Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Well it was fun talking with you UB and your Muppets. You put on a pretty good show. I hope at least I help with the hits tonight. About to finish watching some Hunter. Study up on LLC or S- corp so when you ready to make the next move in life you can take advantage of the taxbreaks.
ill pass it on to my cpa and ask him if it constitutes tax fraud

I’m being dead serious about this. I’ll tell you what he says


Well-Known Member
Oh look, Padawa is pushing propaganda to divide up Americans, using the unfortunate reality that we are not perfect, and Obama wasn't able to fix everything, because once him and the Democrats were able to stop the bleeding and start the American recovery after the Republicans dumped the Great Recession on his lap, he got nailed with the 'Tea Party' trolling and they stopped everything he tried to get done afterwards.

Bernie is selling empty promises while the Russian military has been micro targeting every community with lies designed to prop up his run for President by selling the anti-establishment lie.
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Worse yet, he knew for over a month that the Russians were attacking us and his 'fellow' Democrats and did nothing to warn us or to stop it, just like Trump Bernie is willing to sell us all out to get what he wants.
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And the Russians have been pushing Bernie on us since 2014 in an attempt to destroy our democracy.

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Well-Known Member
Gee, I wonder why Bernie and Warren are so popular, couldn't have anything to do with tax policy and stories like this could it? I wonder how such an absurd situation arose where a highly profitable corporation pays either none or so little tax? I'll bet the thousands of small retailers that they drove out of business with technology paid a lot more in cumulative taxes. This is a situation where technology concentrated wealth, removed other competing business models and policy left it untaxed by an unresponsive and compromised government. Not exactly a left wing source either and yeah I know Bernie owns three houses etc. Just pointing out some of the motivating factors for many left wing voters, this is a movement that largely grew out of the disgust about the financial crisis of 2008 and its aftermath, recovery aside. If they don't pay taxes regular citizens make up the slack or do without government services.
Jeff Bezos spent more on this house in Beverly Hills than Amazon has paid so far in federal corporate income tax for 2019
The Amazon founder has purchased the famed Warner Estate from entertainment mogul David Geffen for a record-breaking $165 million

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is reportedly paying $165 million for a palatial Beverly Hills mansion, and, according to SEC filings, with that sum the Amazon AMZN, -2.65% founder could have footed the entire 2019 federal tax bill his company is planning to pay this year. He’d have $3 million left over.

Bezos purchased the Warner Estate, originally designed in the 1930s for the Warner Bros. T, -0.16% president Jack Warner, from music mogul David Geffen, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources described as familiar with the transaction.

That surpasses the previous highest price paid for a home in California. Last year, media executive Lachlan Murdoch spent $150 million on Chartwell, the Bel-Air mansion famous from the television series “The Beverly Hillbillies.” Lachlan Murdoch is the son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch and co-chairman of News Corp, which owns Dow Jones & Co., publisher of MarketWatch and the Wall Street Journal. (A spokesperson for News Corp declined to comment.)

Amazon owes more than $1 billion in federal income taxes for 2019, according to SEC filings submitted last month. The online retail pioneer so far has paid $162 million on its 2019 bill, with the remaining $914 million owed in 2019 federal income taxes deferred, the filing noted.

An Amazon representative declined to comment on Bezos’s property purchase or the company’s tax rates but referred to a previous company statement on Amazon’s tax bill.

“We follow all applicable federal and state tax laws, and our U.S. taxes are a reflection of our continued investments, compensation of our employees, and the current tax rules,” the company said in a Jan. 31 blog post.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
government services.
You combine two words which have opposing meanings and then behave as if the result of the word abuse confers reality.

I could elaborate, but fear your present state of ignorance is the societal norm, all the while, being entirely irrational.

