Alabama Republican wants to stop people on food stamps from owning cars


Well-Known Member
Alabama Republicans say they want a new bill to drastically limit state welfare programs so that recipients will get jobs — but the bill eliminates the most common means of transportation to and from work.

The bill, created by Republican Sen. Arthur Orr, cuts the time frame for assistance from five years to three. It also creates a new layer of bureaucracy for poor people seeking help, including the requirement that they sign a contract vowing to adhere to the program’s rules. It also disqualifies people from getting food stamps or financial assistance for families with children if the recipients own cars, according to the Montgomery Advertiser.
The bill will go to the state Senate after clearing committee 10-3, according to the Advertiser. It limits the programs SNAP, or food stamps, and TANF, or Temporary Aid for Needy Families.
The vast majority of TANF recipients — 77 percent — are children, the Andalusia Star News reports.
Alabama Republicans say they want a new bill to drastically limit state welfare programs so that recipients will get jobs — but the bill eliminates the most common means of transportation to and from work.

The bill, created by Republican Sen. Arthur Orr, cuts the time frame for assistance from five years to three. It also creates a new layer of bureaucracy for poor people seeking help, including the requirement that they sign a contract vowing to adhere to the program’s rules. It also disqualifies people from getting food stamps or financial assistance for families with children if the recipients own cars, according to the Montgomery Advertiser.
The bill will go to the state Senate after clearing committee 10-3, according to the Advertiser. It limits the programs SNAP, or food stamps, and TANF, or Temporary Aid for Needy Families.
The vast majority of TANF recipients — 77 percent — are children, the Andalusia Star News reports.

When you lose a job you go on unemployment. That lasts for 2 years. After that, I guess you can apply for welfare.

So basically you can lose your job and be driving around in your car on welfare gas eating foodstamp meals for 7 years before you have to seek employment now.

And you are pissed they want to cut back on that?
When you lose a job you go on unemployment. That lasts for 2 years. After that, I guess you can apply for welfare.

So basically you can lose your job and be driving around in your car on welfare gas eating foodstamp meals for 7 years before you have to seek employment now.

And you are pissed they want to cut back on that?
Ever live in a rural area? Can't get anywhere, no less a job without a car. From my understanding unemployment last 6 months.
Ever live in a rural area? Can't get anywhere, no less a job without a car. From my understanding unemployment last 6 months.

I guess being poor and living in a rural area is a bad idea then... Good thing they have cars to drive to those jobs so they wont have to be on welfare.
Alabama Republicans say they want a new bill to drastically limit state welfare programs so that recipients will get jobs — but the bill eliminates the most common means of transportation to and from work.

The bill, created by Republican Sen. Arthur Orr, cuts the time frame for assistance from five years to three. It also creates a new layer of bureaucracy for poor people seeking help, including the requirement that they sign a contract vowing to adhere to the program’s rules. It also disqualifies people from getting food stamps or financial assistance for families with children if the recipients own cars, according to the Montgomery Advertiser.
The bill will go to the state Senate after clearing committee 10-3, according to the Advertiser. It limits the programs SNAP, or food stamps, and TANF, or Temporary Aid for Needy Families.
The vast majority of TANF recipients — 77 percent — are children, the Andalusia Star News reports.

Are there many Black in Bama ?
When you lose a job you go on unemployment. That lasts for 2 years. After that, I guess you can apply for welfare.

So basically you can lose your job and be driving around in your car on welfare gas eating foodstamp meals for 7 years before you have to seek employment now.

And you are pissed they want to cut back on that?
8. Nike $2.03B
7. Royal Dutch Shell $2.04B
6. Fiat Chrysler $2.06B
5. Ford — $2.52B
4. General Motors $3.58B
3. Intel — $3.87B
2. Alcoa — $5.64B
1. Boeing — $13.18B

Do you think that these "welfare queens" are allowed to keep their cars?
8. Nike $2.03B
7. Royal Dutch Shell $2.04B
6. Fiat Chrysler $2.06B
5. Ford — $2.52B
4. General Motors $3.58B
3. Intel — $3.87B
2. Alcoa — $5.64B
1. Boeing — $13.18B

Do you think that these "welfare queens" are allowed to keep their cars?

You told me you made 168K last year. So you are a welfare queen too??
I pay the government, they don't pay me.

The government lets you keep some of the money.

The government lets those corporations keep some of the money just like you do. All of the ones above paid taxes and much more than you have.

If they are welfare queens then so are you.
Well. I was thinking we don't wan nun dat ignant trash to be building airplanes or cars. Make the world more dangerous. Perhaps give them a little check and some food and keep them outta the way so they don't fuck nuthin up. No what I mean Vern? lol.