Okay, I will.
What a harm is in a logical justice system would be the initiation of aggression by one party (prohibtionists, bureaucrats, gov't boot lickers etc. ) on another party that is behaving peaceably. For instance, you are enjoying the use of your property in ways that you determine is acceptable with how you'd like to use your property, but that use does not impede another from using their own private property. The aggressor would be the one that limits your enjoyment of your property by making threats against you for not complying with their edict. You support aggressing against people that do not use their property in ways you would chose for them. That makes you the holder of a prohibitionist mindset.
Indifference is an act or more likely a belief or non act wherein one party does not initiate aggression. Nor do they try to make others use their property in ways that the property owner does not want to. It is a choice made by one party to not associate, but most importantly not to initiate aggression either. That would not be you or the wearers of the boots you love to lick.
You be sure and have a nice night now.