most just do not represent pure Sativa's correctly and especially the wonderful and very misunderstood and misrepresented, Mexicans. Nobody has tried them all, however I've tried those diamonds in the hybrid world that most have tried, including the original clone only blackberry kush " violet purple from birth and amazing violet purple through veg and flower color change that's hard to surpass," can't find it anymore...had ruderalis in its genes also, airy buds and super happy effect and tastes like blackberries. Nothing beats the lords Mexicans when grown right. Most don't. I down nobody's work and I don't sell nothing myself as I take donations or nothing, but you will still get what you need if sick or a serious breeder, not in it for money, but propagation. Brothers and sisters when they have a true sativa experience, it is life changing but you have to ripen the cannabinoids as I've discussed to experience it. THC won't give's wrong with indica's? Nothing at all, however some need to be able to treat themselves without being knocked out all day and some suffer from mental disorders that properly grown Sativa's get rid of," early cut Sativa's can actually cause mental disorders...uh huh," not the trees fault, just everybody eating those green bananas and not understanding this tree properly and people are dying that can be saved with true cannabinoids oil " huh? " and not THC. Wisdom, no stopping it now as the gates are fixing to open and the true teachers will appear from nowhere and will want nothing. May god protect them this time as truth is hard swallowed by those who feel they have something to loose. We are loosing...our lives and its time to take them back and the truth that will soon be poured out will light a fire in those that receive it and put them on new paths never dreamed. Those that don't will stay on the same one, but it makes for good luncheons and more conversations that well, keep leading to the same thing. We must all remain open for sure as I ask for that daily. Humility, was my first step..still learning. I want everyone to live and love and find peace, however; through applying new info, we are able to see what works and apply and find the above a little quicker. Cannabis will soon be excepted as a cursed fruit and will soon be understood how to ripen it through its three stages and feed it correctly as the second stage produces way more bud and density also. Cannabinoids are what will heal, we have to stop cutting the banana when its green. Lol this was all news to me too at one time, did not know, my left from my right, but time can change a man or woman. Thought I knew allot in my life's studies, then a force stepped into my life that took my so called wisdom and crushed it with the common sense of truth and a little restraint in life. Rev was not always a rev. And what rev knows now is nothing at all on a cosmic scale, but seems to help people, when they apply...that's all brothers and sisters. Since I never ask for nothing, I guess my motives are as well as they can be for an ole sinner who's trying as I don't like suffering. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, external hemorrhoids and falling down a water fall that almost killed me and cutting a wisdom tooth in the last 7 years has been taught me empathy for others suffering. Many suffer for lack of knowledge, but many suffer for no reason of their own. Lost most my family to the same illnesses that father taught me to cure using this fruit ripened properly and making oils and eating right including the seeds that are the most healthy in the world. There's no time for milk anymore, the meat must be digested or not. One love, rev.thenatural
I always tell people to not harvet so early.The longer,the better.I ask folks if they have ever seen a plant that went too long.So far,nobody has said yes.
Ok, got the answer to my question and I bet others. "I've lived in Colorado now 2 years". So, therev.natural is NOT TheRevv we are familiar with. He's in Oregon.