The homeless/zombie crisis.

Hmmm, seems like your mind opened up a bit after your OP. :clap: I get the frustration level. But better to be part of a solution than part of the problem right?
This is what I'm talking about!

@Chunky Stool that first post did upset me, but I thought to myself "how can I get my point across? by talking shit? Or trying to reason with you" I may not have fully convinced you, but I do feel like you somewhat got where I was coming from. And I didn't have to be an asshole about it.

You're still a human being and you deserve the same understanding from me that I'm asking of you. Even if the most you got out of this is just taking a 1/2 second before passing judgement on the next homeless person you see. Just think "that old piece of aids infested, bio hazard shit could be Garys nephew one day" as you pass by like this woman did
I think it's (the churches, if that's what you meant) their moral obligation to help, but not their job, so to speak.

The government has even more of a moral obligation as well as a legal obligation.

Ever see that film of 9/11 1st responders visiting Cuba a few yrs. back and meeting Cuban fire responders? The 9/11 guys, who now have permanent respiratory diseases need special inhaler drugs. In Cuba, $25.00. Here, hundreds of dollars for the same drug.

Who pays for the extra money? You and I.

Who profits from that extra money? Some greedy drug company CEO?

The whole system is skewed towards the wrong direction. There's wealth here, and the wealthy get wealthier, the poor get poorer, and the shrinking middle class carries the bulk of the load.

What's wrong with this picture?

With all the people out there that are really concerned out there and willing to protest lately at the drop of a hat, i bet a save a street campaign would go over really well especially over the holiday season. I just thought of this one. Get volunteers to donate a few hours of their time and a few dollars worth of gas a week and give them streets to look after. They could help clean up the garbage and not kick people out of their "homes". The job would be pretty gross though.

Americans don't protest their government's bullshit at anywhere near the rate of other deceleration nations. When it comes to political activism, we're lazy-

...And the other side of the protest coin in this country is the FBI and other government agencies organizing actively running campaigns against the voice of the People. This should be exposed and treated as the criminal activity that it is, with those who order it and participate in it serving prison time for subversion.
Hmmm, seems like your mind opened up a bit after your OP. :clap: I get the frustration level. But better to be part of a solution than part of the problem right?
My original post was ment to shock people into talking about it. Its like the hook in a book or tv show. You know like a free beer sign :lol: im kinda glad bob was all pissy because he brought his band of trolls along to screw with my thread and it only made it stronger. I Think my next thread is going to be a post a picture of your december good deed or something along those lines. I just have to think about how to word the title. You in?
My original post was ment to shock people into talking about it. Its like the hook in a book or tv show. You know like a free beer sign :lol: im kinda glad bob was all pissy because he brought his band of trolls along to screw with my thread and it only made it stronger. I Think my next thread is going to be a post a picture of youre december good deed or something along those lines. I just have to think about how to word the title. You in?
You know dicks are always a hit around here

The "bag em and tag em approch". This type of thing has crossed my mind to a degree. Pick em all up, identify them, and process them. Kind of like the video @Blue Wizard posted earlier. Criminals to jail. Crazies to the institutions. And kids and people that can work to shelters or some type of affordable housing to hopefully be helped. It would be the fastest method to deal with the problem. All the criminals would flee the city as well.

just like a drivers id card ..........they get the card and they get into the program it keeps track of what they did in the program showing if they are someone worthy of helping out or just anouther scammer

i heard about your oregon trail cards ......1 side u get food other side u get money (has 2 strips on them )
Weird, I thought it was their job to help those in need. Guess I'm wrong.

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I'm also not religious but have been helped by the local church when we didn't have much.

Ooooooo that loaf looks n--i--c--e....I can almost smell the warm yeast, teeth gnashing through that crust and all.

I made a pineapple cake this morning to go along with our chicken later, but I'm having a hard time not cutting into it.....


But you feel for me why? Because you somewhat know me? How can you not have that same compassion for a random person you've never met? What if the only difference is that you have no ties to this unfortunate young man? He's a good kid bro... and worthy of a fighting chance at life.

Again, it not always so cut and dry.

Oh and for the record, I know exactly what I would do and who I am.

It's personal disconnect, and that personal disconnect to "that other guy" is what keeps me, probably many, from going insane thinking about all the fucked up shit in this world. I know it's cold, but I get torn dealing with the immediate situations around me and my peeps, don't need to put the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Once that personal connection is made, then it's hard to turn away.
They are biohazards.
It's easy to be an idealist if you don't have to be around the mess they create. I personally witnessed what they did to the environment when they started camping by the railroad tracks. They turned a pristine outdoor wonderland into a stinky, trash-filled disaster -- complete with random hypodermic needles strewn about.
I have zero sympathy for these "people".
I always knew I didn't like you I just couldn't put my finger on why.

Thank you. Now I know.