my first indoor poppy grow

I started a small poppy garden to see how they grow for me indoors. They are pretty damn delicate....I had a bunch not germinate and then killed a few moving the cups around. . like, if one bends my heart starts pounding cuz I know it just going to snap and die. Pathetic plants.. Lol..
Anyway. Under 12-12
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I started a small poppy garden to see how they grow for me indoors. They are pretty damn delicate....I had a bunch not germinate and then killed a few moving the cups around. . like, if one bends my heart starts pounding cuz I know it just going to snap and die. Pathetic plants.. Lol..
Anyway. Under 12-12
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Cool bro... They are pretty delicate when small.. a couple more weeks and you should be able to change the schedule to 16/8 you could do it sooner but end up with tiny flowers..
Persian or china whites,,or they could be white cloud or swans I labeled the seed pack white poppy like a dumbass.. so it a Waiting game to see what they are. IMG_20180503_192119.jpg

Got several beds ready and seeded a few..
This bed I've got swans down and Danish flags in.. going to let them cross.
This bed is island spice company poppy seeds and Izmir bush poppy.. again I'm letting these cross as well..IMG_20180503_192213.jpg the two beds are
Persian or china whites,,or they could be white cloud or swans I labeled the seed pack white poppy like a dumbass.. so it a Waiting game to see what they are. View attachment 4131117

