My soil is a mixture of many things from the greenhouse. There is some Black Gold, Miracle crap moisture control high gnat formula all mixed with some sphagnum moss, forest compost, chicken manure, steer manure, perlite, vermiculite, bone meal, blood meal, garden lime, all purpose fertilizer..... I might be missing something. I have been working on ratios to make the soil arid yet hold moisture. If I get seeds from those plants I have been spraying I will kill off the grow and start with all new soil and dump the 100+ gallons of soil I have mixed in the garden.
The yellow edges you see on the young plants was there from the mother plants. The soil mix is hot for young plants so I get tip burn. As time goes by, the soil looses its ability to supply Calcium and Magnesium and I get what you see. I had just watered most of the plants the day before I got the cal-mag so I have to wait until I get to try the magic in a bottle....
Time for Hashish hits!!!!