i've asked for you to clarify your opinion in the past, to which your response is: to disappear.
do you use all of the features of your smartphone, ipad, laptop, tv etc? you don't?..it's called bundling.
you can only customize so far..often times not cost effective to "carve-out" features or services.
the concept of "pooling" insurance is not a new one; it's been used for decades and i sold it.
get over it people! aca is here to stay!
You go ahead and sell that Bullshit to others. The ACA is a direct result selling out the American public.
Back in 09 Obama had taken a page out of Mitt Romney`s Mass Health Plan and with a few word changes constructed a Health Care Reform Act that was exactly what this Country needed. A Federally run health care plan that was effective for all in all 50 states and could be drawn upon by anyone that applied and paid into. The premium was very low do to the number of the population. It was the best thing that happened to America since we won WWII.
Then came the lawyers and lobbyists from big health care insurance companies. They threatened to reveal and paid large numbers of cash to campaign fund raisers in order to get the Senate (D) to rewrite it so that it included bundling it with existing insurers. The Media caught and ran the story but then just as sudden....stopped reporting on it. The bill grew enormous to hide the payouts and included other bills needed to be passed so that the only way to see what was in it in time was to pass it.
That`s how Obama and Democrats fucked the American People up the ass.
It is not hear to stay, no-one wants it. Everyone still has to pay into it, and you can bet it will be repealed. They`re gonna be receiving more money than needed to run it now with little members or forced members clinging on, and that surplus income is exactly what they were or are after.
It sucks any way you look at it and needs to go.
He had it right and was on track to be the most productive president in a long time,....then came the lawyers and lobbyists,....fuck them and their health care plan too.