Is There Anything That Everybody Can Agree On?


New Member
sorry i'm gonna have to agree with preoQ on this one.

i see an "I" statement here.
"I" statements are used to express how one is feeling inside themselves.

"I would be thinking of..."
in order to back your argument it should state "she would be thinking of...."
in order for her to be thinking she would have to be in some sort of "living state". whether it be heaven or the equivilent of. and if that is the case i would assume she would be happy. so why the grieving, if not for yourself?

just an outside opinion.

Just got there before me fdd'. Although when you're dead, you're dead.


Well-Known Member
It was you that intimated you were a sociopath. What is a sociopath anyway? I know what one is by definition although this definition is very broad. Aren't we all sociopathic to a certain degree?

I agree, i'm not flawless... although angry? No. Not any more. Can I get angry, yes... but a generally angry person I'm not. I must apologise for offending you preo as this was never my intention. I believe we are all sociopathic, have split personalities even... at the age of 16 I even got a tattoo that I believed encompassed this belief. The trick is to realise that we are all insane, there is no such thing as sanity until this is realised.

Again, accept my apologies for not being clear. When I was talking about you I was actually talking about us all.

I agree about the death thing... I see your point. Although to murder has to be wrong.
true that i was the one that brought up the term sociopath, but u and closet.cult were the first to accuse me of having no compassion. thats what i was considering a sociopath to be, one without morality or social conscience. i can and do show compassion, i just do go throwing it around all willy-nilly lol.

as for the fact that everybody is insane, i agree to a point. obviously there is no clear cut line to differentiate between the sane and unhealthy, but some people are quite different than others in how they see and interact with the world. i was struck in the head with a heavy hammer when i was pretty young, things have been different ever since. i get bored with things very easily nowadays, relationships feel pointless after a short time. i'll spend some time with a girl, get a feeling of her personality, then drift away. then i get bored or lonely by myself and start looking for somebody to be with again.

i know im a young guy and this may sound like a normal situation, but there is something deeply wrong with what i feel on a daily basis. i cant even remember what it feel like to be completely happy anymore. if i enjoy myself nowadays its like im hearing some kind of amusing pun, i dunno hard to explain i guess. despite having a relatively "normal" life, i havent been actually happy in a solid decade.

anyway, if we can agree that dying isnt known to be a bad thing, then causing somebody to die (which is the root of what killing is) shouldnt be known to be a bad thing. im not advocating murder, im just refusing to consider it to be anything other than neutral (for the lack of a better word) until i see a reason to change my view.

time for work, hope my grammer and puncuation are decen.t


New Member
man closet.cult i wish i met u a long time ago. sorry it took me a while to post back, let the quarrel begin...

haha, "no offense." yeah ur just attacking my very way of thinking with no support other than some feeling u have in ur tummy. sure, no offense there.

sorry ur gonna have to elaborate if u want me to understand how thats illogical. maybe i just worded shit wrong. lets try again with some more tangible imagery. holding a paper cup is not known to be bad thing. so giving somebody a paper cup to hold shouldnt be considered a bad thing.

not being afraid of death really isnt all what its cracked up to be. it allows indifference (to the external world) to be felt at devastating levels. having fears may be unpleasant but being unable to fear also takes away from the ability to enjoy quite a bit. so whats the value of life? life has "value?" maybe u can introduce to me this line of logic that has allowed you to come to that conclusion.

my life includes the lives of others, i lose my "freedom" if i cant do what i want to others. granted, i wouldnt want to kill anybody anyway, but its the principal. the only "free society" is anarchy. which really, thats what the universe is even if we have "righteous" groups trying to force their views on others. "enlightenment of the evolved human mind" gimme a break. we're just animals. why do you have a need to glorify what we are?

bringing up state executions just complicates the argument. u say killing is wrong, but theyre not sometimes. im not advocating murder, im attacking illogical labeling.

greiving at the loss of a loved one is not as personal as u think. but its inappropriate for anybody to blame this experience of feeling sorry for oneself on anybody but oneself. its a coping mechanism that is not an automatic result of losing somebody. u can choose not to make such a big deal out of stuff like that. sorry if this hits a nerve with u personally, you have my condolences for whatever uve gone thru. or anything uve witnessed others go thru.

i have no stake in any of those arguements. so what you say hits no nerve with me. this is just my 2 cents.

i don't think you have proved your case that 'killing' someone is acceptable. dieing is a natural event, part of living.

but i argued 'killing' as in murder, which noone has that right. if that's not what you mean, my bad.

if its a broader labeling you mean like, killing animals for food, abortion, the death penalty, mercy killings; then it's case dependant, and killing is not wrong, in of itself.

so, this is no attack, bro. to each his own. but we do have quite differnt views of life, of which no debate is nessasary.


Active Member
Surely theres one major flaw in the "Death isn't known to be a bad thing" argument, and thats, neither is it known to be a good thing. So as an unknown, surely the finite path is wrong as there is no return, no room for corrective action, so, purely from a logical perception, its better to take the path that leaves as much room for corrective action as possible, after all we are dealing with unknowns.



New Member
killing is an acceptable part of life...sometimes the weak need to be weeded out..sorry if it hurts but we love to kill deep inside..someof us just like to do it more than others