Gary Goodson
Well-Known Member
There was this dude that had a sign that read "it's hard out here for a pimp. Help a brother out" I had to pull over and help him out. I gave him a 40, a half smoked joint, and a few bucks for food. Because you know after smoking some weed and drinking some beer you're gonna be hungry.
There is also this old lady that stands at my local corner store, I won't give her anything because I've seen her wired as fuck and I don't like hard drugs(yes, I know, it's my beliefs) but I'm not gonna help you pay for meth.
If I could've taken that pipe out of his hands or that shit out of his car, my brother wouldn't be in prison right now. Till 2020 and its already been 3 years at that. Now my nephew is with out a father for another 3-4 years and at a time when a young man needs his dad. He's a teen right now and there are some things he's going through. I do what I can for him, but I can never replace his dad

idk why I've been so open on here lately. forgive me for being a whinny lil bitch. but that last paragraph kinda got me in the feels hard core... I guess because its December and Christmas is right around the corner and I wish I could do more. But i have a good harvest coming up and I will make sure to take care of all of my people.
I hope everyone does the same and find it in their hearts to have a lil compassion for the less fortunate. Things aren't always so cut and dry, shit happens and folks are left out in the cold.