Got several beds ready and seeded a few..
This bed I've got swans down and Danish flags in.. going to let them cross.
View attachment 4131121
This bed is island spice company poppy seeds and Izmir bush poppy.. again I'm letting these cross as well..View attachment 4131119 the two beds are
What season are you going into?
Poppies are photosensitive. They're not auto.
I must correct myself some poppies bloom according to age and not photo period.. for example, there is afew GMO poppies that flower within fifty to sixty days regardless of daylight's length.. some afghan farmers grow this veritiy of GMO poppy and get four harvests a year depending on their region..
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Hey FF I read through this whole thread. Lots of great info. How did your back surgery turn out? I've got 2 herniated in my lower back and from the bottom of my rib cage to the bottom of my skull all the disc are compressed/ bulging/bone spurs. I'm in Germany now and about to move to Hawaii(Thank God). The german doctors won't do surgery on me so I'm probably going to get surgery when we get to Hawaii. I was just wondering about your experience.
I must correct myself some poppies bloom according to age and not photo period.. for example, there is afew GMO poppies that flower within fifty to sixty days regardless of daylight's length.. some afghan farmers grow this veritiy of GMO poppy and get four harvests a year depending on their region..
So looking at a map of poppy cultivation I'd figure that anything coming out of the golden triangle or the northern areas of south America would bloom based on age and not light cycle.
Hey FF I read through this whole thread. Lots of great info. How did your back surgery turn out? I've got 2 herniated in my lower back and from the bottom of my rib cage to the bottom of my skull all the disc are compressed/ bulging/bone spurs. I'm in Germany now and about to move to Hawaii(Thank God). The german doctors won't do surgery on me so I'm probably going to get surgery when we get to Hawaii. I was just wondering about your experience.
My first scheduled surgery never happened.. but the next year I ended even worse so they did a couple lamectimies( spelled wrong) .. they just shaved some of the bulging off .. I also got several epidural nerve blocks that helped for alittle while.. they didn't last long on me though.. some people it lasts for months.. me it only lasted a month at a time.. I'm scheduled for another MRI. And possibly another surgery.. not sure yet.. they were going to cage or fuse my disc's but I opted out because of all of the warnings from other people who had it done.. the people who had fusions or cages said it help for awhile(afew years) but the disc's above and below the fusions blew out and had to be fused as well.. I'm going to try to go ten years before getting that done..
My first scheduled surgery never happened.. but the next year I ended even worse so they did a couple lamectimies( spelled wrong) .. they just shaved some of the bulging off .. I also got several epidural nerve blocks that helped for alittle while.. they didn't last long on me though.. some people it lasts for months.. me it only lasted a month at a time.. I'm scheduled for another MRI. And possibly another surgery.. not sure yet.. they were going to cage or fuse my disc's but I opted out because of all of the warnings from other people who had it done.. the people who had fusions or cages said it help for awhile(afew years) but the disc's above and below the fusions blew out and had to be fused as well.. I'm going to try to go ten years before getting that done..
Good luck man. Back pain is the worst. I quit smoking and growing for about 8 years. I just started smoking again a couple of years ago and was amazed how much it helps with inflammation and muscle spasms. So now I pretty much just use herb for the pain along with kratom and occasionally tr***dol. I'd like to be able to just make some poppy tea when I need to. My ideal situation would be getting really fixed so I don't need anything and can get a high paying job again. The oil field doesn't look kindly on pot smokers. You can do all the smack and speed you want because it's out of your system in 3 days. Bastards. lol WTF? banned words? It won't let me type tr***dol. Jesus I guess the nazis won.
Good luck man. Back pain is the worst. I quit smoking and growing for about 8 years. I just started smoking again a couple of years ago and was amazed how much it helps with inflammation and muscle spasms. So now I pretty much just use herb for the pain along with kratom and occasionally tr***dol. I'd like to be able to just make some poppy tea when I need to. My ideal situation would be getting really fixed so I don't need anything and can get a high paying job again. The oil field doesn't look kindly on pot smokers. You can do all the smack and speed you want because it's out of your system in 3 days. Bastards. lol WTF? banned words? It won't let me type tr***dol. Jesus I guess the nazis won.
Yeah any name brands or genetic med names are banned words on this site.. lol.. It won't let you say v.i.c.o.d.e.n. or lol..
When I end up in the e.r. sometimes I'll get tram.adol for pain.. I won't let them give me anything stronger,, or I should say use to not let them.. Michigan has really cracked down on dispensing pain killers..
I also have degenerative disc disease so my back won't get better. So it's nice having a piece of mind knowing I'll have something for server pain when the need arises growing in my flower beds.. when possible I try to only use herbal means for my Heath and care.. to many fucked up side effects with synthetic pills.. I quit taking gabapentin for nerve pain because it was fucking up my eyesight and causing some screwed up gastrointestinal issues as well.. basically pissing out my ass twenty minutes after taking a so I'm the same as you in regards to medicating .. I use cannabis, kratom,poppy tea(seldomly), psilocybin in small doses once in a blue moon.. helps greatly for my nerve pains ..
Yeah it's really fucked up these days for people with chronic pain. Man I'm in Germany so these cock suckers don't give you pain killers for shit. I've seen kids with broken arms that didn't get so much as a tyl-enol 3. I was in the er one night and this old man was howling he was in so much pain. They let him go that way for a good hour before they finally gave him a shot of something. I've been to the er many times here and in the states and it just blew my mind. I was like god damn if you're not going to help the poor guy put a fucking bullet in him. It was like looking at a dog that had been run over by a car and was teetering on the brink of death. They're fed me anti-inflammatories so much my stomach is pretty well screwed. You go in here and they give you an i.v. of this naproxen type stuff. So yeah I've been bleeding out of my ass like a stuck hog for the last 9 months....But you aren't supposed to smoke a fucking joint or take a pain pill because you might become a junky. Jesus christ these totalitarian nazi shit heal motherfuckers piss me off. At this point I'm like fuck 'em. I may get arrested but I have to have some non pharma relief. So I smoke when I can ...I have to go to holland for kratom. They are still pretty strict on things around here. Everything is illegal here. :cuss: I feel like I'm in fucking Oklahoma man. LOL
Yeah it's really fucked up these days for people with chronic pain. Man I'm in Germany so these cock suckers don't give you pain killers for shit. I've seen kids with broken arms that didn't get so much as a tyl-enol 3. I was in the er one night and this old man was howling he was in so much pain. They let him go that way for a good hour before they finally gave him a shot of something. I've been to the er many times here and in the states and it just blew my mind. I was like god damn if you're not going to help the poor guy put a fucking bullet in him. It was like looking at a dog that had been run over by a car and was teetering on the brink of death. They're fed me anti-inflammatories so much my stomach is pretty well screwed. You go in here and they give you an i.v. of this naproxen type stuff. So yeah I've been bleeding out of my ass like a stuck hog for the last 9 months....But you aren't supposed to smoke a fucking joint or take a pain pill because you might become a junky. Jesus christ these totalitarian nazi shit heal motherfuckers piss me off. At this point I'm like fuck 'em. I may get arrested but I have to have some non pharma relief. So I smoke when I can ...I have to go to holland for kratom. They are still pretty strict on things around here. Everything is illegal here. :cuss: I feel like I'm in fucking Oklahoma man. LOL
Hopefully the pharmaceutical industry keeps their fucking hands off are cannabis and kratom.. slimy bastards.. so far kratom is legal here for the time being.. it's not sold around here so I have to order through online vendors.. even with reputable vendors the quality can be hit and miss.. there's been petitions floating around for awhile now getting signatures to prevent it from being banned here in the states. I'm not real sure on where it stands at this point.. I just hope it's left alone, alot of people legitimately use it now for self administered pain management..