Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Bernie's health is likely worse then what he's said. Honestly I think the guy is one stroke away from death. He's not going to survive 4 years in that job, anyways.
I agree. You can tell just by looking at him that hes in rough shape... and that's just from seeing him on tv. Where they have people employed just for the sole purpose to make people look good


Well-Known Member
Slide your stove out and take a pic behind it. How often do you clean out your hvac system? Baseboards if you got them. Wash your curtains? Speaker cabinets? Unless you're a complete germaphobe or just looking for something to bitch about... you're just ridiculous. You didnt let your kids play outside?

All buck did was say you're crazy. Which I agree with if you're that afraid of a little dirt on jeans when the wood floor and carpet are clean. Then you got personal. Brought his wife into it. What the hell man?
now you’re my sock puppet


Well-Known Member
He's from a big hunting and gun state in a time when the NRA was in ascendency, it was the times and politics. I don't think Bernie will veto any gun legislation these days, times change, to talk gun control a decade ago was the kiss of death for many a politician.
Even so, he's vulnerable and has no defense in that area. All those dead kids. IMO, a hunting liscence and a clean background should be a requirement for a firearm. And these AK47 types of guns should not be sold to anyone, period.

Never had a gun in my life. Had to qualify with a .38 Smith and Wesson to graduate NY State Dept of Corrections Training Academy in 1979. Other then that? Never bothered, I don't hunt.


Well-Known Member
Even so, he's vulnerable and has no defense in that area. All those dead kids. IMO, a hunting liscence and a clean background should be a requirement for a firearm. And these AK47 types of guns should not be sold to anyone, period.

Never had a gun in my life. Had to qualify with a .38 Smith and Wesson to graduate NY State Dept of Corrections Training Academy in 1979. Other then that? Never bothered, I don't hunt.
Bloomberg and Biden have plenty of baggage too and Trump would name mayor Pete, "Gay Pete", the women face misogyny and bigotry, everybody has got a cross to bear. Most of the bigots are on the other side though.


Well-Known Member
Bloomberg and Biden have plenty of baggage too and Trump would name mayor Pete, "Gay Pete", the women face misogyny and bigotry, everybody has got a cross to bear. Most of the bigots are on the other side though.

Facing misogyny and bitgotry is not the same as being one, as Bernie has occasionally displayed when his mask slipped.
The proper retort is that I'm an alcoholic and my ex wife left me 13 years ago because she couldn't stand me being a fucking crazy ass combat vet.
So you’re a racist Nazi pedophile Is that proper retort you speak of ? When you say the same tired ass shit over & over again somebody’s bound to fight fire with fire lol!


Well-Known Member
Bloomberg and Biden have plenty of baggage too and Trump would name mayor Pete, "Gay Pete", the women face misogyny and bigotry, everybody has got a cross to bear. Most of the bigots are on the other side though.
When parents have to worry about their child SURVIVING going to school? The power the NRA has wielded over the years? This baggage is about the worst I can think of. Innocent kids being shot.


Well-Known Member

Facing misogyny and bitgotry is not the same as being one, as Bernie has occasionally displayed when his mask slipped.
You sure are hard on old Bernie, I don't believe he has been noted for his racism, didn't he march with King?

Bernie Sanders and John Lewis Were At The Same March in 1965



Well-Known Member
When parents have to worry about their child SURVIVING going to school? The power the NRA has wielded over the years? This baggage is about the worst I can think of. Innocent kids being shot.
I'm pretty anti gun myself being Canadian and all, we have good gun laws in my opinion, most Canadians agree. The NRA is finished as a force in American politics if the democrats win, they are on the ropes financially and in trouble over Russian money. Have hope about guns, it's one thing that will change in America if the democrats win it all and they can, even with Bernie leading the charge. If he wins the polls for the general election will be interesting when he is pitted against Trump, I figure the margin will be bigger than many expect and will increase as the election continues.


Well-Known Member
Sanders has been doing all he could to get his picture taken with black people for decades.
He started early then, are ya that sure he has no principles or beliefs? Bernie was there because he believed it was the right thing to do, he doesn't lack the courage of his convictions. I believe him to be a good man, an exceptional one in fact and will say as much with a clear conscience, I believe him to be authentic, while bearing in mind that nobody is perfect, least of all me.


Well-Known Member
He started early then, are ya that sure he has no principles or beliefs? Bernie was there because he believed it was the right thing to do, he doesn't lack the courage of his convictions. I believe him to be a good man, an exceptional one in fact and will say as much with a clear conscience, I believe him to be authentic, while bearing in mind that nobody is perfect, least of all me.
The only job he ever had before his political career, in which he has never accomplished anything meaningful, was to write rape porn.

He was probably just at the protests to try to bang hippy chicks.


Well-Known Member
Given that lousy choice, yes I would. Sanders voted to make sure the NRA can't be sued.......all those dead little children probably haunt his memories. It's unforgivable, he helped them accrue the power they've had 30 yrs. He only helped cosponsor 30 bills in 30 years as a senator. Klobachar helped cosponsor 100 bills in 4 years, but not many know her.

Most people aren't OCD and just believe what they are fed via media outlets on TV. If I'm interested in something I research all day, sometimes for a week.
Should you be able to sue Budweiser if someone smashes into your car while drunk? Is Budweiser responsible for that?