zimmerman news

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i've never seen anything follow that phrase that is not massively racist.
You have never been to Florida, have you? There is a Chicken and Waffle house on ever corner just like starbucks in Cali. Thats not racist that is reality. you are young and ignorant or just ignorant
it would seem empty headed asshurt is in your nature.

at least try for some substance, if you are even capable of such.

nah we know how you love reporting on people - let us not forget all your valuable contributions, all 40,000+ of them... Fap away baldy!
You're right Bucky, stereo types are not real. they are a conspiracy like 9/11, right? Your watching Zeitgeist as we speak, right, dont lie?
You have never been to Florida, have you? There is a Chicken and Waffle house on ever corner just like starbucks in Cali. Thats not racist that is reality. you are young and ignorant or just ignorant

are you saying that the existence of chicken and waffle diners, like the one i enjoyed in phoenix, excuse your blatant racism and stereotyping?

the only heroin addict on this board by the way is a white guy who stole from his own family.
Jeantel testified that she then heard Martin say, “Why are you following me for?”
Jeantel said a man responded, “What are you doing around here?”
Then she heard a “bump” and what she described as a “wet grass” sound.

Jeantel testified that she heard Martin say, “Get off, get off” before the call disconnected.

Now, we can assume she could not properly identify who said "Get Off, get off"

"West also noted that, while Jeantel testified that the voice crying for help in the 911 call was Martin’s, she previously said in a deposition that she was not certain if it was." All of the sudden time goes by and she becomes more certain? I doubt it. She's lying and can't keep her story straight.

So, Z follows M. Stops him and asks what he's doing there. He then pushes M to the ground, shoots him without attacking first or doing any other physical damage. After shooting him Z's nose spontaneously breaks and cuts form on the back of his head. That's about the only way I can think of it happening without being self defense. Oh wait.. He shoots M and then the tree attacks him breaking his nose.
Now, why is Z out in his car on a rainy night following people around?

He was not on any kind of official watch. Watch standards is to always have a partner. He was expressly warned not to follow the guy. He had already called 911.

Why was he out of his car playing cat and mouse with a guy on a dark and stormy night? This is text book stalking to me. And why is he armed and chasing a guy? "They always get away..."

So, he confronts this guy in nothing more, really, than a dark alley. Mostly likely to me is Z is attempting to question this guy and he has NO RIGHT to question or confront him in that way at all. The very act of following him into that lane, armed is criminal intent. If he tries to stand in the way of Marin, and prevent him from going on into his house, a fight ensures.

Now this lad is gunned down on his own rightful place. He is gunned down by a vigilante, MMA trained punk-ass wanna be cracker.Cracker is too kind. Shall we say Jew Mullatto?

Z was outside, way outside his rights, not to get murdered against the concrete, as he set up.
How exactly did they go from the grass to the concrete in those 8 seconds of the Goode observation?

So he goaded and then gunned thru heart, of all the places to shoot someone in this situation. It looks so much like an execution from a thug who works out with thugs 3 times a week and plots executions.

The witnesses say he wasn't even out of breath, was not aroused into fear for his life in any way.

That's how I see it.
"West also noted that, while Jeantel testified that the voice crying for help in the 911 call was Martin’s, she previously said in a deposition that she was not certain if it was." All of the sudden time goes by and she becomes more certain? I doubt it. She's lying and can't keep her story straight.

no, west was trying to substitute his own understanding of what jeantel said for what jeantel actually said. jeantel clarified what she said. you should have actually watched the trial rather then just trusting whatever some news source says. put yourself in the juror's shoes, that's what i've been doing.

So, Z follows M. Stops him and asks what he's doing there. He then pushes M to the ground, shoots him without attacking first or doing any other physical damage. After shooting him Z's nose spontaneously breaks and cuts form on the back of his head. That's about the only way I can think of it happening without being self defense. Oh wait.. He shoots M and then the tree attacks him breaking his nose.

or the cuts could have formed between zimm pushing martin and zimm shooting martin.

that's not really important. getting bogged down in these details won't last too long in this trial. the overall fact is that zimm took his gun to follow an unarmed teenager and killed him with only minor scratches to show for it. that much is indisputable.

the question then becomes zimmerman's ill will or intent.

it's gonna be a fairly long trial, 3-4 weeks at least. stay tuned and buckle up.

  • jeantel clarified what she said.​

HOLY SHIT, WHAT? Uncle Buck, did you take Acid and watch the trial?
How exactly did they go from the grass to the concrete in those 8 seconds of the Goode observation?

that confused me as well.

zimmerman's tall tale moves in the opposite direction, he goes from getting his head slammed on concrete and yelling at goode for help and manages to inch his way to the grass. goode has him going from grass to concrete.

either way, it's gonna be tough for defense to reconcile all the zimmer lies. they are doing very, very well right now but if i'm a juror, i need more info.

  • jeantel clarified what she said.​

HOLY SHIT, WHAT? Uncle Buck, did you take Acid and watch the trial?

west thought he heard one thing, jeantel clarified that west heard wrong.

did you have a wet dream that you watched the trial instead of actually watching it?

do you even lift?
west thought he heard one thing, jeantel clarified that west heard wrong.

did you have a wet dream that you watched the trial instead of actually watching it?

do you even lift?

I don't speak jeantil. What is 'do you even lift'? You don't even believe the shit you post
that confused me as well.

zimmerman's tall tale moves in the opposite direction, he goes from getting his head slammed on concrete and yelling at goode for help and manages to inch his way to the grass. goode has him going from grass to concrete.

either way, it's gonna be tough for defense to reconcile all the zimmer lies. they are doing very, very well right now but if i'm a juror, i need more info.
Where do you get these stories from? I am pretty sure you are 12-14 years old just posting nonsense you come up with in your head...
Where do you get these stories from? I am pretty sure you are 12-14 years old just posting nonsense you come up with in your head...

the story about inching away from the sidewalk to the grass came straight from zimmerman's mouth.

the story about the fight inching the other direction came straight from goode's mouth.

good job on illustrating that you are talking straight out of your uninformed ass though. saves everyone else the time and effort of bothering to take you the least bit seriously.
YOu can LITERALLY LISTEN TO HIS INTERVIEW. You can actually go listen, right now UncleBuck, and get educated on the trial. Go listen to his story and then go through the witness testimony on WPTV. YOU DON'T though, do you? You just think Treyvon Martin was a angel from god and Zimmerman was racist, just because. I can't even call your statements ignorant anymore. It is just wild childish imagination. You argue just to argue.
I am on the fence on this trial. I am watching objectively. You are a Treyvon Martin supporter and you don't follow the facts of the trial. I WANT Zimmerman to go to jail for having a gun. BUT THAT IS NOT FLORIDA LAW is it? Treyvon was a thug thief, YES with a bag of skittles and watermelon juice, and Zimmerman is a weeny. The Jury will find him NOT GUILTY. I hope you still post on here when that happens. I am giving you a fat I told you so.
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