It's like being sober in a room full of drunk people.

smokin away

Well-Known Member
And if he's not the DNC nominee, will you still vote against Trump or just keep being a little bitch?
The knum drum is setting in. Of course we can't possibly vote for the worst of the two evils. I just love Bernie telling us he will legalize on his first day with Executive Order. I would think someone who has served as a politician as long as he has would know the powers of the Presidency better. Truth is he can't possibly do this anymore than one can pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Furthermore I know it takes from three to five years for a hospital to be constructed once funds are appropriated. It takes a person half his life in College to become a Doctor. He can't offer health care to all without a way to provide it. Doctors are all ready working overtime to serve the patients they have now. It's really Ludacris to think any one candidate can just flip a switch and make everything all right. We have no choice but to vote for anyone besides the mess we currently encounter whether it be Bernie or another candidate who at least supports something better. :joint:


Well-Known Member
The knum drum is setting in. Of course we can't possibly vote for the worst of the two evils. I just love Bernie telling us he will legalize on his first day with Executive Order. I would think someone who has served as a politician as long as he has would know the powers of the Presidency better. Truth is he can't possibly do this anymore than one can pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Furthermore I know it takes from three to five years for a hospital to be constructed once funds are appropriated. It takes a person half his life in College to become a Doctor. He can't offer health care to all without a way to provide it. Doctors are all ready working overtime to serve the patients they have now. It's really Ludacris to think any one candidate can just flip a switch and make everything all right. We have no choice but to vote for anyone besides the mess we currently encounter whether it be Bernie or another candidate who at least supports something better. :joint:
Well, Bernie has never accomplished anything meaningful in 30 years in politics.


Well-Known Member
The knum drum is setting in. Of course we can't possibly vote for the worst of the two evils. I just love Bernie telling us he will legalize on his first day with Executive Order. I would think someone who has served as a politician as long as he has would know the powers of the Presidency better. Truth is he can't possibly do this anymore than one can pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Furthermore I know it takes from three to five years for a hospital to be constructed once funds are appropriated. It takes a person half his life in College to become a Doctor. He can't offer health care to all without a way to provide it. Doctors are all ready working overtime to serve the patients they have now. It's really Ludacris to think any one candidate can just flip a switch and make everything all right. We have no choice but to vote for anyone besides the mess we currently encounter whether it be Bernie or another candidate who at least supports something better. :joint:
I believe it is with in his power to reschedule it from #1 to something less or un schedule it altogether. The laws enacted by congress would have to be repealed by congress, but enforcement and priority are the executive branch's job. For the laws to change around pot you have to be willing and Bernie is willing to do it both by executive order and backing legislation and signing it. If you don't take the senate too Moscow Mitch would kill any legalization bill anyway.

Legalization is not an important issue for Trumpers, they are single issue voters, those here are stupid enough to vote for Trump even if he starts a war on pot, why not he's already at war with the constitution and rule of law.


Well-Known Member
The knum drum is setting in. Of course we can't possibly vote for the worst of the two evils. I just love Bernie telling us he will legalize on his first day with Executive Order. I would think someone who has served as a politician as long as he has would know the powers of the Presidency better. Truth is he can't possibly do this anymore than one can pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Furthermore I know it takes from three to five years for a hospital to be constructed once funds are appropriated. It takes a person half his life in College to become a Doctor. He can't offer health care to all without a way to provide it. Doctors are all ready working overtime to serve the patients they have now. It's really Ludacris to think any one candidate can just flip a switch and make everything all right. We have no choice but to vote for anyone besides the mess we currently encounter whether it be Bernie or another candidate who at least supports something better. :joint:
ill enjoy having my taxes go from 15.3% to 28% so you can smoke your legal weed


Well-Known Member
ill enjoy having my taxes go from 15.3% to 28% so you can smoke your legal weed
Congress would tame the Bernie beast, Donald just went wild and crazy. It's not like the democratic party doesn't have moderate & right wings in congress, fuck they will form the "coffee" party as opposed to the tea party on the GOP side! They won't need too many of them to side with the REMAINING GOP to kill anything too unpopular. Politics is changing at lightspeed now and anything is possible, even four more years of Donald, but I think that a remote possibility even with Bernie running. Bernie would obey the constitution and the rule of law and that would moderate his policies and any laws he might want to pass.


Well-Known Member
Congress would tame the Bernie beast, Donald just went wild and crazy. It's not like the democratic party doesn't have moderate & right wings in congress, fuck they will form the "coffee" party as opposed to the tea party on the GOP side! They won't need too many of them to side with the REMAINING GOP to kill anything too unpopular. Politics is changing at lightspeed now and anything is possible, even four more years of Donald, but I think that a remote possibility even with Bernie running. Bernie would obey the constitution and the rule of law and that would moderate his policies and any laws he might want to pass.
Because you know him so well.

