Zacatecas purple x oaxacan

Another day thanks lord and some snow on ground.

One on the right is the chuahuan and the one on left is another rare little bird from western Oaxaca.

There is desert in western Oaxaca and the cannabis there is unique from the larger eastern oaxacan and even though opuntia pollinated also, you can plainly see the difference from the Zacatecas and chuahuan.

Much thinner leaves and serrations are more prominent.

Hairs not as long but thicker and whiter and also a different bud formation.

Usually has a very unique high and thick floral funk smell also.

Very diverse ecosystem and microclimates in Oaxaca.
Blessings, rev.the natural IMG_20160125_155327290.jpg
Hey Rev, I was thinking of upgrading my lighting to favor a sativa and came across a pll 55 unit that comes with four 6400k bulbs in it. You can get 10,000k bulbs too. Would this put me in the range of a good cmh light for sativas? An upgrade over my 4000k white LED light? You said 6400k or above and you are cooking, or is 10,000 even better? Mix and match?

Only cost $140 so there is that and if fits right into my 2x2' tent perfect. I have used the 55 pll lights before for side lighting so I know they work. 3000k though.

You got me dreaming of high end Mexicans now.... I had one experience of transcendence with Mexican of unknown strain, so I know a little of what you speak of. The world that we take for granted disappeared and I was lost in a foreign land, for I guess just a few minutes, half hour? Never forgot that time. I had shrooms and acid later on but it never had anything on that one time on good ole pot. The world looked like a painting or was made of plastic, just unreal. Was not ready for it and it kind of shook me to be honest.

Never had that feeling since and I have had good buds and hash, so there may be something to what you say.
I've always read the Zacatecas line used in the famed Big Sur Holy Weed was lost for many years? Is this something members currently hold seed stock of?
I have lots of Mexican stock. Zacatecas still exports tons of weed, a lot of my Mexicans are purple and most have good flowering times.
Hey Rev, I was thinking of upgrading my lighting to favor a sativa and came across a pll 55 unit that comes with four 6400k bulbs in it. You can get 10,000k bulbs too. Would this put me in the range of a good cmh light for sativas? An upgrade over my 4000k white LED light? You said 6400k or above and you are cooking, or is 10,000 even better? Mix and match?

Only cost $140 so there is that and if fits right into my 2x2' tent perfect. I have used the 55 pll lights before for side lighting so I know they work. 3000k though.

You got me dreaming of high end Mexicans now.... I had one experience of transcendence with Mexican of unknown strain, so I know a little of what you speak of. The world that we take for granted disappeared and I was lost in a foreign land, for I guess just a few minutes, half hour? Never forgot that time. I had shrooms and acid later on but it never had anything on that one time on good ole pot. The world looked like a painting or was made of plastic, just unreal. Was not ready for it and it kind of shook me to be honest.

Never had that feeling since and I have had good buds and hash, so there may be something to what you say.
You will be just fine with those lights.
Just give plenty of time.

The true sativa experience only comes when given enough time.

Most whom have Sativa's and grow them do not give them the appropriate time, even though they really believe they do.

95% do not period.

If your trees are green anywhere on them when harvested, your nowhere near there yet and will only limit your experience.

What makes the Hamilton beaches work so well and kill them fast, is the actinic blue in the bulbs.

High actinic blue is what everyone eventually will go too in order not too wait forever for ripening and yields are great under them and was not sure if it would be, however the buds swell and get nice and dense.

New info takes time and proof too be truly received.

Good luck and let her die and you'll be the next one sharing this info and helping others, whom are willing to help themselves.

Blessings rev.thenatural
This is " Rico suave " our pure Jalisco pollinated with blue agave.

Yup, that's right!

We hatched two and both were males and we finally just got a female hatched.

Some of the most beautiful and unique and potent trees on earth.

Blue tinted and by 4 weeks drips with resin and smells and tastes like tequila that is made there in Jalisco.

First one we hatched two years ago, nobody that seen it when mature could believe how unique it was compared too all the others.

Probably the best aphrodisiac in the world.

Blessings, rev.IMG_20160126_084650691.jpg
I have lots of Mexican stock. Zacatecas still exports tons of weed, a lot of my Mexicans are purple and most have good flowering times.
Wonderful brother and the older the beans, the better chance of finding the old original gems.

Many back home in the southeast have unreal seed collections of not found anymore stuff.

People would find me even harder too believe if I told them the phenotypes we get back home.

