Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Since I paid $100K to put my daughter through school, do you think he'd cancel out my car loan? Just a quarter of the price.
so we're going to cancel student debt even for those who can easily afford it?
Two talking points directly from Fox News. I heard Mike Huckabee just reiterate both of these in an interview on Fox

Why are self proclaimed Democrats reciting Fox News talking points against progressive policies?

You buying a car using a loan isn't necessarily required to you obtaining an adequate livelihood. Buying a higher education in America is

Those that can easily afford it don't tend to have student debt..



Well-Known Member

Those that can easily afford it don't tend to have student debt..

bullshit, curtis

many well off families have the means to easily pay down a significant loan, but not the liquid money equivalent to th amount of the loan

get a real job and move out of your parents' house before you start trying to tell us how finances work


Well-Known Member
bullshit, curtis

many well off families have the means to easily pay down a significant loan, but not the liquid money equivalent to th amount of the loan

get a real job and move out of your parents' house before you start trying to tell us how finances work
If I have the means to afford a college education, as wealthy people do, I will not accrue any debt because I will have already paid for it. Wealthy people don't accrue debt because they don't take out loans to pay for an education, genius.


Well-Known Member
Two talking points directly from Fox News. I heard Mike Huckabee just reiterate both of these in an interview on Fox

Why are self proclaimed Democrats reciting Fox News talking points against progressive policies?

You buying a car using a loan isn't necessarily required to you obtaining an adequate livelihood. Buying a higher education in America certainly is though

Those that can easily afford it don't tend to have student debt..

I wouldn't know, I don't watch Fox propaganda.

I think if I paid $100K to put someone through school, getting 25% back isn't asking too much.

And it's still going to cost money to go to school. Only 40 something % of that $100K was actually tuition. Room and board costs a fortune.

And Medicare isn't free, Medicare for all wouldn't be 100% covered either. Better come up with a new name.


Well-Known Member
Wealthy people don't accrue debt because they don't take out loans to pay for an education, genius.
bullshit, curtis

using debt wisely is a massive part of the equation in becoming wealthy. the biggest wealth accumulator most people have is their home. they take on a massive pile of debt which they gradually pay down as equity builds.

it's the same for a worthwhile college degree. even most well to do families dont have $250k sitting around all at once to put their kid through medical school, but they do have the means to easily pay off such a debt over time.

your misunderstadings of how wealth and debt work are childish naivete


Well-Known Member
If I have the means to afford a college education, as wealthy people do, I will not accrue any debt because I will have already paid for it. Wealthy people don't accrue debt because they don't take out loans to pay for an education, genius.
You're nuts.

Families who save money for their children's education aren't wealthy after they spend it on college expenses.

Tell Bernie to cancel my car loan. I'm eating $75K here. Have a heart with all this free money.


Well-Known Member
i can't believe curtis has the gall to accuse us of using gop talking points after his "DNC RIGGED AGAINST BERNIE!" propaganda that he repeats endlessly was proven to be nonsense straight out of putin's asshole


Well-Known Member
You're nuts.

Families who save money for their children's education aren't wealthy after they spend it on college expenses.

Tell Bernie to cancel my car loan. I'm eating $75K here. Have a heart with all this free money.
I'm not talking about families who need to save money for their children's education. If you need to save for your kids education, you're not what I would consider wealthy. Wealthy people own corporations. They don't need to save any money to put their kids through school because they already have it. So the idea that Sanders' plan to cancel all student debt would be using taxpayers money to pay off wealthy people's school loans is completely unfounded, based on an ignorant lack of understanding of how college debt works in America, propped up by the right wing and Fox News.


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about families who need to save money for their children's education. If you need to save for your kids education, you're not what I would consider wealthy. Wealthy people own corporations. They don't need to save any money to put their kids through school because they already have it. So the idea that Sanders' plan to cancel all student debt would be using taxpayers money to pay off wealthy people's school loans is completely unfounded, based on an ignorant lack of understanding of how college debt works in America, propped up by the right wing and Fox News.
Says the person who didn't understand the workings of Bernie's health care bill but touted it ad nauseum.

Plenty of wealthy families will benefit from Bernie's bill. 67% of all student debt is held by families in the upper income brackets.

Didn't you drop out of college because it was too hard? Yeah, that debt shouldn't be wiped out. A person ought to at least finish.


Well-Known Member
Actually, paying off student debt is a great idea for the economy. Not so much for the budget, but sometimes stimuli such as these are warranted, for example during recovery from recession. It is a great way to increase the purchasing power of the working class. This is just another example of so called justice dems stealing Green Party ideas. If Bernard was really for making something like this happen, he'd have taken up Stein's offer and actually run for president. It would work best along with a GND (another Stein idea) so as to actually put people to work constructively.


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about families who need to save money for their children's education. If you need to save for your kids education, you're not what I would consider wealthy. Wealthy people own corporations. They don't need to save any money to put their kids through school because they already have it. So the idea that Sanders' plan to cancel all student debt would be using taxpayers money to pay off wealthy people's school loans is completely unfounded, based on an ignorant lack of understanding of how college debt works in America, propped up by the right wing and Fox News.
You called my wife’s family wealthy and privileged and guess how they paid for her college education?

They saved, they took out loans, and they paid back the loans

You dimwit


Well-Known Member
Because of Sanders, Bezos folded. Without him, nobody would care about Amazon employees having to piss in bottles to make quotas or other 3rd world working conditions lowly minimum wage American workers face under the richest man in the world
Strange, as 'useless' as Sanders is, I didn't see even one other Senator or Congressman on either side of the aisle call out Amazon's abuses.

That alone speaks volumes about how homogenous both parties have become.


Well-Known Member
Actually, paying off student debt is a great idea for the economy. Not so much for the budget, but sometimes stimuli such as these are warranted, for example during recovery from recession. It is a great way to increase the purchasing power of the working class. This is just another example of so called justice dems stealing Green Party ideas. If Bernard was really for making something like this happen, he'd have taken up Stein's offer and actually run for president. It would work best along with a GND (another Stein idea) so as to actually put people to work constructively.
Kill the F-35. Budget balanced!


Well-Known Member
tell right wingers they should vote for nancy pelosi because she is further right then trump then and see how far you get

then tell them about the 6000 step military protocols
She's the best defense Trump has against impeachment...

That goes pretty far, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
Compared to what a Senator is capable of, yes. If he were my Senator, I'd be pissed at him for ignoring the work he was elected to do in favor of moonlighting as a political activist. He's pulling down a salary that is about 4 times what a political activist working in his capacity does.
He seems awfully popular with his constituents.

Funny how you never mention that about him.