Democrats Pull Political Stunt to Cover IRS Scandal

how dare you ask them questions about their social welfare objectives before giving them tax exempt status! that is scandalous!

you should know by now that the tea party is all about social welfare. the tea party loves socialism, and welfarism. that's what the tea party is known for, socialism and wlefare. they just love that shit.

who you think you are, bright boy? that one in ten thousand?

True, why should they have to provide money for those who can't boot-strap properly? A tax write-off shouldn't have to fund those leeches!
Checking out my groceries tonight,
The couple in front of me had a full cart of food.
I saw things in there like salmon and a cheesecake sampler.
They pull out the food stamp card and don't pay a cent for all this food.
LOL, not the first time I've seen this abuse.
Fuckin crazy!
Checking out my groceries tonight,
The couple in front of me had a full cart of food.
I saw things in there like salmon and a cheesecake sampler.
They pull out the food stamp card and don't pay a cent for all this food.
LOL, not the first time I've seen this abuse.
Fuckin crazy!

Checking out my groceries tonight,
The couple in front of me had a full cart of food.
I saw things in there like salmon and a cheesecake sampler.
They pull out the food stamp card and don't pay a cent for all this food.
LOL, not the first time I've seen this abuse.
Fuckin crazy!

What is with the seafood obsession? Damn, that daily show episode was spot-on.
Checking out my groceries tonight,
The couple in front of me had a full cart of food.
I saw things in there like salmon and a cheesecake sampler.
They pull out the food stamp card and don't pay a cent for all this food.
LOL, not the first time I've seen this abuse.
Fuckin crazy!

Who cares if they get one day of a special food and desert? I mean, seriously...
No, I see it all the time.
People who don't work and eat like kings, drive new cars, receive free or reduced rent, utilities and healthcare.

Not my dead grandma's dreams.

They love Obama though.

how do you know what car they drive from the grocery line, much less what their rent, utility, and healthcare bills are like?
Who cares if they get one day of a special food and desert? I mean, seriously...

i wonder why he calls it an abuse of the purchase was approved.

if they bought things that were not state approved food, the purchase would not have been approved and abuse would have occurred.

so apparently now it is "abuse" to follow the law.
i wonder why he calls it an abuse of the purchase was approved.

if they bought things that were not state approved food, the purchase would not have been approved and abuse would have occurred.

so apparently now it is "abuse" to follow the law.

Personally, I'm more concerned by the fact that fast-food is somehow now on the EBT approval list. Nothing says wasted money like food that you could make yourself for 1/4 the price.
Who cares if they get one day of a special food and desert? I mean, seriously...

I mean seriously they live week to week, month to month, year by year sucking off the govt.
I see it everyday on my street.

I'd love to eat some fresh seafood but it's impractical for me to buy.
A half pound of salmon is worth 3 other meals of beef, pork, chicken or veg.

Why do we feed these non-workers good food while the worker eats shit foods?
I mean seriously they live week to week, month to month, year by year sucking off the govt.
I see it everyday on my street.

I'd love to eat some fresh seafood but it's impractical for me to buy.
A half pound of salmon is worth 3 other meals of beef, pork, chicken or veg.

Why do we feed these non-workers good food while the worker eats shit foods?

if you're so fucking poor and envious, go get yourself some fucking food stamps if they're so good.

food stamps are for people like you who are too feeble and poor to buy themselves proper nutrition. just because you're a low skill, low value human being does not mean you deserve to go hungry, sport.
if you're so fucking poor and envious, go get yourself some fucking food stamps if they're so good.

food stamps are for people like you who are too feeble and poor to buy themselves proper nutrition. just because you're a low skill, low value human being does not mean you deserve to go hungry, sport.

I'm far from capable of buying fine seafood if I wish.
I'm a practical person that eats proper foods.

I see abuse at the market that pisses me off.
Guess you never had to deal with it.
I mean seriously they live week to week, month to month, year by year sucking off the govt.
I see it everyday on my street.

I'd love to eat some fresh seafood but it's impractical for me to buy.
A half pound of salmon is worth 3 other meals of beef, pork, chicken or veg.

Why do we feed these non-workers good food while the worker eats shit foods?

If you think that food stamps get you very far, then you've never lived on food stamps before. They likely caught a sale and decided to splurge a bit.
I'm far from capable of buying fine seafood if I wish.
I'm a practical person that eats proper foods.

I see abuse at the market that pisses me off.
Guess you never had to deal with it.

I love how you see one occurrence and assume abuse. Or are you actually charting the weekly spending habits of people on food stamps at your local grocer?
It would make my dick hard to afford the $20.00 cheesecake sampler on the taxpayers dime.

How hard your dick may get does not dismiss the fact that you only get so much in food stamps a month. Buying something expensive means they have to make a trade-off somewhere else. It's a fixed income; they have to sacrifice somewhere else. Maybe they were just good at budgeting. It sounds like you're mad that they worked out what they could afford.