
For sure there is that but why doesn't the world do anything when a western nation wants to attack a lessor nation?
Say like when Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya were attacked? All three were justified to a lesser extent. The West were pretty good at war, not so good with the peace side of it. Mistakes were made in all three. Afghanistan should have been in and out with the goal of killing Bin Laden, Iraq they made the mistake of disbanding the army and securing all the weapons, Libya, I really do not understand how they thought things would not devolve. But these were places that, for better or worse, the UN was in general dissagreement (other than China, Russia, North Korea, Iran). But otherwise I do not recall many times a Western country invaded another country in the last 50 years. Yes there was Yugoslavia but that was because of the killing. I do not recall any Western country saying they want to invade the other country and make it a rump state.
Canadians who volunteered with a private outfit told the same tale and left. I thought that your basic reservist has a minimum of 3 days training and others 3 weeks. There seem to be a lot of different kinds of units in Ukraine including several kinds or grades of reserve troops, regular army and regiments of elite troops, commando and special forces. I would imagine different units get different kinds of logistical support and some volunteer units don't get much at all or training either it would appear. They changed the law a few weeks ago in anticipation of the struggle in the east and allowed their territorials to serve anywhere in Ukraine, not just in their region as before.

War is Hell, never just and always a bad idea.
I doubt the fighters would be as upset if they had more firepower to rain down on the Russians. A shower and clean cloths after 30 days would be nice.
I doubt the fighters would be as upset if they had more firepower to rain down on the Russians. A shower and clean cloths after 30 days would be nice.
I also thought they were being rotated out of the line regularly, because I've seen it lot's of times in videos and reports. However, this is an emergency situation and it is all hands on deck, we've been pouring in lot's of aid and MRE's, someone is eating them and firing the artillery rounds too, we just sent more of those and the 20,000 we sent should be good for a few Russians and a 1000 pieces of equipment, if they can shoot as good as they say they can.

Dunno why Uncle Sam is holding back on those MLRS units, Zel asked for 1000, they seem pretty lackadaisical about the paper work, will sign it next week etc. If the Ukrainians had them they would be compelled to use them, perhaps before the Americans were ready and the Russian worn down. For sure having them and waiting for the right moment while the army is being chewed up would not be good for morale and could even cause political division. However mana from heaven at the right time in the form of MLRSs, many of which are already in Europe, some with allies, might be just the shock the Russians need after they are worn down and get hit all at once at a point breaking their lines and allowing the Ukrainians to get in among their rear and drive for a logistics hub.

We will see, but there is much we are not seeing and if we can't Vlad probably can't either, his spies have taken a beating in this war too, so have his drones lately.
Actually DIY usually does that.
(edit) My bad; it was PJ.
To be honest, I consider myself horrible at spelling. I can write pretty well, but spellcheck is my friend. I do know the difference between the proper spellings of there/their/they're and its vs it's, but yeah lessor/lesser is (was) a problem for me. Your correction from this week will stick with me though, and I likely won't use the incorrect usage again. For that, I guess I should thank you kind sir. I enjoy improving myself, and you've helped me to do that.
And if ya believe anything the Russians say yer nuts! Tell the French president that Ukraine will give up as much territory as France is willing to give up to a Russian colony on the Atlantic. Say give all of southern France to Russia? Then STFU about giving people to a fucking war criminal to do with as he pleases, as long as it's other people, peace at any price, even slavery.

