zimmerman news

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Zimmerman should have smoked a bowl in his truck and went home. Will Treyvon Martin's parents ever accept responsibility for their child's death? Teach your children to say HI
I just don't understand how a 17 year old can go from just playing video games and buying a few snacks to starting a fight with a random person all by himself. Just doesn't make sense. Even if he's generally up to no good like most 17 year old's.

Maybe zimmerman ran up to him and trayvon reacted who knows, because obviously you would feel a threat if a random man is just running at you with intent, add to that factor is depending on how rough it is where you live, but who will ever know what his now dead thoughts were thinking. But still any young man should feel scared if some man is just running at you randomly with intent.

And maybe zimmerman took it a step further by grabbing him or something, all i know is that is deserving of a wallop to the the nose. And Zimmerman see's red and kills him? Nothing life threatening there except for zimmerman. In my eyes, murder, or the highest form of manslaughter. Either way, bad. man.

that is what serino kept pressing zimm to answer, and no answer was ever given.

serino kept asking zimm: what enraged martin? he has no record, no history of violence, he was running from you, what could have possibly set him off?

it's not provable, but i can only assume that zimm tried to grab martin and detain him. those assholes were always getting away, and he wanted to show the cops how good a partner on the force he would make. martin tried to fight his way out, zimm snapped (as he is known to do).

there's really no other way to explain why martin didn't just run away again.
I don't know where you're from but where i'm from a mean ass "what are you doing around here?" after being ran up on be fightin' words

Yea, I used to feel that way also. But that was when I was in my mid-teens. But even during that time of my life, you have to physically lay your hands on me before I just randomly start beating the shit out of you. I seriously doubt Z grabbed him, simply because he took that measure, he was prepared to fight. Hence he would have gotten at the very least a few licks in.
Lets consider what Ms. Jeantel aka Diamond( :lol: ) says to be real, and Z ran up to TM and said "what are you doing around here?" Is it to hard to just say, even at the worst, I LIVE HERE MOTHER FUCKER!? It is very unlikely that Z grabbed him then took a beating just to shoot him. To have that much foresight is inconceivable for Zimmerman.

you have a fantastic imagination.

murder 2 doesn't require foresight, it just requires ill will.

Zimmerman should have smoked a bowl in his truck and went home. Will Treyvon Martin's parents ever accept responsibility for their child's death? Teach your children to say HI

martin was under no obligation to say hi.

in fact, if the obligation fell to anyone, which it did not, it would be on the neighborhood watch guy.
Yea, I used to feel that way also. But that was when I was in my mid-teens. But even during that time of my life, you have to physically lay your hands on me before I just randomly start beating the shit out of you. I seriously doubt Z grabbed him, simply because he took that measure, he was prepared to fight. Hence he would have gotten at the very least a few licks in.

zimm wasn't trying to beat anyone up, he just didn't want those assholes getting away. fucking punks.
that is what serino kept pressing zimm to answer, and no answer was ever given.

serino kept asking zimm: what enraged martin? he has no record, no history of violence, he was running from you, what could have possibly set him off?

it's not provable, but i can only assume that zimm tried to grab martin and detain him. those assholes were always getting away, and he wanted to show the cops how good a partner on the force he would make. martin tried to fight his way out, zimm snapped (as he is known to do).

there's really no other way to explain why martin didn't just run away again.

I have no history of violence or record either. But I have gotten into plenty of fights that could have been considered assault. Just because there is no record, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Did you happen to see where the prosecution tried to bring up Zimmermans past by talking about his domestic violence, and him assaulting a police officer? It was automatically redirected, and both the cases were dropped against him.
this won't be brought up at trial most likely, but worth a listen anyways.

Yea, I used to feel that way also. But that was when I was in my mid-teens. But even during that time of my life, you have to physically lay your hands on me before I just randomly start beating the shit out of you. I seriously doubt Z grabbed him, simply because he took that measure, he was prepared to fight. Hence he would have gotten at the very least a few licks in.

Would you like to take a guess at who was a teen?
I have no history of violence or record either. But I have gotten into plenty of fights that could have been considered assault. Just because there is no record, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Did you happen to see where the prosecution tried to bring up Zimmermans past by talking about his domestic violence, and him assaulting a police officer? It was automatically redirected, and both the cases were dropped against him.

pleaded down is not the same as dropped.

zimm has a long history of violence, getting too involved, and snapping.

martin has no such history of that whatsoever.

martin ran away, zimm followed with his loaded gun.

who's the aggressor again?


zimm wasn't trying to beat anyone up, he just didn't want those assholes getting away. fucking punks.

And rightfully so.
What would you do if you found the kids that stole your plants or whatever they stole from you. Bet you would rather those assholes didn't get away, those fucking punks.
And rightfully so.
What would you do if you found the kids that stole your plants or whatever they stole from you. Bet you would rather those assholes didn't get away, those fucking punks.

no one has any right to detain anyone else who is not committing a crime.

martin was committing no crime, zimmerman had no right to detain him.

your analogy fails once again. you should just abort your attempts here.
the defense is doing very well so far, but they should probably be doing even better. i thought they'd destroy all the eyewitnesses, but the carnage hasn't been quite as bad as i thought it would or could be.

and let's not forget, we're not even to the most damning parts yet: zimmerman himself.

his "injuries" have been revealed to be mere scratches, his varying tales have not been picked apart yet, his drugged up mind set has not been put on trial either.

zimmerman has no one but himself to thank for his ruined life. he made every poor decision that led to the tragic outcome that night. martin tried to run away, zimm kept chasing.

can't wait until they get into what zimm told serino, especially the very last thing he said about going down the T to look for martin.

