Gary Goodson
Well-Known Member
This is what I'm talking about!Hmmm, seems like your mind opened up a bit after your OP.I get the frustration level. But better to be part of a solution than part of the problem right?
@Chunky Stool that first post did upset me, but I thought to myself "how can I get my point across? by talking shit? Or trying to reason with you" I may not have fully convinced you, but I do feel like you somewhat got where I was coming from. And I didn't have to be an asshole about it.
You're still a human being and you deserve the same understanding from me that I'm asking of you. Even if the most you got out of this is just taking a 1/2 second before passing judgement on the next homeless person you see. Just think "that old piece of aids infested, bio hazard shit could be Garys nephew one day" as you pass by like this woman did