We are illegal back home and that's why more genetics from unreal wild phenos are not in the hobby.

Everybody knows the southeast is the largest treasure trove of genetics outside the wild.

Rednecks know how to grow good herb and most have kept the same Mexican seed stock for decades.

Best mochoacan you will ever smoke comes from Alabama every year and they have grown it in the mountains there for a generation.

Makes you giggle and laugh for six hours straight and that's cut in December.

Beautiful long spears of happiness.

Last two years out here and these genetics feel all the same and you build tolerance fast.

Herb we grow back home gets you high and inspired and active.

I can't wait till my harvest.

Haven't had good sativa since I left home.

Some tell me I'm being critical, being honest isn't being critical, its just being honest that's all no cruel intent at all.

Just is, what it is.

You want the best out of your Mexicans use a halide, organic and time.

If its green, you haven't experienced a sativa yet.

Even if someone's grown a thousand of them.

Only reason it comes in green from mexico is to supply demand like here and cartel pressure for farmers to cut.

Mexi use to never be green and would fry you for hours.

They use to harvest down there in late Jan and Feb into march and that allowed the trees to produce cannabinoids that truly make you high and heal.

Now everything is green THC junk and the old and true info lost.

That's why I'm here too help the willing.

Feel free to post any pics of any mexi you have grown.

Love em all.

Blessings, rev.thenatural
I got a connection in Houston who gets super good Mexican. These are the tallest plants, taller than my Colombians, I use them for breeding. They have the smallest black seed I have ever seen. Seeds on the left are typical Mexican, on the right are the "lime". I'm in Colorado and easy to reach.20160111_012003.jpg
Yes they do! Small and unmottled seeds are usually always large southerns.

The big lowland ox is the find.

Should have some in my stash as we found a male we used on a few projects.

If you have any large ones you find that are pine or evergreen, those are eastern oaxacan and a nice find also.

If most of what you have leans purple, you probably have plenty northern from chuahuan or zacatecas .

Some stuff could also float through Houston from Sonora however probably not allot.

Mexico has plenty of deserts and cactus and their own indica's because of it.

Mexico's indica's are just as native too mexico as afghans and all of those in Asia.

Cactus makes indica.

Mexican indica's are larger and more beautiful and much more sociable.

The Sonora's are the only exception as they pollinate with saguaros " the real ones left " and will meditate you for hours and clog every joint.

We have pure afghans and morroco also and they are beautiful but just stone you out as they do.

Sometimes that's fine, but when its all that is available, it hurts more than it helps, making people think they have to mentally feel like crap too treat their discomforts.

Not too mention the Mexicans laugh at mites and mildew and as you should know, will shrug off a 100+ degree tent with no problems.

If you will, give any descriptions of smell and taste also with any southerns you've hatched and we may tell its pollinating counterpart.

When botany understands what these trees really do, they will rewrite and people will realize the importance of the wild ones.

The farmers over the generations got their seeds from the wild and cultivated.

Many crops however have been planted around other crops that farmers grow and take their characteristics.

If it smells like coffee, it was grown with it.

If it smells like grapefruit, it was cultivated with it.

If its funky and purple, its a cactus and opuntia are also commercial grown for food down there right along side the cannabis.

Hope more show up and show out their pure mexi stuff.

There's others lol.

Blessings, rev.
Yes they do! Small and unmottled seeds are usually always large southerns.

The big lowland ox is the find.

Should have some in my stash as we found a male we used on a few projects.

If you have any large ones you find that are pine or evergreen, those are eastern oaxacan and a nice find also.

If most of what you have leans purple, you probably have plenty northern from chuahuan or zacatecas .

Some stuff could also float through Houston from Sonora however probably not allot.

Mexico has plenty of deserts and cactus and their own indica's because of it.

Mexico's indica's are just as native too mexico as afghans and all of those in Asia.

Cactus makes indica.

Mexican indica's are larger and more beautiful and much more sociable.

The Sonora's are the only exception as they pollinate with saguaros " the real ones left " and will meditate you for hours and clog every joint.

We have pure afghans and morroco also and they are beautiful but just stone you out as they do.

Sometimes that's fine, but when its all that is available, it hurts more than it helps, making people think they have to mentally feel like crap too treat their discomforts.

Not too mention the Mexicans laugh at mites and mildew and as you should know, will shrug off a 100+ degree tent with no problems.

If you will, give any descriptions of smell and taste also with any southerns you've hatched and we may tell its pollinating counterpart.