Would you think that he would let the American people know that Russians have been attacking us? I would have, right up until he didn't.

Anyone covering for the Russians attacking our democracies do not have our best interests in mind, anyone using it to further their careers cannot be trusted.


Well-Known Member
Because you know him so well.

Would you think that he would let the American people know that Russians have been attacking us? I would have, right up until he didn't.

Anyone covering for the Russians attacking our democracies do not have our best interests in mind, anyone using it to further their careers cannot be trusted.
Fight for your nominee by all means, but do it fairly, Bernie's character is not the issue here, his policies and his ability to enact them are. I'm saying that if he wins the nomination and you end up supporting him, you might have to eat your words in front of a Trumper! My main argument about those apprehensive about Bernie, if he wins, is that he will be constrained by congress, unlike Trump. If Bernie becomes president you'll hear a lot of talk about bipartisanship in the halls of congress! Remember taxes and major policy changes are the business of congress and Bernie doesn't own it. It's up to the donkeys to decide and so far they've picked a mule called Bernie. Fight for your nominee, I'm an observer so far and won't have to live with most of the consequences or pay the taxes. As far as I'm concerned anybody is better than Trump and an American patriot has little choice but to vote and vote democratic, staying home is not an option for patriots, neither is Trump or the GOP.

Russia fucks up too and has no crystal ball, they just wanna stir up shit, they might regret their support of Bernie, Donald seems to be becoming concerned too.


Well-Known Member
I can see that republicans like yourself would feel that way, but my fellow Union members who are Democrat see it differently. We see it as replacing healthcare to level the playing field, and that taking health care out of the equation in collective bargaining, bolsters out position to ask for higher wages. We understand that higher taxes to support the health of society as a whole will turn out to be a positive benefit for all in the long run, resulting in greater personal happiness and community strength.
it's a win for all because there are no employer contributions- employers by law must pay 50% of your premium and this would be very attractive to take it off the table as a bargaining chip..everybody, wealthy or poor, would get the same coverage and same chance at healthy life.


Well-Known Member
If Bernie is the nominee Trump is going to rip him apart. Can you just imagine some of the trump ads on tv with clips of Bernie from his honeymoon in Russia.

But that’s only the beginning. The hours of footage include a scene of Sanders sitting with his delegation at a table under a portrait of Vladimir Lenin. Sanders can also be heard extolling the virtues of Soviet life and culture, even as he acknowledges some of their shortcomings. There are flashes of humor, too, such as his host warning the American guests not to cross the KGB, or else.

do I want to see Bernie turn America into a communist country?
yes, I can many times would you say Trump* has been to Russia?..met behind closed doors with Putin and destroyed all notes from interpreters?

'Russia if you're listening..' -Donald J Trump, Impeached, 45th President of the United States of America

this is what you call false equivalency.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Bernie is a lot more sick and twisted then I ever knew. He probably paid those women at his rally in Nevada to come up on stage topless because Bernie yelled to the crowd~“excitement at no extra cost! “
Now why wouldn’t Bernie be like , WHERE is security!! Get these people of the stage. If not then He is making himself be an very easy target to get hurt.
they were protesters..

The answer is that they work for a group Vox has covered before: the aggressive animal activist group Direct Action Everywhere, which believes in combating factory farming with undercover investigations on farms, civil disobedience of laws against the rescue of dying animals from factory farms, protests in grocery stores, and, yes, flashy interruptions of campaign rallies. DxE, as the group is called, explains that they targeted Sanders because of his support of bills propping up the dairy industry. They’ve previously protested other candidates, including Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

so you're voting for Trump again..?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
it's a win for all because there are no employer contributions- employers by law must pay 50% of your premium and this would be very attractive to take it off the table as a bargaining chip..everybody, wealthy or poor, would get the same coverage and same chance at healthy life.

It's not a win for all.

How do those people who don't want Bernie and his gun backed edicts forcing them to participate in his gun backed ideas win, if they prefer to simply be left alone?


Well-Known Member
How do those people who don't want Bernie and his gun backed edicts forcing them to participate in his gun backed ideas win, if they prefer to simply be left alone?
Rob I'm sure most of the people in your life wanna leave ya alone, your only human contact recently has probably been with the prison system, I can see why yer so antisocial.