I certainly agree that Z has brought most of these problems on himself. He should have given the cops a very simple statement and then lawyered up. There is a lesson in there for all of us. Don't talk to the cops; nothing good can come of it.

The news accounts were all predicting that Ms. Jeantel's testimony was pivotal. Her testimony was rehearsed and mechanical. She lied about several things. She did not strike me as trustworthy. The "creepy ass cracker" statement hurt the prosecution badly as it gives a very plausible motive for Martin to assault Zimmerman. Unless the prosecution has other tricks up their sleeves then they are done.

I obviously don't agree that Martin tried to run away because he didn't. He could have easily been safely inside his father's girlfriend's house and Z would never have known where he went. Martin played a bigger role in this train wreck than Z.

The extent of Z's injuries, post facto, are not nearly so important as what he "reasonably believed" at the time the skull-banging was being administered. The people who make the "reasonableness" judgment are the jury. A broken nose, and multiple lacerations to the back of his head caused by a ground and pound sounds life threatening to me. Remember, you don't have to die before you are allowed to use lethal force to defend yourself.

The biggest problem the prosecution faces is the murder 2 charge itself. The burden to prove that strikes me as insurmountable.
this won't be brought up at trial most likely, but worth a listen anyways.


Quoting you: let's just enter in a youtube video for evidence. :lol:
Have you ever even handled a firearm? I used to own that piece of shit gun (Keltek 9mm), and that noise over the call sounds nothing like it being cocked. Actually, I'm surprised that gun even fired, as most ammo fed through it jams.
I certainly agree that Z has brought most of these problems on himself. He should have given the cops a very simple statement and then lawyered up. There is a lesson in there for all of us. Don't talk to the cops; nothing good can come of it.

The news accounts were all predicting that Ms. Jeantel's testimony was pivotal. Her testimony was rehearsed and mechanical. She lied about several things. She did not strike me as trustworthy. The "creepy ass cracker" statement hurt the prosecution badly as it gives a very plausible motive for Martin to assault Zimmerman. Unless the prosecution has other tricks up their sleeves then they are done.

I obviously don't agree that Martin tried to run away because he didn't. He could have easily been safely inside his father's girlfriend's house and Z would never have known where he went. Martin played a bigger role in this train wreck than Z.

The extent of Z's injuries, post facto, are not nearly so important as what he "reasonably believed" at the time the skull-banging was being administered. The people who make the "reasonableness" judgment are the jury. A broken nose, and multiple lacerations to the back of his head caused by a ground and pound sounds life threatening to me. Remember, you don't have to die before you are allowed to use lethal force to defend yourself.

The biggest problem the prosecution faces is the murder 2 charge itself. The burden to prove that strikes me as insurmountable.

He barely looked like he got love tapped. And little lacerations on the back of his head can just mean he fell. If you've never seen the damage of someone getting their head bashed in the concrete well look it up because it doesn't just leave lacerations.
pleaded down is not the same as dropped.

zimm has a long history of violence, getting too involved, and snapping.

martin has no such history of that whatsoever.

martin ran away, zimm followed with his loaded gun.

who's the aggressor again?



No, the charges were dropped. That was stated during today's testimony.
He barely looked like he got love tapped. And little lacerations on the back of his head can just mean he fell. If you've never seen the damage of someone getting their head bashed in the concrete well look it up because it doesn't just leave lacerations.

Serino himself referred to Zimmerman's injuries as "marginally life threatening". In saying that, Serino was trying to downplay Z's injuries, yet he acknowledged that Z's injuries were life threatening. Lots of people have been killed with one punch. Some pro football player is in jail as we speak because he punched some guy outside a bar a few days ago and the guy is in a coma as we speak. What is going on with football players?

If you assault someone and punch them then stand by to receive some hot lead.

Consider this. Suppose Martin had assaulted a cop in the same way he assaulted Z? The cop probably would have shot him ten times and it would have been a righteous shoot.
Serino himself referred to Zimmerman's injuries as "marginally life threatening". In saying that, Serino was trying to downplay Z's injuries, yet he acknowledged that Z's injuries were life threatening. Lots of people have been killed with one punch. Some pro football player is in jail as we speak because he punched some guy outside a bar a few days ago and the guy is in a coma as we speak. What is going on with football players?

If you assault someone and punch them then stand by to receive some hot lead.

Consider this. Suppose Martin had assaulted a cop in the same way he assaulted Z? The cop probably would have shot him ten times and it would have been a righteous shoot.

So true.
And somehow people have seemed to forgotten that after Z was taken in he was released and not charged with anything. It was only when people started making a big stink about it being racially charged when he was arrested.
Serino himself referred to Zimmerman's injuries as "marginally life threatening".

if you had bothered to listen to the interrogations, you would know he was just inducing zimmerman to talk.

zimmerman's own doctor the next day did not call them marginally life threatening, she called them scratches. the biggest being less than an inch.

i've received worse scratches while pulling weeds out of my garden.
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