When botany understands what these trees really do, they will rewrite and people will realize the importance of the wild ones.

The farmers over the generations got their seeds from the wild and cultivated.

Many crops however have been planted around other crops that farmers grow and take their characteristics.

If it smells like coffee, it was grown with it.

If it smells like grapefruit, it was cultivated with it.

If its funky and purple, its a cactus and opuntia are also commercial grown for food down there right along side the cannabis.

Hope more show up and show out their pure mexi stuff.

There's others lol.

Blessings, rev.
I like the way you write, a lot. Had some black seed that smelled like lemon. I am not good at describing smells and I like to hear other peoples descriptions. A lot of purple Mexican comes from Durango, I know this because the bales come stamped with a red scorpion and a number. I'm talking hand trimmed purple bud for 320 a pound last time I was down south. Some Mexican has a sour, some pine, some are pure road kill skunk. The purple has what I describe as a syrupy taste. I don't like sweet flavors but this is good. Will have nice pictures soon. Haven't been in a legal state so I have a lot of catching up to do as far as going through these seeds. The bad stuff with santa muerte has taken all the good and righteous family farmers out of the business on the other side. You can't move weed down there without paying a tax but I know a dude that still gets the lime green with black seeds, so rare and so good. Always evil forces against this happy weed.
I had a Mexican that looked like a tall cactus, funny you said that. I need " names" for anything I release and cactus bud came to me. I think Mexican weed makes me a little psychic and the brujas use it for helping with those kind of spiritual things.
I like the way you write, a lot. Had some black seed that smelled like lemon. I am not good at describing smells and I like to hear other peoples descriptions. A lot of purple Mexican comes from Durango, I know this because the bales come stamped with a red scorpion and a number. I'm talking hand trimmed purple bud for 320 a pound last time I was down south. Some Mexican has a sour, some pine, some are pure road kill skunk. The purple has what I describe as a syrupy taste. I don't like sweet flavors but this is good. Will have nice pictures soon. Haven't been in a legal state so I have a lot of catching up to do as far as going through these seeds. The bad stuff with santa muerte has taken all the good and righteous family farmers out of the business on the other side. You can't move weed down there without paying a tax but I know a dude that still gets the lime green with black seeds, so rare and so good. Always evil forces against this happy weed.
Brother from a different mother.

Your correct in Durango.

I believe from talking too many Mexicans back home and I'm talking old timers that their grandfathers taught them.

They say the southern old genetics are harder to come by the last seven years for the spraying.

They spray the heck out of the Acapulco's and according too several on Mexican cannabis sights and I use translator, you just about cannot find the ac golds unless you go back in the woods a ways and get them from Indians " the real sons of Adam " and that's from many whom lived and cultivated in mexico for decades and the sites I've been on that say the same.

Anything any of us do too preserve these originals and find actually pairs is so worth the effort.

Luckily most my seeds were collected ten or more years ago and its taken two years too weed out and find around five pairs of actually matches.

It is work, if you do it right and most my seedings have been small for space restrictions right now, however on too a bigger place soon lord willing.

If you have lime pairs, let's get em seeded.

According to what I'm reading any attempt to preserve these types will soon be appreciated, because I'm just going too be flat straight," I talk too people every day as that's my duty too be of service and many are really sick and tired of dutch genetics, not just me."

Stoney mite infested mildew factories of trees that have been tossed around genetics and totally loose their appeal after just a few days.

Just once again being honest and not everybody is willing too say it and accept possible redicule.

Worry not, they just get upset cause they know its true I tell them.

We should get together some time for sure.

Blessings, rev.john johnson
Figured I'd show these. Pure Acapulco gold seeds over 45 years old lol.

These are the last 50.

However we hatched most the premature seeds first too find our trees as that's always smart in these circumstances.

These last 50 are the best and most mature.

That's why this seeding is important.

So rare are these trees and these I have are the more potent Acapulco red.

Reds and golds are both pollinated with bamboo in the area.

The gold's were closer too the shore grown and the reds grown a little more inland in the wonderful red clay.

Red clay is our secret back home also for superb herb.

These Acapulco reds are the most powerful herb there is with only bamboo pollinated tai coming close.

Bamboo is a smaller species in Acapulco than the ones in Asia were tai originates.

That why cannabis Acapulco's are small and slow growing trees, however tear you up real good.

Tai's can get much bigger depending on the species of bamboo it pollinates with.

Blessings rev.IMG_20160127_151232696.jpg