The Junk Drawer

I envy you, those are the nicest models I've ever seen.
Works of Art :)

I liked war models, like planes/tanks/ships.

This was my favorite plane, the P-51 Mustang (then a Spit)

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and tank (German Tiger 1)

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and yes, I did build a Bismark & it survived many a battle in my tub :)

Definitely the hardest model I ever made, fucking hundreds of pieces :(

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You know what?
Fuck it
I'm gonna get some glue & a model.
Why not?
Get a nice chair & table setup/some tunes & a little herb & this

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I think I shall :)
I knew the guy who was on the modelling team for George Lucas's productions. He was the guy who made the Millennium Falcon. Hellava nice guy. RIP, Mike.

He had a hand in most of this scene:

What a job that guy had
He must have had lots of fun :)
Epic times were had. I knew him as a sailor. Very competitive in races and knew how to party afterward. Though he could get a bit heated if he thought he had been fouled. Nothing in his way was threatening but he could swear like the sailor he was.
Or Catholics, Baptist and any other Christian denomination for that matter. None of them are very Christlike
The Church of Christ is a good one. They adopted the rainbow flag and are outspoken in their defense of LBGTQ. They ordain gay pastors all the time. Their numbers aren't great, but they present a unified front of inclusion.
The F-4U was my favorite plane of the war, probably because Pappy Boyington was a childhood hero of mine. Right behind that is the P-40 Warhawk, Because Col.Claire Chennault was another boyhood hero, and he and a ragtag group of aviators (AVG) used inferior planes with superior tactics to beat the Japanese years before we entered the war
I'll take this, even above the Me-109 or the P-51 Mustang
The P-38 Black Widow night fighter, the plane that shot down Admiral Yamamoto.
H-018-2 Yamamoto Shot Down (

The Church of Christ is a good one. They adopted the rainbow flag and are outspoken in their defense of LBGTQ. They ordain gay pastors all the time. Their numbers aren't great, but they present a unified front of inclusion.
I never heard of them but they sound too inclusive to gain much support.
The Church of Christ is a good one. They adopted the rainbow flag and are outspoken in their defense of LBGTQ. They ordain gay pastors all the time. Their numbers aren't great, but they present a unified front of inclusion.
Well I'll be damned (pun intended).

My mother was religious, dad was not, I was allowed to choose whether or not to attend church after my confirmation at age 16. I still have the little placard they gave me at the end of it all. Mom was/is a life-long member of the First Congregational Church, a member of the association you named. The crap I hear coming from evangelist christians is completely foreign to me. While I'm not even slightly religious, there is a place in my heart for that church.

As a young teen, I attended an off-site group session with members of my lilly white congregation and members from a Black Baptist church. I was 14, maybe. After sessions were over, some of us went out on the beach after dark. It was the fist time I ever saw people smoke weed. I didn't join in but wasn't bothered by it either. That was just the way it was in my church.
Speaking of junk. Junk string. Notice the tag. It says XL which means extra large. :mrgreen:


I never heard of them but they sound too inclusive to gain much support.

The church I grew up in was pretty big. As a kid, I recall the parking lot being full on Sunday. By the mid-2000's the last remaining members of the congregation sold the church and property to the Black church I mentioned above. They now hold services in a rented office space. They have plenty of money and use it for good purposes but it's still declining.
Or Catholics, Baptist and any other Christian denomination for that matter. None of them are very Christlike

Jehovah's Witnesses. I was a member of that cult at one time as a child. I hated it.

What gets me are the Born Again crowd. The ones that spent their entire lives being worthless pieces of crap that have now found "God" and are holier than thou. I knew a guy that was a dope fiend for years. In and out of prison. Ripped everyone off including his family. Last time I saw him he went on a bible rant telling me how he was going to be saved because he found the lord. The rest of us that haven't are going to burn in hell, blah blah blah. Told him to shut up and he said "Jesus loves you". Last I heard he's homeless, stealing bikes, living in a tent on the side of the road and doing Meth. I guess he went back to his true God.
Camouflage that you buy is just like a fingerprint; no two pants, jackets, shirts, hats or any clothing of any pattern alike.
Well I'll be damned (pun intended).

My mother was religious, dad was not, I was allowed to choose whether or not to attend church after my confirmation at age 16. I still have the little placard they gave me at the end of it all. Mom was/is a life-long member of the First Congregational Church, a member of the association you named. The crap I hear coming from evangelist christians is completely foreign to me. While I'm not even slightly religious, there is a place in my heart for that church.

As a young teen, I attended an off-site group session with members of my lilly white congregation and members from a Black Baptist church. I was 14, maybe. After sessions were over, some of us went out on the beach after dark. It was the fist time I ever saw people smoke weed. I didn't join in but wasn't bothered by it either. That was just the way it was in my church.
Yeah, the one unassailable fact in every small town I've lived in is the Catholic church steeple must be taller than anything else in town. Man, I hate Catholics...