Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Watch what Trump does when Pelosi fails to levy impeachment charges
That story of yours where righteous Democrats in the House triumph over Evil Trump through the symbolic act of impeaching him without support from the Senate to remove him garners the support and adoration of US voter.

It is just a fake fantasy. Recent history shows the opposite reaction. There is no basis of fact upon which to rest your argument. Reality isn't very important to you, is it?

Pelosi is doing just fine with her process. Investigations will continue as mood music throughout the election cycle. Maybe they will uncover the evidence necessary to convince the Senate and a wide majority of the US public to convict and remove Trump from office, probably not. The objective is to get Trump out of the office of president. This way the path towards that objective remains clear.

Your way, after the Senate votes that Trump is innocent, Trump will have a verdict of innocence as an arguing point. Republicans would have the same advantage Democrats had in the late 1990's. Is that what you want?


Well-Known Member
There has never been a president who was impeached and convicted.

Nixon resigned. Clinton was a BS case. And what happened 150 yrs. ago doesn't even apply today.

Getting people 'on record'?

Half of them will run and win on that 'record'. Jesusfuck Already!


Well-Known Member
A demagogue will always be a demagogue.

And you don't know what's going to happen. Nixon had higher approval ratings than Trump even after the impeachment inquirey began. And that was in a world without Fox or the internet.

Trump may be sunk in 6 months. And beating him in 2020 is a bigger success than impeachment.

His own words cost him 15% before we even start, it's like a golf handicap.

Use it correctly and he'll lose by 10,000,000 +. He can't catch up unless somebody lets him. Free college won't carry the south or the midwest. I cringe every time they bring that up. Save it until AFTER the election. Right now, just win.
I'll check back in with you in December


Well-Known Member
That story of yours where righteous Democrats in the House triumph over Evil Trump through the symbolic act of impeaching him without support from the Senate to remove him garners the support and adoration of US voter.

It is just a fake fantasy. Recent history shows the opposite reaction. There is no basis of fact upon which to rest your argument. Reality isn't very important to you, is it?

Pelosi is doing just fine with her process. Investigations will continue as mood music throughout the election cycle. Maybe they will uncover the evidence necessary to convince the Senate and a wide majority of the US public to convict and remove Trump from office, probably not. The objective is to get Trump out of the office of president. This way the path towards that objective remains clear.

Your way, after the Senate votes that Trump is innocent, Trump will have a verdict of innocence as an arguing point. Republicans would have the same advantage Democrats had in the late 1990's. Is that what you want?
Like I said, it's not about a perceived advantage. It's about the law. The president broke the law. That's the end of it. I don't care if the Senate will convict him for it or not. Your stance is the president can break the law so long as the Senate allows him to.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's not about a perceived advantage. It's about the law. The president broke the law. That's the end of it. I don't care if the Senate will convict him for it or not. Your stance is the president can break the law so long as the Senate allows him to.
What are you talking about? No justice department acts when they know they will lose. You only get one shot and if the case is important, the investigation continues until the prosecutors are satisfied they have a good shot at conviction. If a trial is called prematurely, the guilty get off.


Well-Known Member
Actually, it would be on the senate.

A lot of legal cases pending, keep investigating, pressure, pressure, pressure until he's beyond unhinged.

He's fucking up media interviews right and left. He's not expanding his base. He's losing, enjoy the show.
It also comes down to this:

IF the Dems vote to impeach and it goes to the republican controlled senate, they can actually acquit him of all wrongdoing, leaving no criminal cases left to be prosecuted when he leaves office.

Hence Pelosi's statement: I don't want to see him impeached, I'd like to see him in jail.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Actually, it would be on the senate.

A lot of legal cases pending, keep investigating, pressure, pressure, pressure until he's beyond unhinged.

He's fucking up media interviews right and left. He's not expanding his base. He's losing, enjoy the show.
His entire term has been devoted to fucking up our country. Every appointment he has made has shown that. His blatant continued stupidity and arrogance is obvious every time he speaks. I never would of thought it would come to this but it has and these Republicans represent exclusively all that is wrong, all we do not need and everything we should get rid of. Vote Republicans out


Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's not about a perceived advantage. It's about the law. The president broke the law. That's the end of it. I don't care if the Senate will convict him for it or not. Your stance is the president can break the law so long as the Senate allows him to.
Just because he isn't being locked up at the moment doesn't mean they don't have a case and will file it as soon as they are able to, once he is out of office. All they need to do it seems is wait for the statute of limitations to about to run out (5 years after 2016, so right before end of 2021) and file the charges. If he is not reelected he might want to hop a flight to Trump Moscow and live out his years there instead of letting us see him what he looks like wearing orange for clothing instead of skin tone and no hairspray.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's not about a perceived advantage. It's about the law. The president broke the law. That's the end of it. I don't care if the Senate will convict him for it or not. Your stance is the president can break the law so long as the Senate allows him to.
Except, no. That isn't what anybody is saying and I think you know that (unless you are truly devoid in logic - which is quite possible). You are twisting the words in order to have the responsibility of Trump's misdeeds shouldered by your number one enemy - The Democratic Party.

So any time a prosecutor does not bring charges against a murderer because the case that they have is unwinnable, that prosecutor is condoning murder?

If the Senate refuses to convict, as this one clearly would not, the responsibility lies on them and the voters who put them there.

I know that you look for every single issue to contain a "rainbow" that will allow you to attack anybody that isn't Bernie, and that no rainbow cheers you up as much as one that will attack the Democrats, but only really weak-minded people are buying that.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's not about a perceived advantage. It's about the law. The president broke the law. That's the end of it. I don't care if the Senate will convict him for it or not. Your stance is the president can break the law so long as the Senate allows him to.
there's always SDNY- and he's NOT going to get out of that.