Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
She is loved, trusted and has a nice personality, but she would have to be talked into running and be asked nicely, Barrack could do it. I would drive Trump nuts if he had to run against that ticket.
The Democrats could run on "Put Barrack Obama back in the white house"....:cool:


Well-Known Member
what does that mean, friend?
Bernie's depiction in the cartoon was of an unattractive suitor for the establishment, which didn't look too good either in terms of sex appeal. The point of the cartoon was to succinctly explain the real situation graphicly, not to denigrate Bernie, all editorial cartoons do that kind of shit.

Some of your posts have not exactly been politically correct shall we say and you've taken shit for it too. This cartoon was really neutral and is a funny look at a real life situation using a metaphor.


Well-Known Member
i take umbrage at the cartoonists vision of Sanders as an aged, overweight drunk though. i know he held back on the nose and it's redness but the rest of his face?- remember in cartooning every nuance means something.

why is the symbolism for the DNC represented as a younger, redhead? interesting.

young redhead must mean something to men i suppose..wonder what it is?
I heard you were taking it in the ass and just laughed at tty's ex of 12 years when she came back to get her things after he had kicked her out of the house just before you arrived. What you take umbrage at is shallow by comparison.

The point of the cartoon was: Democrats don't want Sanders, who isn't a Democrat, as their nominee.
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Well-Known Member
She is loved, trusted and has a nice personality, but she would have to be talked into running and be asked nicely, Barrack could do it. It would drive Trump nuts if he had to run against that ticket.
Barrack could not be a vice president because he could not serve as President in the event of. Michelle Obama said last year that she doesn't consider herself as being grounded in the everyday life we lead to be a president and eight years of sacrifice was enough already.

I think its time to move on and elect new leadership.


Well-Known Member
Barrack could not be a vice president because he could not serve as President in the event of. Michelle Obama said last year that she doesn't consider herself as being grounded in the everyday life we lead to be a president and eight years of sacrifice was enough already.

I think its time to move on and elect new leadership.
If Bernie won and asked nice, she might do it to put him over the top and Trump out of office and in prison. It was a pleasant thought though, she would make Donald shit his pants! What if Joe asked real nice?


Well-Known Member
Bernie's depiction in the cartoon was of an unattractive suitor for the establishment, which didn't look too good either in terms of sex appeal. The point of the cartoon was to succinctly explain the real situation graphicly, not to denigrate Bernie, all editorial cartoons do that kind of shit.

Some of your posts have not exactly been politically correct shall we say and you've taken shit for it too. This cartoon was really neutral and is a funny look at a real life situation using a metaphor.
old fat drunk suitor of Socialism to the young redhead of the DNC- nice..where's the one about the young redhead cheating on Sanders with her lesbian lover, Cankles Clinton in 2016?


Well-Known Member
She is loved, trusted and has a nice personality, but she would have to be talked into running and be asked nicely, Barrack could do it. It would drive Trump nuts if he had to run against that ticket.
anyone that needs to be 'talked into' serving their country perhaps isn't a fit for the job, Dear?


Well-Known Member
Barrack could not be a vice president because he could not serve as President in the event of. Michelle Obama said last year that she doesn't consider herself as being grounded in the everyday life we lead to be a president and eight years of sacrifice was enough already.

I think its time to move on and elect new leadership.
she could resign any time after the election, just to get trump out of the white house would be long enough


Well-Known Member
what does that mean, friend?
That you are a delusional racist of very limited intelligence who believes in conspiracy theories and swallows every bit of Putin's disinformation that suits your pre-determined conclusions.

But wait, there's more!

You have so little political accumen that you can't even figure out how to register for a primary in order to vote for your favorite candidate.