Russia says it won’t use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine - BBC News
136,072 views May 28, 2022 Russia’s ambassador to the UK has told the BBC that his country will not use tactical nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine. Ambassador Andrey Kelin told the BBC’s Clive Myrie that Russia had very strict rules on the use of such weapons and they would normally only be deployed if the Russian state was in danger. It comes as Russia appears to be making significant gains on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine, where it is advancing on the strategic city of Severodonetsk. Martine Croxall presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Caroline Hawley.
of course, putin's word is useless...he has lied his entire life, why the fuck would anyone trust him about anything, ever? he's better at it than trump, trump just lies out of habit, casually...putin lies with a malevolent purpose. his word changes with his situation, he may not use nukes now, because things are starting to look slightly better for him, but let shit go sideways for russia and they'll be back on the table the next day
To be honest, I consider myself horrible at spelling. I can write pretty well, but spellcheck is my friend. I do know the difference between the proper spellings of there/their/they're and its vs it's, but yeah lessor/lesser is (was) a problem for me. Your correction from this week will stick with me though, and I likely won't use the incorrect usage again. For that, I guess I should thank you kind sir. I enjoy improving myself, and you've helped me to do that.
I recently turned off the spellchicken. I did it because it refused to pass terms of art. My workload went up.
being rotated off of the front lines for a spell would be even better, you can only take that kind of pressure for so long before it wears you out, makes mistakes for you...
I believe they usually are, but this is the decisive battle and it's all hands on deck, the logistics seem uneven though and some units appear better supplied than others. It is a Helluva fight right now and the Russians are paying for their gains and being chewed up attacking a lot more than the Ukrainians and they are getting chewed on pretty good too. They will withdraw behind the river and natural defenses for now and attack in other places, forcing the Russians to move, chew up fuel and be vulnerable on the move. They have almost half the BTGs concentrated in their offensive in a small area, and it is coming up against a natural barrier of a river, meanwhile they are weak in other places.

This is gonna go on for months and it might be as late as July before the Ukrainians begin their offensive phase. We will know about it when the MLRS units arrive, so will the Russians and they might not be prepared for the Ukrainians getting a bunch at once.
Say like when Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya were attacked? All three were justified to a lesser extent. The West were pretty good at war, not so good with the peace side of it. Mistakes were made in all three. Afghanistan should have been in and out with the goal of killing Bin Laden, Iraq they made the mistake of disbanding the army and securing all the weapons, Libya, I really do not understand how they thought things would not devolve. But these were places that, for better or worse, the UN was in general disagreement (other than China, Russia, North Korea, Iran). But otherwise I do not recall many times a Western country invaded another country in the last 50 years. Yes there was Yugoslavia but that was because of the killing. I do not recall any Western country saying they want to invade the other country and make it a rump state.
Iraq war went ahead against the UN wishes. Hence the US needed the Coalition of the Willing (and we did well on trade deals out of joining :wink:). Reason was a lie- There was no weapons of mass destruction found just like French intelligence and the UN said.. We all know he did have them as America sold/gave them to him shortly after putting him in power but he had used them or sold them all, he used them mainly against the Kurds. World didn't jump and and down and the American oil companies moved in. ISIS was created.
Saddam executed so he couldn't talk.

Afghanistan was a strange one. Lots more to come out on that in the future i think. Afghanistan canceled pipeline. Saudi Arabia attacks the towers etc and America (including Australia) invades Afghanistan going after a man living in a cave who was not in any way shape or form part of the Government and a man whom they used to support. Not much world jumping up and down. Afghanistan is shattered and the gov in power before the invasion now has to battle ISIS.
Bin Laden executed so he couldn't talk.

Vietnam (my dad was Sergeant in this one). Another proxy war. America and its allies (including Australia) go against what the Vietnamese people want and support a leader who Buddhist monks were setting themselves on fire in protest of. The American and Australian people finally twigged that the war was unjustified, mainly through whistleblowers. Countries did not impose sanctions etc.. Vietnam reunites and is now a economic powerhouse.

Israel has nearly gobbled up all of Palestine. No world condemnation or sanctions and no American weapons going to the Palestinians fighting for their land. In fact the opposite as America weapons and masses of money are going to the invaders.

Its just interesting to see how the world seems to just back the strongest not just in military might but also the more powerful propaganda not what is often right. How the world has agreed with sanctions and funding against Russia is extraordinary. Its a warning for China.
Imagine if the world had came together to fight hunger and water shortages 10 or 20 years ago in the same way. Imagine if all refuges from war and famine were treated as Ukraines are.
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